1. Tsoumakas 的《Multi-label classification: An overview》(2007)
2. 周志华老师的《A review on multi-label learning algorithms》(2013)
3. 一篇比较小众的,Gibaja 《Multi‐label learning: a review of the state of the art and ongoing research》2014
关于单标签学习和多标签学习的区别,这里简单给个例子:传统的图片单标签分类考虑识别一张图片里的一个物体,例如 ImageNet、CIFAR10 等都是如此,但其实图片里往往不会只有一个物体,大家随手往自己的桌面拍一张照片,就会有多个物体,比如手机、电脑、笔、书籍等等。在这样的情况下,单标签学习的方法并不适用,因为输出的标签可能是结构化的、具有相关性的(比如键盘和鼠标经常同时出现),所以我们需要探索更强的多标签学习算法来提升学习性能。
Extreme Multi-Label Classification
Multi-Label with Limited Supervision
Deep Multi-Label Classification
Online Multi-Label Classification
Statistical Multi-Label Learning
New Applications
MLC with Noisy Labels (Noisy-MLC).
MLC with Unseen Labels. (Streaming Labels/Zero-Shot/Few-Shot Labels)
Multi-Label Active Learning (MLAL).
MLC with Multiple Instances (MIML).
从架构上看,基于 Embedding、CNN-RNN、CNN-GNN 的三种架构受到较多的关注。
从任务上,在 XML、弱监督、零样本的问题上,DNN 大展拳脚。
从技术上,Attention、Transformer、GNN 在 MLC 上的应用可能会越来越多。
Chang W C, Yu H F, Zhong K, et al. Taming Pretrained Transformers for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification[C]//Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2020: 3163-3171.
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Chu H M, Yeh C K, Frank Wang Y C. Deep generative models for weakly-supervised multi-label classification[C]//Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018: 400-415.
Zhang M L, Fang J P. Partial multi-label learning via credible label elicitation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020.
Wang H, Liu W, Zhao Y, et al. Discriminative and Correlative Partial Multi-Label Learning[C]//IJCAI. 2019: 3691-3697.
C. Yeh, W. Wu, W. Ko, and Y. F. Wang, “Learning deep latent space for multi-label classification,” in AAAI, 2017, pp. 2838–2844.
X. Shen, W. Liu, Y. Luo, Y. Ong, and I. W. Tsang, “Deep discrete prototype multilabel learning,” in IJCAI, 2018, pp. 2675–2681.
You R, Zhang Z, Wang Z, et al. Attentionxml: Label tree-based attention-aware deep model for high-performance extreme multi-label text classification[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2019: 5820-5830.
Chang W C, Yu H F, Zhong K, et al. Taming Pretrained Transformers for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification[C]//Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2020: 3163-3171.
Durand T, Mehrasa N, Mori G. Learning a deep convnet for multi-label classification with partial labels[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 647-657.
Z. Wang, L. Liu, and D. Tao, “Deep streaming label learning,” in ICML, 2020.
C. Lee, W. Fang, C. Yeh, and Y. F. Wang, “Multi-label zero-shot learning with structured knowledge graphs,” in CVPR, 2018, pp. 1576–1585.
Wang J, Yang Y, Mao J, et al. Cnn-rnn: A unified framework for multi-label image classification[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 2285-2294.
Yazici V O, Gonzalez-Garcia A, Ramisa A, et al. Orderless Recurrent Models for Multi-label Classification[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020: 13440-13449.
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T. Chen, M. Xu, X. Hui, H. Wu, and L. Lin, “Learning semanticspecific graph representation for multi-label image recognition,” in ICCV, 2019, pp. 522–531.
M. J. Er, R. Venkatesan, and N. Wang, “An online universal classifier for binary, multi-class and multi-label classification,” in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016, pp. 3701–3706.
H. Chu, K. Huang, and H. Lin, “Dynamic principal projection for cost-sensitive online multi-label classification,” Machine Learning, vol. 108, no. 8-9, pp. 1193–1230, 2019.
S. Boulbazine, G. Cabanes, B. Matei, and Y. Bennani, “Online semi-supervised growing neural gas for multi-label data classification,” in IJCNN, 2018, pp. 1–8.
H. Yu, P. Jain, P. Kar, and I. S. Dhillon, “Large-scale multilabel learning with missing labels,” in Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2014, Beijing, China, 21-26 June 2014, 2014, pp. 593–601.
W. Gao and Z. Zhou, “On the consistency of multi-label learning,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 199-200, pp. 22–44, 2013.
W. Liu and X. Shen, “Sparse extreme multi-label learning with oracle property,” in ICML, 2019, pp. 4032–4041.
X. Zhang, H. Shi, C. Li, and P. Li, “Multi-instance multi-label action recognition and localization based on spatio-temporal pretrimming for untrimmed videos,” in AAAI. AAAI Press, 2020, pp. 12 886–12 893.
H. Wang, Z. Li, J. Huang, P. Hui, W. Liu, T. Hu, and G. Chen, “Collaboration based multi-label propagation for fraud detection,” in IJCAI, 2020.
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