内布拉斯加大学医学院 Duan Lab 博士后招聘
Postdoctoral Opportunity in Hydrogel Synthesis and Biomedical Application
One postdoctoral fellow position is available in Dr. Bin Duan’s lab in the Regenerative Medicine Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The research goal of Dr. Duan’s lab is to create multi-scale complexity within engineered tissues to understand the fundamentals of cell-material interactions and mimic the native tissues for biomedical applications with a specific emphasis on tissue disease, tissue regeneration and stem cell bioengineering. The project of interest for this postdoctoral opportunity will focus on novel hydrogel synthesis and further applications in wound healing and cardiovascular diseases.
Candidates with a strong background in polymer chemistry, hydrogel design and synthesis, and cell and tissue culture are highly desired. Candidates should have a good publication record, should also demonstrate excellent communication skills and be independent, enthusiastic, and responsible. Interested candidates should send a C.V., a cover letter describing research experience and interests, and contact information for three references to: bin.duan@unmc.edu.