▲ 实域空间拟合(红色为目标函数,蓝色为DNN)
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[5] Jihong Wang,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Jiwei Zhang*, Yaoyu Zhang, Implicit bias in understanding deep learning for solving PDEs beyond Ritz-Galerkin method, CSIAM Trans. Appl. Math.
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[9]Tao Luo*, Zheng Ma, Zhiwei Wang, Zhi-Qin John Xu, Yaoyu Zhang, An Upper Limit of Decaying Rate with Respect to Frequency in Deep Neural Network, To appear in Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning 2022 (MSML22),
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[13] Xi-An Li,Zhi-Qin John Xu, Lei Zhang*, Subspace Decomposition based DNN algorithm for elliptic type multi-scale PDEs. arxiv 2112.06660 (2021)
[14]Yuheng Ma,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Jiwei Zhang*, Frequency Principle in Deep Learning Beyond Gradient-descent-based Training, arxiv 2101.00747 (2021).
[15]Hanxu Zhou, Qixuan Zhou, Zhenyuan Jin, Tao Luo, Yaoyu Zhang,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Empirical Phase Diagram for Three-layer Neural Networks with Infinite Width. arxiv 2205.12101 (2022), NeurIPS2022.
[16]Yaoyu Zhang*, Zhongwang Zhang, Tao Luo,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Embedding Principle of Loss Landscape of Deep Neural Networks. NeurIPS 2021 spotlight, arxiv 2105.14573 (2021)
[17] Zhongwang Zhang,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Implicit regularization of dropout. arxiv 2207.05952 (2022)
[18]Zhiwei Bai, Tao Luo,Zhi-Qin John Xu*, Yaoyu Zhang*, Embedding Principle in Depth for the Loss Landscape Analysis of Deep Neural Networks. arxiv 2205.13283 (2022)
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