

2018-01-06 近现代史研究资讯





出版年: 2017-12 


定價: 未出版 


冊數: 0 

開本: 25 開 



本書以「消費主義」為核心概念,探討百貨公司在近代中國的意義,特別思考這種資本 主義的企業組織如何藉由創造全新的消費經驗,傳播現代消費主義。百貨公司與傳統商 店最明顯的差異在於規模:建築之大,往往占據整個街區;商品之多,足以涵蓋人生所 有需求;而其經營原則乃以交易量極大化,來達成利潤極大化的目標。不過,百貨公司 不只是人與物的集散地,也是觀察社會關係的視鏡及權力再現的空間。由於這個行業在 階級、國族、性別等層面有較為複雜的組成元素,我們可以藉此打破許多既定的界線, 重新析論上海城市文化的內涵。從「人」的角度來看,百貨公司原意是對所有人出售所 有物品的「環球供應商」,是華人/洋人、男人/女人、中產階級/勞工階級的交會處, 然而在消費主義的運作邏輯下,不同的人群卻得到不同的待遇。從「物」的角度來看, 表面上看似「中性」的商品與消費行為,卻在消費主義的實踐中,被貼上階級、國籍、 性別的屬性標籤。因此,五光十色的百貨公司不僅是現代物質文明的展示櫥窗,也是我 們理解城市文化的一把鑰匙。如果說,近代上海的傳奇建立在以消費主義為基礎的人、 物關係上,而百貨公司正是人、物互動的實踐場域,既充滿了魅惑與慾望,也承載著矛 盾和爭議。   

My research goes toward two apparently different directions. Growing up in the age without women’s history in the collegial curricula, I became interested in women’s history when studying in the United States, in particular about how Chinese women coped with their new roles when opportunities of education and employment became available to them in the modern times. My dissertation, “Searching for ‘New Womanhood’: Career Women in Shanghai, 1912-1945,” investigates the emergence of career women, defined as those who received education and applied their learning for work, and how the state and society constructed images of the “new woman” in response to urgent calls for national salvation and strengthening. While many represent the “new woman” as the so-called “May Fourth heroine” that would combat all “traditional values” and therefore label “reactionary” those who upheld the ideal of “good wife wise mother,” I argue that the discourse of “new woman” appeared controversial and often comprised with social expectations of women’s roles. In other words, the “new woman” was not a static imagery as a result of May Fourth New Culture Movement, but represented dialectic negotiation between state official, social reformers and women of multiple identities. 

  Upon returning to Taiwan for work, I have developed a new project on department stores in Republican Shanghai, though this was not the first time I came across the subject of department stores. My Master’s thesis investigates the management of Wing On Company, the largest department store in pre-1949 China, and shows how Chinese merchants introduced modern retailing while maintaining the so-called “traditional form of family business.” Nearly a decade apart, I reread my old material with a new angle, focusing on social and cultural implications of the new business. As an invention of the mid-nineteenth century, the department store represented not only a “retailing revolution” in which the way of conducting commerce dramatically changed, but also a “consumer revolution” that created new manner toward consumption and rhyme of work and leisure. Through cultivating new tastes and lifestyle department stores came to remold “modern citizens,” an ambition that fortuitously tuned in to Chinese state’s modernizing channel. In light of everyday life and politics, this study will bring us back to the long-lasting debate over institutional (state and entrepreneurial) intrusion versus consumer agency: instead of looking at the power of entrepreneurs or consumers, I hope to emphasize the limitedness of power which either party could exercise reflected in the glamorous emporium.

 Ph.D., History, University of California, Irvin

 Assistant Professor, University of California,Riverside (2001~2003)

 Teaching Assistant, University of California,Riverside

 Research Assistant, University of California,Riverside

 Research Assistant, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (1994-1995)

 Research Assistant, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (1992-1993)

History of Women, Urban Cultural History, History of Business 

Women’s Work during the War of Resistance against Japan 


連玲玲,2013年8月,《萬象小報:近代中國城市的文化、社會與政治》(All-Seeing Tabloid Newspapers: Modern Chinese Urban Culture, Society and Politics),共414頁,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。 

連玲玲,2017年9月,〈媒體、廣告與企業文化:以《新都周刊》為中心的探討〉(Media, Advertising and Corporate Culture: An Analysis of _Xindu Zhoukan_),《國史館館刊》,53, 1-42。(THCI) 

Ling-ling Lien, Dec. 2015, “Writing History on Their Own: War, Identity and the Oral History of the "Old China Hands"”, Global Europe: Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, 110, 1-22. 

連玲玲,2014年12月,〈從自我書寫到公眾展演:艾佩琪(Peggy Abkhazi)的戰時日記〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,86, 49-93。(THCI) 

連玲玲,2012年12月,〈戰爭陰影下的婦女文化:孤島上海的婦女期刊初探 〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》,20, 69-106。 






連玲玲,2013年8月,〈出版也是娛樂事業:民國上海的遊戲場報〉(Publishing as an Entertainment Industry: Amusement Park Newspapers in Republican Shanghai),連玲玲編,《萬象小報:近代中國城市的政治、社會與文化》,頁65-105,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。 

連玲玲, Aug. 2013, “導論:從小報看近代中國城市”, editor(s): 連玲玲, 萬象小報:近代中國城市的文化、社會與政治, pp. 1-22, 台北: 中央研究院近代史研究所. 

