
新书:Bruce A. Elleman《近代中国海军史:1840-2020》

A History of the Modern Chinese Navy, 1840–2020

作者:Bruce A. Elleman


出版时间:May 10, 2021 by

页数:310 Pages



This book provides a comprehensive history of the modern Chinese navy from 1840 to the present. Beginning with a survey of naval developments in earlier imperial times, the book goes on to show how China has since the mid-19th century four times built or rebuilt its navy: after the Opium Wars, a navy which was sunk or captured by the Japanese in the war of 1894–1895; during the 1920s and 1930s, a navy again sunk or lost to Japan, in the war of 1937–1945; in the 1950s, a navy built with Soviet help, which stagnated following the Sino-Soviet split in the early 1960s; and finally the present navy which absorbed its predecessor, but with the most modern sections dating from the 1990s—a navy which continues to grow and prosper. The book also shows how the underlying strategic imperative for the Chinese navy has been the defense of China’s coasts and major rivers; how naval mutiny was a key factor in the overthrow of the Qing and the Nationalist regimes; and how successive Chinese governments, aware of the potent threat of naval mutiny, have restricted the growth, independence, and capabilities of the navy. Overall, the book provides—at a time when many people in the West view China and its navy as a threat—a rich, detailed, and realistic assessment of the true nature of the Chinese navy and the contemporary factors that affect its development.


布鲁斯‧艾里曼(Bruce A. Elleman)美国历史学者,现任职于美国海军战争学院海洋史系。先后在罗切斯特理工学院、加州大学伯克利分校、伦敦经济学院、美国海军战争学院、哥伦比亚大学(哈里曼学院、东亚研究所、历史系)求书,1993年获哥伦比亚大学博士学位(俄罗斯和中国历史)。曾出版超过20本以海权和中国历史为主题的书籍和官方研究报告,作者的著作已有数种语言版本,已翻译成中文的作品有《近代中国的军事与战争》等。



Introduction China’s Modern Navy in Historical Perspective: The Importance of Coastal Defense Strategies 

Part I The Origins of the "Modern" Navy under the Qing Dynasty 

1. The First Opium War and Chinese Naval Modernization 

2. The Chinese Navy in the Second Opium War, in Okinawa, and in Annam 3. China’s Navy and the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 

Part II The Chinese Navy’s Incomplete Modernization and Westernization 

4. The "New Army" Reforms and the Chinese Navy’s Impact of the Xinhai Revolution

5. The Nationalist Navy From 1922 Through 1938 

6. The Post-World War II Nationalist Navy Through the Chinese Civil War 

Part III Founding the PRC and the Early History of the PLAN 

7. The Chongqing Mutiny and the Creation of the PLAN

8. PLAN’s Coastal Defense and the Nationalist Navy’s Use of the Off-shore Islands to Blockade China 

9.The Sino-Soviet Alliance and the Growth of the PLAN 

Part IV The Nationalist Navy and China’s PLAN as an Emerging Regional Navy 

10. Sino-Soviet Conflict and the PRC Decision to Open Relations with the United States 

11. Modernization, Westernization, and Geographic Responsibilities of the PLAN 

12. China’s Historical and Regional Constraints and the Future of the PLAN


