
征摘要 | 2019 AAEA China Section Track Session Call for Abstracts

三农学术 2022-12-31

China Section Track Session Call for Abstracts

2019 AAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA

July 21-23, 2019


The AAEA – China Section seeks submissions for presentations in Track Sessions at the 2019 AAEA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. This year, we plan to have two focused areas and other general topics.


(1) China’s farmland reform and the development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers;


(2) Agricultural international trade: roles, influences and challenges for both China and the world;


(3) General topics: include, but are not limited to,agricultural education, rural labors, farm income,food safety, grain security,rural education, climate change, and environment etc.


Those interested should email their abstracts as an attachment to chinasection@gmail.com no later than the midnight of November 16,2018 in WORD format only. The cover page of the abstract should include: (1)Title of the paper; (2) Names of authors, with the last name of the presenterin CAPITALS; (3) Email address of the presenter; (4) Institutional affiliationsand addresses (including emails) of the authors; and (5) Up to four key words.


The abstract itself should be one-page (single-spaced, 8.5 by11 inches) that provides a clear explanation of what will be presented at the Annual Meeting. The abstract should include a discussion of the relevance of the topic, research methodology, data sources (if applicable), preliminary results (if not available, expected results), and potential for generating discussion during the meeting. Please use the last name of the presenter as the file name of your attached abstract, with a .docx or .doc extension.Notification of whether an abstract is accepted will be sent by December 14,2018. Please note this is before the due date for AAEA Selected Presentation Abstractsand Proposals and Organized Symposium and Frontier Sessions (January 16, 2019).Please also note that if your abstract is accepted by the China Section, the same paper cannot be presented at the Annual Meeting through other venues.

Selected Papers are allotted 20 minutes at the meeting for presentation. We will also consider a lightning session with eight presentations with no discussants or panelists. Authors of Selected Papers mustsubmit a full version of their papers to AgEcon Search no later than May 15,2019. Papers that miss this deadline will be withdrawn from the program. The full version of the paper has no length limitations, but less than 25 pages are preferred. Double-spaced, 8.5 by 11-inch, single-sided format is requested.Please follow the American Journal of Agricultural Economics style guidelines,with the exception of the single table/figure per page convention. All presenters/speakers are required to be AAEA and China Section members and registered for the Annual Meeting.


The China Section offers up to two Best Paper Awards to junior scholars (graduate students or young professionals who received their graduate degrees within the last five years) who submit and confirm to present their work (primary authorship required) at the 2019 China Section Track Sessions.Any questions regarding submission should be directed to chinasection@gmail.com. Information onthe leadership and activities of the China Section can be found at http://www.aaea.org/sections/china/(click on “AAEA Annual Meeting” on the left panel to see more information)


以上内容转自微信群“AAEA China Section”


  1. AAEA 2018 年会 中国专场论文一览

  2. 第三届农业经济理论前沿论坛(2019)征文启事

  3. 征稿 | 中国农业经济学者(海南)峰会(CAEF 2018)


