拳打MJ v6,脚踢SD3,FLUX来了!附国行免费使用网址
大家都知道,绘图 AI三剑客, Mid journey、DALL-E , Stable Diffusion
今天,又一个重量级选手入场, FLUX,一剑西来,天外飞仙
Black Forest Labs由Stable Diffusion 原班人马于2024年8月1日创立,专注于生成式图像AI和视频AI。该公司推出了其首个产品FLUX图像模型,还计划近期推出视频生成模型。
目前国内硅基流动SiliconCloud 平台已经可以免费使用开发者版(dev)和快速版(schnell)!
光线不如 MJ 梦幻,偏写实一些
提示词:A Chinese little boy is leaning over the desk doing his homework. photography. Professional color grading with soft shadows, professional studio lighting
提示词:k-pop girl,wearing a chubby bodysuit, anime waifu, looking at viewer,photography. Professional color grading with soft shadows, professional studio lighting
提示词:Gothic Neon' style of a witch with long purple hair and tattoos, merging the Gothic era's dark, romantic vibes with bright, neon modernity, in deep purple and vibrant hot pink
提示词:photography。A vibrant Parisian scene at the 2024 Olympic Games, capturing the essence of the French capital's rich history, culture, and modernity. Show the athletes in their respective sports, with a focus on the iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Seine River. Highlight the diverse crowd, including locals, tourists, and international athletes, all united in their support for the games
提示词:A fairyland-like classical Chinese palace scene in the clouds, giving a person a dreamy feeling of being detached from the world. A character dressed in traditional light blue attire stands in the foreground, gazing at the magnificent buildings. These buildings have a traditional style, with multi-layered eaves that are upturned and decorated with intricate golden details that sparkle in the light. The palace seems to rise among the clouds, connected by a series of steps and paths, seemingly pointing towards an extraordinary place, possibly the heavenly realm. The use of color is soft and vivid, with sunlight filtering through the mist, creating a tranquil and mysterious atmosphere.
提示词:Create an image of a young woman in a serene natural setting, reminiscent of a classical Chinese landscape. She is seated by a calm river, wearing a flowing white dress with a sheer shawl draped over her shoulders. Her hair is elegantly styled, and she is adorned with delicate jewelry, holding an ornate book, suggesting a moment of peaceful reading. Alongside her, there is a modern laptop displaying a dynamic stock market chart, juxtaposing the tranquility of nature with the bustling world of finance. In the background, traditional Chinese boats navigate the gentle river, while majestic karst mountains rise in the distance, enveloped in a soft mist, illustrating a blend of tradition and modernity
提示词:Create an image of a young woman in a serene natural setting, reminiscent of a classical Chinese landscape. She is seated by a calm river, wearing a flowing white dress with a sheer shawl draped over her shoulders. Her hair is elegantly styled, and she is adorned with delicate jewelry, holding an ornate book, suggesting a moment of peaceful reading. Alongside her, there is a modern laptop displaying a dynamic stock market chart, juxtaposing the tranquility of nature with the bustling world of finance. In the background, traditional Chinese boats navigate the gentle river, while majestic karst mountains rise in the distance, enveloped in a soft mist, illustrating a blend of tradition and modernity
提示词:Product Photography, Razer headset, Close-Up angle, with a festive wrapping paper background, emphasizing the surprise element and colorful designs, Glowing Light from a nearby Christmas lantern
提示词:Product Photography, Rolex watch, Close-Up angle, with a festive wrapping paper background, emphasizing the surprise element and colorful designs, Glowing Light from a nearby Christmas
提示词:cosmetics_mockup,cosmetic tube mockup,the mockup has the text ‘SiliconFlow’,nohumans,redbackground, minimalistic space aesthetic,bubble,flower,gradient background,still life,gradient,photorealistic
「视频课」 如果你想系统的学习 AI 知识,欢迎参加“清风学长的AI办公课”
一套包含了 36 节以上的保姆级课程,超过 100 个实操案例,小白也能“听得懂、用得来、跟得上”,让你从 AI 新手瞬间变身成办公高手!
清风我曾在办公室、董秘、投资总监等岗位上混迹多年,是一个办公“老司机”!现在我是一个 AI 知识博主,能够深入浅出、结合各种办公场景,教你如何用 AI 增效赋能。
清风已经亲手指导了上千同学使用 AI,在组织大家学习 AI 的过程中,不断有小伙伴来咨询,能否开设一门手把手、系统的 AI 办公视频课程?
现在,课程终于正式上线啦,这套课程是我多年工作实战经验和最新AI 工具的融合之作,结合一线办公线场景,讲解深入浅出,全部采用视频教学,直观易懂,让你能够跟着视频一步步操作,轻松掌握 AI 的使用技巧。如果你是办公室新人,还能学到很多办公技能、管理经验!
课程分为 11 个章节,涵盖以下内容:
AI 常识:带你了解 AI 发展现状和趋势,紧跟时代潮流、
AI 工具:从 ChatGPT 到 kimi,通义千问,国内外顶尖 AI 的实操技巧,全部打包,一键解锁。
AI 心法:教你如何驾驭 AI,掌握提示词的秘诀,让 AI 成为你的贴身小秘书。
AI 办公:写文件、做 PPT、读财报、审合同、写行业研究、辅助 Excel、分析数据、创作营销文案、建立企业知识库、数字人客服……样样精通。
专业辅助:AI 在行政、人事、法务、财务、营销等部门的实操落地,让你的工作效率飙升,职场之路更加顺畅。
课程总共 36 节课,已经上线 5 节试听课,两个月内更新完毕,每节课时长从 10 分钟到 40 分钟不等,你可以充分利用你的碎片时间,轻松提升自我。
今天清风分享的 kimi 使用技巧,在课程试听部分有详细讲解,完全免费哦
现在正值暑期大促,课程限时特惠,只需 198 元!如果你是前 100 名下单的幸运儿,课程页面有额外的优惠券可以领取!
对 AI 办公感兴趣的小可爱们,别犹豫了,赶紧扫码或点击左下角“阅读原文”关注并试听一下吧。
AI 在手中,成功在脚下。让我们一起踏上智能办公的旅程,让 AI 成为你工作中的最佳拍档!
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