

知社 知社学术圈 2019-07-02




npj Computational Materials编委吕坚教授2月7日被法国政府授予荣誉军团骑士勋章 (the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur)。吕教授是香港城市大学副校长、研究生院院长、科学与工程学院院长他所获得的the Légion d’Honneur是法国国家级最高荣誉。吕校长在回香港工作前曾在法国从事科研27年,2011年他被推选为首位华人法国技术科学院院士。此次因其杰出的科研成就和促进中法教育与科研交流的卓越贡献而被授予该荣誉。

点击文末“阅读原文”,可以获取吕坚教授最新论文:Super square carbon nanotube network: a new promising water desalination membrane

吕教授的研究兴趣包括通过计算预测及计算机辅助设计进行材料与加工等方面的研究,如材料机械性能表征、功能纳米材料的制备及生物材料与生物力学等。已取得16项欧、美、中专利,在综合类或领域内顶尖SCI杂志Science、Nature Materials、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、PRL、Acta Materialia,、JMPS等发表论文320余篇。

去年他发表在npj Computational Materials的研究论文“Super square carbon nanotube network: a new promising water desalination membrane” ( doi:10.1038/npjcompumats.2016.4; http://www.nature.com/articles/npjcompumats20164),已被下载7600多次。文中描述了他们发明的超级方块碳纳米管网络,可在超高流量情况下淡化海水。结合分子动力学模拟,他们探索了严格调控碳纳米管 (CNT) 的纳米孔尺寸对盐离子排斥行为的影响,发现该“超级方块”碳纳米管网络具有较高的渗透性,其允许流量比传统反渗透膜高出几个数量级,可实现100%盐离子排斥。他们认为,碳纳米管网络的高强度和高刚性,可保证网络不会弯曲,稳定网络最佳孔径尺寸,从而实现了优异的过滤性能 (http://www.sic.ac.cn/npj_cm/wz/201604/t20160426_4591117.html)。

在吕教授获此殊荣之际,npj Computational Materials向他——本刊的编委和作者致以热烈的祝贺和崇高的敬意!

Prof. Jian Lu is awarded the Légion d’Honneur.

Editorial Board Members of Nature Family Journal npj Computational Materials, Prof. Jian LU Was Bestowed the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by French Government

According to the website of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), the vice president of the University, and also an editorial board member of npj Computational Material (the Nature series journal), Professor Jian Lu, was bestowed the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by the French Government on February 7th, 2017 (http://wikisites.cityu.edu.hk/sites/newscentre/en/Pages/201702130900.aspx). The Légion d’Honneur is the highest national order led by the President of France who serves as the grand master of the order. Before moving to Hong Kong, the Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Dean of Graduate Studies at CityU had been engaging in scientific research in France for 27 years. He was further elected as the 1st Chinese-born French academician in 2011, by the French National Academy of Technologies. Professor Lu was awarded the honour for his research excellence and his active action for promoting education and research between France, Hong Kong and mainland China.

The research interests of Prof. Lu include integration of advanced materials and processing through computational simulation and computer aided design, mechanical characterization and processing of nanomaterials and advanced structural materials, and biomaterials and biomechanics. He has been awarded 16 patents in Europe, the United States, and China, and published more than 320 papers in top SCI journals in the field including Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, PRL, Acta Materialia, JMPS. Last year, he also published an article "Super square carbon nanotube network: a new promising water desalination membrane" in npj Computational Materials (doi:10.1038/npjcompumats.2016.4; http://www.nature.com/articles/npjcompumats20164; and also at http://www.sic.ac.cn/npj_cm/wz/201604/t20160426_4591117.html), and has more than 7600 downloads so far. 


npj Computational Materials两名编委获学术殊荣

聆听纳米电池的华美乐章: 热离子原子力显微镜问世

二维材料再建新功, 中科大电催化剂变CO2为液体燃料

热电材料中多中心键诱发声子共振散射, 致本征低热导

今日Science: 北航热电能源材料研发取得突破

Science快讯: 大面积钙钛矿太阳能电池创世界纪录




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