Jen-Shu Wu, Ling-ling Lien, 2013, “From Viewing to Reading: The Evolution of Visual Advertising in Late Imperial China”, editor(s): Christian Henriot, Wen-hsin Yeh, Visualising China, 1845-1965: Moving and Still Images in Historical Narratives, pp. 231-266, Leiden: Brill. 

連玲玲,2010年7月,〈上海百貨公司的社會主義改造, 1949-1956〉,謝國興編,《改革與改造: 冷戰初期兩岸的糧食、土地與工商業變革》,頁333-372,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。 


Lien, Ling-Ling, 2006, “Leisure, Patriotism and Identity: The Chinese Career Women’s Club in Wartime Shanghai”, editor(s): Peter Zarrow, Creating Chinese Modernity: Knowledge and Everyday Life, 1900-1940, pp. 213-240, New York: Peter Lang. 

Ling-ling Lien, Oct. 2017, “"The Ladies' Paradise": Gender, Consumption and Department Stores in Shanghai, 1920s-1940s”, 28 pages, paper presented at Gender, Space and the City in Global History, Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo, 2017-10-28 ~ 2017-10-29. 

Ling-ling Lien, Jul. 2017, “Service to the Empire and to the Community: The British Women's Association in Shanghai, 1921-1941”, 17 pages, paper presented at International Conference of Chinese Women in World History, 中央研究院近代史研究所: 中央研究院近代史研究所, 2017-07-11 ~ 2017-07-14. 

連玲玲,2016年11月,〈品嚐現代性:媒體與近代上海飲食文化的塑造〉,發表於第12屆文化交流史:庶民生活與物質文明國際學術研討會,輔仁大學:輔仁大學,2016-11-11 ~ 2016-11-12。 

Ling-ling Lien, Mar. 2015, “Writing History on Their Own: Oral History of the “Old China Hands””, paper presented at 「從口述歷史尋找新議題」工作坊, 中央研究院近代史研究所: 中央研究院近代史研究所, 2015-03-20 ~ 2015-03-21. 

連玲玲,2014年12月,〈笑「畫」戰爭:「敵國人集團生活所」的圖像再現〉,發表於「物品、圖像與性別」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2014-12-17 ~ 2014-12-18。 

連玲玲,2013年7月,〈游移的私我界線:Peggy Abkhazi的戰時日記〉,共21頁,發表於日記中的性別,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所,2013-07-30 ~ 2013-08-02。 


Lien, Ling-ling, Jul. 2011, “Promoting the Foreign: Advertising of Department Stores in Republican Shanghai ”, 26 pages, paper presented at East Asian Cities and Globalization: the Past in the Present, Warwick University: Warwick University, 2011-07-08 ~ 2011-07-10. 

連玲玲,2010年9月,〈從遊戲場報看民國上海娛樂文化的塑造〉,共18頁,發表於民國時期中國城市文化變遷(1910-1940年代): 文化論述研究與歷史地理資訊系統研究的對話,香港中文大學:香港中文大學,2010-09-18 ~ 2010-09-20。 

連玲玲,2010年8月,〈遊戲場報的廣告性質--小報研究的新視角〉,共23頁,發表於「小報文化與中國城市性」工作坊,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2010-08-26 ~ 2010-08-27。 


Ling-ling LIEN, Jun. 2009, “"The Show Must Go On": Department Stores and the Making of Fashion in Shanghai during the World War II”, 28 pages, paper presented at The joint meeting of the Business History Conference/ European Business History Association, Milan, Italy: Bocconi University, 2009-06-11 ~ 2009-06-13. 

連玲玲,2008年12月,〈城市娛樂的普羅化:民國上海遊戲場的興衰〉,發表於「16-20世紀中国の商業.商法.商店経営」国際研討会,北海道大學:北海道大學,2008-12-19 ~ 2008-12-20。 

連玲玲,2008年12月,〈抗戰時期婦女刊物初探〉,發表於「從性別看現代戰爭」國際學術研討會,中央研究院近代史研究所:中央研究院近代史研究所,2008-12-10 ~ 2008-12-11。 

Lien, Ling-ling , 2001, “Searching for the "New Womanhood": Career Women in Shanghai, 1912-1945”, 342 pages, History, University of California, Irvine. 


連玲玲,2011年9月,〈Danke Li, Echoes of Chongqing: Women in Wartime China〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,第73期,頁195-199。 


連玲玲,2006年3月,〈消費文化與國家塑造〉,《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》,第51期, 頁197-202。 

連玲玲, Dec. 2004, “四十年來家國: 評介Chinese Visions of Family and State, 1915-1953”, 近代中國婦女史研究, 第12期, 頁287-300. 

連玲玲,2001年8月,〈婦女運動與運動婦女: 評介《近代中國婦女運動史》〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》,第9期, 頁267-279。 

連玲玲,1998年8月,〈科技世界中的性別關係--評介Francesca Bray: Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》,第6期, 頁259-270。 

李宇平等, Feb. 2015, 近史所一甲子:同仁憶往錄(下), 413 pages, 台北: 中央研究院近代史研究所. 



