
新书:魏昂德、董国强 The Cultural Revolution in Rural China

A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China

作者:魏昂德(Andrew G. Walder)董国强




Size:6.14 x 9.25 in.

Illus:10 b/w illus. 2 tables. 4 maps.

Price:$29.95 / £25.00



A revealing exploration of political disruption and violence in a rural Chinese county during the Cultural Revolution.

A Decade of Upheaval chronicles the surprising and dramatic political conflicts of a rural Chinese county over the course of the Cultural Revolution. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources—including work diaries, interviews, internal party documents, and military directives—Dong Guoqiang and Andrew Walder uncover a previously unimagined level of strife in the countryside that began with the Red Guard Movement in 1966 and continued unabated until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976.

Showing how the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution were not limited to urban areas, but reached far into isolated rural regions, Dong and Walder reveal that the intervention of military forces in 1967 encouraged factional divisions in Feng County because different branches of China’s armed forces took various sides in local disputes. The authors also lay bare how the fortunes of local political groups were closely tethered to unpredictable shifts in the decisions of government authorities in Beijing. Eventually, a backlash against suppression and victimization grew in the early 1970s and resulted in active protests, which presaged the settling of scores against radical Maoism.

A meticulous look at how one overlooked region experienced the Cultural Revolution, A Decade of Upheaval illuminates the all-encompassing nature of one of the most unstable periods in modern Chinese history.


董国强,1962年10月出生,历史学博士,1985年毕业于南京大学历史系,其后留校任教,历任南京大学历史系助教、讲师、副教授、教授。现任复旦大学历史系教授。曾赴美国伊利诺大学、香港中文大学、美国斯坦福大学多所高校担任访问学者或高级研究员。已在China Quarterly、Journal of Asian Studies、China Journal、Journal of Cold War Studies、《中共党史研究》、《当代中国史研究》《二十一世纪》(香港中文大学)、《江苏社会科学》《民国档案》《南京大学学报》《开放时代》等学术刊物上发表各类论文近百多篇,出版学术著作多种。主要从事“文革史”研究、近代中国知识分子及社会思潮研究和当代中国社会史研究。

魏昂德(Andrew G. Walder),先后任教于哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、香港科技大学,现为斯坦福大学Denise O’ Leary and Kent Thiry 社会学教授,Freeman Spogli国际研究所资深研究员。多年致力于研究1978 年之前中国社会的政治制度与群众运动,尤其是毛泽东时代的政治与经济组织形态。著有Fractured Rebellion: The Beijing Red Guard Movement、Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry等书。


"Based on rich grassroots and interview sources, A Decade of Upheaval looks at how the politics of the Cultural Revolution shaped a single rural county between 1966 and 1976. This is a unique and captivating work, and there is nothing like it."

—Jeremy Brown, author of City versus Countryside in Mao’s China

"The first study on a rural county during the Cultural Revolution, A Decade of Upheaval provides a much-needed corrective to many assumptions held about this period. Making use of vast amounts of previously unavailable materials, this significant and effectively organized book dispels common misperceptions and will be enormously influential in how the legacies of contemporary conflicts are understood.”

—Daniel Leese, author of Mao Cult

"Dong and Walder have outdone themselves with this incredibly rich and nuanced account of the Cultural Revolution in Jiangsu's Feng County. Deftly weaving together an unusually wide range of documentary sources and interview material, they shed important new light on this tumultuous period in a remote rural area, and challenge longstanding models of factional conflict during the late Mao era."

—Patricia M. Thornton, University of Oxford


