Dear all mankind all over the world:
I am Tang Jie, living in Fu Yang, An Hui province, China and crying for justice for my husband Ge Linlin.
The first video I posted above is the recording evidence of my husband Ge Linlin being bought by Chu Anjiang for 20 million yuan for 20 years in prison. The second video was made by 18 netizens who sympathized with my husband and expressed their voices in 18 languages.
详见文章:“花2000万买你坐牢20年”,我丈夫被落马高官“专门安排” | 葛林林案日记 • 序章
Three months ago, I have entrusted the defense lawyer to submit the evidence to the court, but the court still decided not to hold a trial after such significant new evidence emerged.
中国刑事诉讼法第二百三十四条 第二审人民法院对于下列案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理:(一)被告人、自诉人及其法定代理人对第一审认定的事实、证据提出异议,可能影响定罪量刑的上诉案件;(二)被告人被判处死刑的上诉案件;(三)人民检察院抗诉的案件;(四)其他应当开庭审理的案件。
"Article 234 The People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel to open a court session for the following cases:
(1) appeals in which the defendant, the private prosecutor and his legal representative object to the facts and evidence ascertained at first instance, which may affect the conviction and sentencing;
(2) cases on appeal in which the defendant has been sentenced to death;(3) cases protested by the People's Procuratorate;(4) other cases that shall be tried in court.
No matter how the law rules, how I cry for injustice, Fu Yang court doesn’t even "sheng Tang"
My mother has been to the gate of the court begging on her knees to ask “bao zheng”’s mercy to open their eyes for months, I launched the "hungry artists project", to help others protest, but also help my husband protest, I posted a lot of articles to reveal the problems of the court of first instance in fuyang, but this can not let the court of second instance to hear my husband's case.
详见微博:1. 用户名:饥饿艺术家计划:
2. 链接:https://m.weibo.cn/status/Jljjj9Fzw?from=timeline&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment&jumpfrom=weibocom#_rnd1600476936380
详见微信文章专辑:1. 安徽阜阳司法现形记|葛林林冤案
1. 德语——X2. 重庆话——刘苔3. 四川成都话——鲜榨防腐剂4. 哈尼族语——Z5. 湖南张家界话——檬6. 贵州贵阳话——Akki7. 安徽淮南话——马德理医生8. 湖南益阳话——苏夷君9. 山东德州话——三金10. 辽宁丹东话——高文英11. 江苏无锡话——狗狗蓝12. 福建莆田话——王辉13. 粤语——X14. 山东菏泽话——郑15. 西班牙语——C16. 意大利语——W17. 普通话—匿名18. 四川自贡话——一条人视频制作:wlb
Credits: There are 18 languages in the video, including 5 languages and 13 dialects:
1. German——X2. Chongqing dialect -- Liu Tai3. In Chengdu, Sichuan -- fresh pressed preservatives4. Hani -- Z5. Zhangjiajie, Hunan -- Moon6. Guizhou Guiyang Dialect -- Akki7. Huainan Dialect of Anhui -- Dr. Ma Deli8. Yiyang dialect of Hunan -- Su Yi Jun9. Shandong Dezhou Dialect -- Three gold10. Dandong, Liaoning -- Gao Wenying11. Wuxi, Jiangsu -- Dog blue12. Fujian Putian Dialect -- Wang Hui13. Cantonese - X14. Shandong Heze Dialect -- Zheng15. Spanish -- C16. Italian -- W17. Mandarin -- B18.Zigong, Sichuan -- Five woodvideo edited by wlb