
npj: 阴极材料—锂掺杂使氧化铜焕发生机

npj 知社学术圈 2022-04-16






该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 4: 61 (2018),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Mechanistic insights of enhanced spin polaron conduction in CuO through atomic doping 

Tyler J. Smart, Allison C. Cardiel, Feng Wu, Kyoung-Shin Choi & Yuan Ping 

The formation of a “spin polaron” stems from strongspin-charge-lattice interactions in magnetic oxides, which leads to alocalization of carriers accompanied by local magnetic polarization and latticedistortion. For example, cupric oxide (CuO), which is a promising photocathodematerial and shares important similarities with high Tc superconductors,conducts holes through spin polaron hopping with flipped spins at Cu atomswhere a spin polaron has formed. The formation of these spin polarons resultsin an activated hopping conduction process where the carriers must not onlyovercome strong electron−phonon coupling but also strong magnetic coupling.Collectively, these effects cause low carrier conduction in CuO and hinder itsapplications. To overcome this fundamental limitation, we demonstrate fromfirst-principles calculations how doping can improve hopping conduction throughsimultaneous improvement of hole concentration and hopping mobility in magneticoxides such as CuO. Specifically, using Li doping as an example, we show thatLi has a low ionization energy that improves hole concentration, and lowers thehopping barrier through both the electron−phonon and magnetic couplings'reduction that improves hopping mobility. Finally, this improved conductionpredicted by theory is validated through the synthesis of Li-doped CuOelectrodes which show enhanced photocurrent compared to pristine CuOelectrodes. We conclude that doping with nonmagnetic shallow impurities is aneffective strategy to improve hopping conductivities in magnetic oxides.



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