
创刊20周年 | Genome Biology出版了哪些重要文章?

The following article is from BMC科研永不止步 Author BMC 中国




创刊20年来,Genome Biology 已经成为该领域中排名最高的开放获取期刊,5年影响因子(5 year IF)从1.45到19.04,累计发文量达6800余篇,篇均引用60余次,累计阅读近3千万次

从2000到2020,是Genome Biology 的20年,也是基因组学的20年。值此特殊时刻,我们挑选出了过去20年来发表在该期刊上的20篇重要文献,来邀请您一同回顾Genome Biology 的二十年,并希望能在未来接收到来自您的稿件。



Accurate normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data by geometric averaging of multiple internal control genes

Research Published on

18 June 2002

Jo Vandesompele, Katleen De Preter, Filip Pattyn, Bruce Poppe, Nadine Van Roy, Anne De Paepe and Frank Speleman


DAVID: Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery

Software Published on

14 August 2003

Glynn Dennis Jr, Brad T Sherman, Douglas A Hosack, Jun Yang, Wei Gao, H Clifford Lane and Richard A Lempicki


MicroRNA targets in Drosophila

Research Published on

12 December 2003

Anton J Enright, Bino John, Ulrike Gaul, Thomas Tuschl, Chris Sander and Debora S Marks


Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics

Method Published on

15 September 2004

Robert C Gentleman, Vincent J Carey, Douglas M Bates, Ben Bolstad, Marcel Dettling, Sandrine Dudoit, Byron Ellis, Laurent Gautier, Yongchao Ge, Jeff Gentry, Kurt Hornik, Torsten Hothorn, Wolfgang Huber, Stefano Iacus, Rafael Irizarry, Friedrich Leisch…


Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS)

Method Published on

17 September 2008

Yong Zhang, Tao Liu, Clifford A Meyer, Jérôme Eeckhoute, David S Johnson, Bradley E Bernstein, Chad Nusbaum, Richard M Myers, Myles Brown, Wei Li and X Shirley Liu


Ultrafast and memory-efficient alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome

Software Published on

4 March 2009

Ben Langmead, Cole Trapnell, Mihai Pop and Steven L Salzberg


A whole-genome assembly of the domestic cow, Bos taurus

Research Published on

24 April 2009

Aleksey V Zimin, Arthur L Delcher, Liliana Florea, David R Kelley, Michael C Schatz, Daniela Puiu, Finnian Hanrahan, Geo Pertea, Curtis P Van Tassell, Tad S Sonstegard, Guillaume Marçais, Michael Roberts, Poorani Subramanian, James A Yorke and Steven L Salzberg


Differential expression analysis for sequence count data

Method Published on

27 October 2010

Simon Anders and Wolfgang Huber


Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development

Research Published on

19 August 2011

Marilyn B Renfree, Anthony T Papenfuss, Janine E Deakin, James Lindsay, Thomas Heider, Katherine Belov, Willem Rens, Paul D Waters, Elizabeth A Pharo, Geoff Shaw, Emily SW Wong, Christophe M Lefèvre, Kevin R Nicholas, Yoko Kuroki, Matthew J Wakefield, Kyall R Zenger…


The draft genome and transcriptome of Cannabis sativa

Research Published on

20 October 2011

Harm van Bakel, Jake M Stout, Atina G Cote, Carling M Tallon, Andrew G Sharpe, Timothy R Hughes and Jonathan E Page


TopHat2: accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions

Method Published on

25 April 2013

Daehwan Kim, Geo Pertea, Cole Trapnell, Harold Pimentel, Ryan Kelley and Steven L Salzberg


DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types

Study Published on

10 December 2013

Steve Horvath


The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists

Comment Published on

30 July 2014

Neil Hall


Deletions of chromosomal regulatory boundaries are associated with congenital disease

Research Published on

4 September 2014

Jonas Ibn-Salem, Sebastian Köhler, Michael I Love, Ho-Ryun Chung, Ni Huang, Matthew E Hurles, Melissa Haendel, Nicole L Washington, Damian Smedley, Christopher J Mungall, Suzanna E Lewis, Claus-Eric Ott, Sebastian Bauer, Paul N Schofield, Stefan Mundlos, Malte Spielmann…


DNA methylation age of blood predicts all-cause mortality in later life

Research Published on

30 January 2015

Riccardo E Marioni, Sonia Shah, Allan F McRae, Brian H Chen, Elena Colicino, Sarah E Harris, Jude Gibson, Anjali K Henders, Paul Redmond, Simon R Cox, Alison Pattie, Janie Corley, Lee Murphy, Nicholas G Martin, Grant W Montgomery, Andrew P Feinberg…


A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis

Review Published on

26 January 2016

Ana Conesa, Pedro Madrigal, Sonia Tarazona, David Gomez-Cabrero, Alejandra Cervera, Andrew McPherson, Michał Wojciech Szcześniak, Daniel J. Gaffney, Laura L. Elo, Xuegong Zhang and Ali Mortazavi


Easi-CRISPR: a robust method for one-step generation of mice carrying conditional and insertion alleles using long ssDNA donors and CRISPR ribonucleoproteins

Research Published on

17 May 2017

Rolen M. Quadros, Hiromi Miura, Donald W. Harms, Hisako Akatsuka, Takehito Sato, Tomomi Aida, Ronald Redder, Guy P. Richardson, Yutaka Inagaki, Daisuke Sakai, Shannon M. Buckley, Parthasarathy Seshacharyulu, Surinder K. Batra, Mark A. Behlke, Sarah A. Zeiner, Ashley M. Jacobi…


SCANPY: large-scale single-cell gene expression data analysis

Software Published on

6 February 2018

F. Alexander Wolf, Philipp Angerer and Fabian J. Theis


The somatic mutation landscape of the human body

Research Published on

24 December 2019

Pablo E. García-Nieto, Ashby J. Morrison and Hunter B. Fraser


Hi-D: nanoscale mapping of nuclear dynamics in single living cells

Method Published on

20 April 2020

Haitham A. Shaban, Roman Barth, Ludmila Recoules and Kerstin Bystricky

除了以上20篇精彩内容,今年BMC还推出了【BMC前沿视角】系列内容,邀请编委们及作者们分享科学解读。欢迎点击下方图片浏览来自Genome Biology编委团队的精彩点评:

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热烈庆祝Respiratory Research创刊20周年 | 主编寄语

【征稿】饮食对运动表现影响的证据 | BMC期刊联合征稿

COVID-19 下的重症监护和急诊医学 | Springer Nature研究集锦



