本文重点关注商业关系对中国农民安全生产行为的影响。 通过410名蔬菜种植者收集的数据与PSM方法, 我们发现没有市场交易的合作社成员资格对农民是否获得蔬菜认证没有显著影响,而对于市场交易的合作社成员农民来说,合作社成员资格对农药毒性的关注、以及土壤测试结果在施肥方面的应用有积极影响。这些结果表明,参与市场交易的合作社成员的农民更有可能获取认证、注意毒性并应用土壤测试结果。 我们还发现,合同农业对农民是否有认证有积极影响,而对毒性的关注和土壤测试结果的应用没有显著影响。
This paper focuses on the impact of business relationships on safe production behavior by farmers in China. Data collected from 410 vegetable farmers were used with a propensity score matching model for estimating. We found that the co‐operative membership without marketing transactions had no significant effect on whether farmers had vegetable certification, whereas the membership did positively affect farmers’ attention to pesticide toxicity and the application of soil‐testing results to fertilization compared with farmers who participated in market exchanges. These results show that farmers who participate in co‐operative membership with marketing transactions are more likely to own certifications, attend to toxicity and apply soil‐testing results. We also found that contract farming has a positive effect on whether farmers have certification, whereas no significant effect was observed on the attention paid to toxicity and the application of soil‐testing results.
中文摘要为编辑简单翻译,请以英文为准;文章出处:Li L, Guo H. The impact of business relationships on safe production behavior by farmers: Evidence from China. Agribusiness. 2019;35:84–96.