
Npj Comput. Mater.: 平带材料中潜藏的奇特明暗激子

npj 知社学术圈 2022-12-07

激子的结合能通常被认为与其空间位置有关。教科书上经典的 Wannier 和 Frenkel 模型分别描述了通常在普通半导体中观察到的弱束缚(离域)激子和在分子或惰性气体中观察到的紧密束缚(局域)激子的极限情况。近年来二维材料的发展,引起了人们探索与传统激子特性不一样的激子系统。二维材料的激子结合能普遍很大,且与与空间位置无关,这通常被认为与低维材料的有效屏蔽有关。关于是否将强束缚电荷转移激子认为是 Frenkel 激子一直存在争议,他们空间离域的起源也一直没有得到很好的解释。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8:94(2022),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Delocalization of dark and bright excitons in flat-band materials and the optical properties of V2O5 

Vitaly Gorelov, Lucia Reining, Martin Feneberg, Rüdiger Goldhahn, André Schleife, Walter R. L. Lambrecht  & Matteo Gatti 

The simplest picture of excitons in materials with atomic-like localization of electrons is that of Frenkel excitons, where electrons and holes stay close together, which is associated with a large binding energy. Here, using the example of the layered oxide V2O5, we show how localized charge-transfer excitations combine to form excitons that also have a huge binding energy but, at the same time, a large electron-hole distance, and we explain this seemingly contradictory finding. The anisotropy of the exciton delocalization is determined by the local anisotropy of the structure, whereas the exciton extends orthogonally to the chains formed by the crystal structure. Moreover, we show that the bright exciton goes together with a dark exciton of even larger binding energy and more pronounced anisotropy. These findings are obtained by combining first principles many-body perturbation theory calculations, ellipsometry experiments, and tight binding modeling, leading to very good agreement and a consistent picture. Our explanation is general and can be extended to other materials.


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