
In Memory of Liu Bogu | Teja A. Jaensch:Remembering Master Liu

Teja A. Jaensch 槐轩学说 2022-05-23

Remembering Master Liu.

By Teja A. Jaensch – Sydney, May 2022


2013年Teja Jaensch与Yaron Seidman在山东曲阜专程拜访刘伯谷先生

When reflecting on my time with Master Liu, I was forced to acknowledge all the many steps of my life which contributed to meeting him. With hindsight it seemed that destiny had laid out a clear plan for me to meet this teacher. From being born in a small town in Switzerland, living in an apartment next to the Berlin wall as a baby, and immigrating to Australia with my mother as an infant, somehow I ended up in the fields of Sichuan with an international group of Chinese medicine practitioners cutting away Kudzu vines, uncovering the graves of Master Liu’s ancestors.


Sichuan was the birthplace of the revered Chinese herb, Fu Zi (aconite), and we were there to harvest it and learn more about this mysterious plant. I was enamoured by the alure of this herb; the backbone of the Fire Spirit School of classical Chinese medicine. This medicine would be the answer to many of my patient’s suffering, I had thought. The trouble was (and is) that practitioners in Australia are not allowed to use it. Politics is at play, and it dictates what we can or can’t use to help our patients.

Teja A Janesch 将刘沅先生订注的《石音夫功过格》以及《老子百病崇百药》翻译成英文,并将译作赠送刘伯谷先生

Meeting and learning from Master Liu had a monumental impact on how I perceived what actual medicine is. Herbs may help the body heal, yet how was it damaged in the first place? What opens the window to suffering for the human being? The answer from Master Liu’s perspective, and that of his lineage before and after, is in the appropriateness of our main relationships. This was a challenge for me to accept as I had fully justified my own position in relation to my father. I had convinced myself, in my continued adolescent angst, that disowning him was proper; that keeping all the land and sea between Berlin and Sydney between us was proper. So, when Master Liu repeatedly reinforced to me that “The son respects the Father, and that’s it!”, my instinctual reaction was to reject this principle. It was almost a full year later when I finally understood. When looking at my fears honestly, I could see that I was afraid that my father’s blood had infected me with his afflictions and weaknesses. I was also afraid that for me to forgive him would mean that I condoned his behaviour.



There’s a difference between knowing something intellectually and then actually feeling it and experiencing it as a visceral reality. It was through Master Liu’s teachings that I was able to relinquish a tonne of historical baggage and forgive my father, travel back to Berlin and meet with him. At that time, he was very ill with emphysema, each breath was laboured. We sat together for many hours, and when his strength allowed, we spoke. He explained to me that he was trying to understand the nature of his suffering, and why the only moment of brief peace he felt was the tiny amount of time between his inhalation and his exhalation. There, in that moment of stillness, he didn’t feel any pain. He explained to me that once he understood his suffering he would be allowed to die. Two weeks later he passed. I was blessed to see him and spend time with him. Two weeks later and it would have been too late. And it would never have been possible without Master Liu and his patience with me.


Teja A. Jaensch  悉尼,2022年5月

“良言一句三冬暖“——刘伯谷先生讲述与Teja A. Jaensch的故事

在2015年成都电视台举办的“家风好力量、家庭好榜样”故事分享会上,Teja A Janesch通过视频向观众介绍刘老一席话对他和自己家庭的影响








澳洲飞鸿:Teja Jaensch 在德国见到他父亲了!

This May I traveled to Berlin, Germany. I went to visit my father, who I had not seen since I was 12 years old. This trip and meeting was all thanks to the words of Master Liu.When I visited him in Sichuan in 2012, his teachings on the importance proper relationships touched me deeply. My Heart is much lighter now that I have seen my father. Words cannot express my gratitude to Master Liu.


——Teja Jaensch 写信小编,述说受刘老启发后的变化

在2014年美国举办的槐轩学说爱好者学术会上,Teja Jaensch 讲述了2013年在曲阜受刘伯谷先生启发行孝道的故事,非常感人

尽孝,还是趁早好!-Teja Jaensch 先生孝行小录-今日头条  https://www.toutiao.com/article/1069917563/?app=news_article&timestamp=1625714314&use_new_style=1&req_id=202107081118340101351680931900388D&group_id=4555147039&wxshare_count=1&tt_from=weixin&utm_source=weixin&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share&share_token=9926154f-2938-4f28-b2af-fbab64366b15

成都电视台“家风力量、家庭榜样”之《豫诚堂家训》-综艺-高清完整正版视频在线观看-优酷  https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTMxODk2MjMy.html

