

2017-01-17 财税地盘


  The Adorable Rookies 萌萌的菜鸟


  (To junior analyst who studied biology) “You are not working in the lab anymore - let go of your mouse!"

  (对一个之前读生物学的初级分析师) "你已经不在你的实验室工作了,放开你的小鼠吧!”

  “Com'on let's go... And don't bring your stupid mouse to the meeting - they'd think you were my chauffeur."

  "来来来咱出发去开会了!还有,别带着你愚蠢的鼠标 - 他们会以为你是我的司机”

  “Say am your boss and am blind - how would I do your performance rating? By listening to your work. if I hear only typing, you'll get a promotion; if I hear clicking, you'll be promoted to the mail room.”



  The Keyboard Pianists 键盘钢琴师

  “People ask me what's all the fuss about learning excel shortcuts... I always tell them that 5 years ago I sat beside a beautiful girl in Starbucks and worked my excel till the keyboard fumed. - Now we have 3 kids and a lovely labrador"

  “有人问我费那么大劲儿把 Excel 学的很溜有啥用....我告诉他们,4年前我在星巴克里飞速的把 Excel 做到键盘冒烟的时候, 身边恰巧坐了一位美丽的女孩儿。。。现在,我们已经有了三个孩子,和一条可爱的拉布拉多犬”

  而投行里很多工作狂,也是在这个阶段,初步体验到了通宵达旦操 Excel 的苦中作乐感。

  高盛 Analyst 爆料

  “Once you've mastered it, there's no going back. The feeling that your model shivered and danced at your fingertips actually makes excel work addictive. And at some point, you wonder if you had an orgasm with it.."

  “一旦你学会了,就再也回不到过去了...那种有一个模型在你指尖颤抖起舞的感觉令人上瘾.... 在某些时候,你甚至怀疑自己和 Excel 一起达到了高潮...”


  同样在这个阶段,为了达到“人键合一”的境界,很多人对键盘顺手的要求到达到癫狂的状态。比如在 Wharton (沃顿商学院),这所大量向华尔街输送银行家的学校,自修教室有个奇怪的现象 - 电脑键盘上的 F1 键,经常被暴力拔下。


  原因非常简单,因为 F2 是个常用快捷键, 而隔壁的F1 如果被误触,则会打开 Excel 帮助程序。这个帮助程序是出了名的又大又慢,还有让整个文件冻死 (Freeze to death)的可能,所以 Wharton 年轻的键盘钢琴师们索性拔之而后快...


  The Data Scientist...Or NOT 数据科学家?

  Mckinsey 项目经理的建议

  “ From data to insights, that's the real deal. Train your brain instead of your muscle, and remember Excel is just a tool. If you are fast in creating charts but slow in drawing conclusion, you probably should just do graphics."

  “从数据到洞察,那才是真本事...训练你的大脑而不是肌肉,记住 Excel 只是一个工具。如果你做表超级快,但不善于得出结论,那也许你应该去制图部门。”

  2015年初的时候,某管理咨询公司的第二年顾问,在他母校 UCLA (加州大学洛杉矶分校)的一个校友群里,不知天高地厚的发了一个帖子:

  “.. charted this out in Excel

  # Management Consulting can be cool # "

  “ 用 Excel 做出了下面这张图 #管理咨询也可以很COOL# ”


  然而他忘记了,他的同学都在 Facebook , Google 这样的公司做真正的数据科学家。帖子一发就遭到了围观,大神们于是随手 Po了几张图作为神回复,你们感受一下。。

  “.. Had the afternoon off, pulled a chart to amuse kids "

  “ 今天下午不上班,在家没事儿画了这张图给孩子玩”


  " Designing the roof of my dog's new hut "

  “ 正在为家里 新的狗屋设计屋顶”


  " if you think that's cool, let me show you what's hot "

  “ 如果你觉得那很 Cool , 那我给你看看什么叫 热图分析”


  据说,这位同学后来再也没有在 UCLA 的同学们面前发过任何一张 Excel 做的图。


  The VBA Magicians VBA魔术师

  高盛 Analyst 感叹

  “Learning Excel VBA is like, before you can play your model anyway you want, but now you can ask your excel model to make coffee, cook dinner or even walk your dog for you. That's how magical it is. "

  “学会了 VBA 以后, 会觉得之前你的 Excel 模型 是随你使唤,而现在你简直觉得 Excel 模型 可以帮你煮咖啡,做晚饭,甚至帮你遛狗... 是的 VBA 就是这么有魔力

  以至于很多人 VBA 高手 走火入魔,纷纷成了漫画家,游戏设计师,魔术师。。。让辛苦培养了他们的投行和咨询合伙人们心痛不已。。

  用 VBA 编写的游戏...


  所以,如果你热爱你的本职工作,面对 VBA 的召唤,不要回答,不要回答,不要回答。但是如果你认识一位会 VBA 的朋友,那你一定要善待他,因为说不定哪天他就能帮你解决大问题,或者把自己变不见了。


  The God 神



  There was once a young man who, in his youth, wanted to become a great writer. When asked to define "great" he said:

  "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, make them screem, cry, wail, howl in pain, desperation and anger!


  He now works for Microsoft, writing Excel error messages.

  现在他长大了。他在微软工作,负责写 Excel 的 程序出错信息



Excel 动画教你提取不重复值的三种方法





