

The Early Modern Travels of Manchu:
A Script and Its Study in East Asia and Europe

作者:馬騰(Mårten Söderblom Saarela)




ISBN 9780812252071



A linguistic and historical study of the Manchu script in the early modern world

Manchu was a language first written down as part of the Qing state-building project in Northeast Asia in the early seventeenth century. After the Qing invasion of China in 1644, and for the next two and a half centuries, Manchu was the language of state in one of the early modern world's great powers. Its prominence and novelty attracted the interest of not only Chinese literati but also foreign scholars. Yet scholars in Europe and Japan, and occasionally even within China itself, were compelled to study the language without access to a native speaker. Jesuit missionaries in Beijing sent Chinese books on Manchu to Europe, where scholars struggled to represent it in an alphabet compatible with Western pedagogy and printing technology. In southern China, meanwhile, an isolated phonologist with access to Jesuit books relied on expositions of the Roman alphabet to make sense of the Manchu script. When Chinese textbooks and dictionaries of Manchu eventually reached Japan, scholars there used their knowledge of Dutch to understand Manchu.

In The Early Modern Travels of Manchu, Mårten Söderblom Saarela focuses on outsiders both within and beyond the Qing empire who had little interaction with Manchu speakers but took an interest in the strange, new language of a rising world power. He shows how—through observation, inference, and reference to received ideas on language and writing—intellectuals in southern China, Russia, France, Choso�n Korea, and Tokugawa Japan deciphered the Manchu script and explores the uses to which it was put for recording sounds and arranging words.


馬騰(Mårten Söderblom Saarela),倫敦大學亞非學院碩士,普林斯頓大學博士,馬普科學史研究所博士後研究人員,现任中研院近史所助理研究员,研究領域是清代學術和文化史,主要關注有關語言的歷史。博士論文以及首個研究課題關注滿語尤其是其文字對清代中國語言學習之影響。近期開始考察新的研究題目:官話的文化史。官話和滿語都是清朝政治精英的主要語言,探索兩種語言在清代社會裡的作用和互相關聯的發展。近期著有Mårten Söderblom Saarela, Sept. 2020, “Joshua Marshman and the Study of Spoken Chinese”, TOUNG PAO, 106(3-4), 401-457.Mårten Söderblom Saarela, 2019, “A Guide to Mandarin, in Manchu: On a Partial Translation of Guanhua zhinan (1882) and Its Historical Context”, East Asian Publishing and Society, 9, 1-28.

