GAMS 高级应用工作坊:农业与经济建模【转】
浙江大学中国农村发展研究院、中国农业科学院将联合国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)、GAMS公司举办以“农业与经济建模”为主题的GAMS 高级应用工作坊。GAMS是一种用于数学规划和优化的高级建模软件系统,由语言编译器和稳定的集成高性能算子组成,尤其适用于线性、非线性和混合整数优化问题的建模。GAMS具有强大稳健而快速的求解能力,适合复杂的、大规模的建模应用,被广泛应用于包括能源化工、经济建模、农业规划或制造业等不同领域。另外,GAMS可以灵活的与Excel、Matlab、Python、R等其他软件链接,增强了模型数据和结果的分析和应用能力。目前,超过120多个国家的不同领域的跨国公司、学校、研究机构和政府都在使用GAMS。由于计算机技术的发展,CGE(可计算的一般均衡)模型和多市场多部门局部均衡模型等大型经济学模型也发展迅速,在结构方面表现出很强的优势,能够反映经济系统中各种复杂的相互联动关系,已经成为目前政策模拟分析的强大工具,应用于预测分析和政策模拟评价分析。GAMS也是作为主要的建模软件用于经济模型的开发和应用。
本次活动旨在为国内农业经济及相关学科的青年教师和研究生提供一个互动平台,深入学习了解GAMS 的建模的高级技巧、GAMS软件与Python以及R等其他软件的拓展互动、一般均衡和局部均衡模型及其开发应用,从而提高经济建模能力和研究水平。
① 报名表(见附件1,报名表须认真填写所有栏目。您的报名表将被留档,请您自行复印留底。)
② 身份证复印件一份
③ 学生证/工作证复印件一份
④ 个人简历(个人简历需详细写明个人研究及受教育经历,将作为筛选学员的重要依据)
⑤ 研究计划(研究计划应该根据是GAMS应用的课题设计,将作为筛选学员的重要依据)
⑥ 安全责任保证书(见附件2)
上午 | 下午 | |
5月15日 | 报到注册 | |
5月16日 | 1.0 Brief Opening,Orientation 1.1Advanced GAMS Techniques Part I | 2.1 Advanced GAMS Techniques Part II |
5月17日 | 2.2 Link to other software: Interaction with Python and R | 2.3PartialEquilibrium Model and CGE model |
5月18日 | 结束离校 |
Dr. Steven Dirkse
Dr. Steven Dirkse received his PhD in Computer Science from UW-Madison in 1994. After a year of teaching math and CS at Calvin College, he joined the staff at GAMS Development in 1995, becoming Director of Optimization in 2003 and President in 2016. His primary focus has been in software development, notably solvers and solver links, data utilities, multi-threading, and quality control and performance testing. He has also consulted on optimization projects with several GAMS clients during this time.Steve has published in many leading journals, gives lectures at conferences, and is an active member of the community: e.g., he is a past Director and current Secretary/Treasurer of the INFORMS Computing Society. As part of his thesis research he developed the PATH solver for Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCP), a robust, large-scale solver that was a great leap forward in solving MCP. For the work on the PATH solver he was awarded the Beale-Orchard-Hayes Prize in 1997.
Michael Bussieck
Dr.Michael Bussieck has a PhD in Mathematics from Technical University ofBraunschweig, Germany. He worked from 1998 to 2004 at GAMS Development inWashington DC, USA as a senior optimization analyst. Since 2004 he has alsobeen a managing partner of GAMS Software GmbH, leading the GAMS softwaredevelopment group. In addition to his development responsibilities, hefrequently engages in customer optimization projects that deliver cutting-edgeoptimization technology to clients from industry (energy, automotive, andchemical), the military, and government throughout Europe and the US.Michaelhas published in many first class optimization journals, frequently giveslectures at international conferences, and leads the academic outreach programat GAMS. He also serves as a member in the advisory board of the German OR Society.
Frederik Proske
Frederik Proske is anOperations Research Analyst at GAMS Software GmbH. He received his master’sdegree in industrial engineering from the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.In 2018 he joined the GAMS team after working as a student employee for oneyear. He has gained experience in software development and project managementin the area of mathematical programming. His core competencies are projects inthe field of operations research - mostly scheduling problems - that providecustomers with powerful optimization software. He regularly gives lectures atuniversities and international conferences.
Xinshen Diao
XinshenDiao is the Deputy Division Director and a Senior Research Fellow in theDevelopment Strategy and Governance Division of International Food PolicyResearch Institute (IFPRI) and a flagship leader for the CGIAR’s Policy,Institution, and Market Research Program (PIM). She received PhD in appliedeconomics from University of Minnesota in 1995, and has extensive experience inresearch on economic development, growth and poverty reduction; intersectorallinkages; regional integration and dynamics; and agricultural policies andinstitutional changes in Africa at the country level in Ethiopia, Ghana,Nigeria, Rwanda, and Tanzania and at regional level. She has published morethan 100 articles in various peer-reviewed economic journals, IFPRI books andmonographs, and external book chapters. Before coming to IFPRI, Dr. Diao was anassistant professor of applied economics at the University of Minnesota,stationed at the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.Prior to that, in the late 1980s, she was division director and assistantdirector general of the Economic Reform Institute of China in Beijing. Xinshenhas received the University of Minnesota’s 2018 Distinguished Leadership Awardfor Internationals that recognizes her outstanding achievements and scholarlywork which have played a critical role in improving the lives of the world’smost underprivileged people. She also won the 2018 Outstanding Alumni Awardfrom the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Minnesota.
Agapi L. Somwaru
Dr. A. Somwaru, retired, SeniorAgricultural Economist at the Economic Research Service (ERS), U.S. Departmentof Agriculture (USDA) and consultant. She has established a reputation as anexpert in economic modelling include independentcomplex research and analyses. Her work focuses on the area of appliedagricultural trade and policy research. Prior to her public service, Dr.Somwaru was a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, University ofConnecticut where she taught International Trade and Finance. She received herPh.D. and M.Sc. in agricultural economics from the University of Connecticut,and her B.Sc. (Honors) in agricultural sciences from the University ofThessaloniki, Greece. Dr. Somwaru haspublished many referred articles in the most recognized journals andco-authored several books.
联系人:何淑霞 老师
附件01_2019年GAMS 高级应用工作坊报名表.docx