「知识表示学习」专题论文推荐 | 每周论文清单
[ 综述类 ]
■ 论文 | Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1628
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Knowledge Representation Learning: A Review
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1629
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1630
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Knowledge Graph Embedding: A Survey of Approaches and Applications
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1425
■ 源码 | 无
[ 期刊 & 顶会 ]
■ 论文 | A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1632
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
■ 论文 | Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1633
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | A Latent Factor Model for Highly Multi-relational Data
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1634
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1635
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1636
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
■ 论文 | Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1637
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
■ 论文 | Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1638
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/KB2E
■ 论文 | Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1639
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/KB2E
■ 论文 | TransA: An Adaptive Approach for Knowledge Graph Embedding
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1640
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Learning to Represent Knowledge Graphs with Gaussian Embedding
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1641
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Embedding Entities and Relations for Learning and Inference in Knowledge Bases
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1642
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE
■ 论文 | Modeling Relation Paths for Representation Learning of Knowledge Bases
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1111
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/KB2E
■ 论文 | Composing Relationships with Translations
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1643
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | From One Point to A Manifold: Knowledge Graph Embedding For Precise Link Prediction
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1644
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | TransG : A Generative Model for Knowledge Graph Embedding
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1645
■ 源码 | https://github.com/BookmanHan/Embedding
■ 论文 | Complex Embeddings for Simple Link Prediction
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1646
■ 源码 | https://github.com/ttrouill/complex
■ 论文 | Holographic Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/556
■ 源码 | https://github.com/mnick/holographic-embeddings
■ 论文 | Knowledge Representation Learning with Entities, Attributes and Relations
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1647
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/KR-EAR
■ 论文 | Knowledge Graph Completion with Adaptive Sparse Transfer Matrix
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1648
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/KB2E
■ 论文 | Representation Learning of Knowledge Graphs with Hierarchical Types
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1649
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/TKRL
■ 论文 | STransE: A Novel Embedding Model of Entities and Relationships in Knowledge Bases
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1650
■ 源码 | https://github.com/datquocnguyen/STransE
■ 论文 | GAKE: Graph Aware Knowledge Embedding
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1651
■ 源码 | https://github.com/JuneFeng/GAKE
■ 论文 | Representation Learning of Knowledge Graphs with Entity Descriptions
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1652
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/DKRL
■ 论文 | Learning First-Order Logic Embeddings via Matrix Factorization
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1653
■ 源码 | 无
■ 论文 | Semantic Space Projection for Knowledge Graph Embedding with Text Descriptions
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1654
■ 源码 | http://www.ibookman.net/conference.html
■ 论文 | ProjE: Embedding Projection for Knowledge Graph Completion
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1655
■ 源码 | https://github.com/bxshi/ProjE
■ 论文 | Analogical Inference for Multi-Relational Embeddings
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1656
■ 源码 | https://github.com/mana-ysh/knowledge-graph-embeddings
■ 论文 | Image-embodied Knowledge Representation Learning
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/449
■ 源码 | https://github.com/xrb92/IKRL
■ 论文 | Iterative Entity Alignment via Joint Knowledge Embeddings
■ 链接 | https://www.paperweekly.site/papers/1657
■ 源码 | https://github.com/thunlp/IEAJKE
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