

三农学术 2022-12-31

Jacobson S. How to learn to stop worrying and love the job market[J]. Southern Economic Journal, 2015, 81(3): 843-863.

This article conveys information and advice about the job market process for candidatescompleting their PhDs in economics in the United States. I discuss themechanics of the job market process in great detail, from the preparatory workbefore the market starts to the steps after accepting an offer. Throughout, I answer common job market-related questions and discuss ways to make the process more manageable and less stressful. The focus is on students from non-top-tieruniversities, although the advice applies equally well to students from topschools.


How to Stand Out  如何脱颖而出? 



1、Take Yourself Seriously as a Scholar. Engage with researchand make yourself valuable to your research advisor. Work up drafts of papersand send them out to journals, preferably with your advisor to help and guideyou in the process. It is extremely helpful to have a publication or two inpeer-reviewed journals; “revise and resubmit” and “revise and resubmit” arealmost as good. Pick a dissertation committee with a good mixture of gravitasand youthful energy; you want great economists who are tough questioners. Go toconferences and make presentations; this gets you feedback on your work andshows that you are an active scholar.

2、Have Projects in Your Pipeline. List working papers and works in progress on your CV, but include only seriousprojects that are already going forward. Use papers from your grad classes asspringboards for new projects. You need to be able to talk intelligently about“what‘snext” in both specific (short run) and general (long run) terms. Schedule adissertation defense date (set in consultation with your committee). Thissignals that you are ready to finish, and is a stronger signal if your advisormentions it in her letter.

3、Be Engaged in Your Scholarly Community. Be well-known inyour department and get to know faculty. Attend seminars and brown-bagpresentations, and give presentations. Do well in your classes. Be a goodresearch assistant. Attend social functions and meet visiting faculty andseminar presenters—this gets you feedback from fresh sources and helps you getto know people outside your department. Learn about the interests andspecialties of your departments faculty; someone may be able to give youspecialized help. Make friends with your departments staff, particularly theperson who coordinates sending out letters.

4、Network. Having lots of friends is useful when you go onthe job market. You will ask your faculty friends to talk to people they knowat your potential employers (and you will also reach out to people you have metthrough conferences and seminars). This can move your CV from the “ignore”stack into the “look again” stack. Some such contacts will happen without yourknowledge, so the better known you are in your department, the better it is foryou.

5、Make Yourself Accessible. Make a good CV early in graduateschool and keep it updated. Make sure that your page on the departments gradstudent website is updated with your information. Observe deadlines andrequests from the people maintaining this website. Make your own website, too,but do not post much personal information. When you go on the job market, postyour job market materials on your website, and ask your advisor to link to you.You may want a profile on professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Clampdown privacy controls on social networking sites.




John Cawley,A Guide and Advice for Economists on the U.S. Junior Academic Job Market: 2016–2017 Editionhttp://ftp.iza.org/dp10400.pdf



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