


















3.申请人博士毕业学校应为世界排名前100名的高校,或者其博士学位所属学科排名全球前100名(以当年度最新上海软科世界大学学术排名Academic Ranking of World Universities、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名Times Higher Education World University Ranking、QS世界大学排名QS World University Rankings、U.S.News世界大学排名U.S.News& World Report为参考)。对“一带一路”沿线国家的申请人,条件可放宽至博士毕业学校为本国排名前3名的高校。根据中德博士后交流项目合作框架,在德国获得博士学位的留学人员或外籍博士,如获得德国亥姆霍兹联合会正式推荐可申请本项目,不受学校或专业排名限制(联系方式:德国亥姆霍兹联合会驻北京办事处何宏 010-65907866, hehong@helmholtz.cn)。

4.  申请人的研究领域应用微观计量经济学的优先考虑,同时考虑人口学、社会学和公共卫生领域的博士。申请人应熟练掌握现代计量经济学的方法,能够熟练使用STATA等统计软件处理大样本微观数据。



















Job Opening at Peking University


Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in CHARLS Program

The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) aims to collect a high quality micro data set of a nationally representative sample of Chinese aged 45 and older to serve the needs of scientific research on ageing in China. Professor Yaohui Zhao, from the National School of Development of PKU, is the PI of CHARLS.

Now the CHARLS team plans to recruit postdoctoral research fellows who could join the 2-year research program in 2019 with the support from the fellowship of International Exchange Program for the post-doctors. 


1. No. of positions:  1-2 

(1)Main Responsibilities:    

Successful candidates are expected to work with the CHARLS team to provide academic support for the field work, to produce research papers and reports. 

(2)Main research areas in the program include but are not limited to:

* Living arrangement of the older people and intergenerational support for the older people;

* Retirement of the older people and its determinants;

* Health status of the older people and its determinants;

* The relationship between medical care services and medical insurance for the older people;

* The distribution of income, consumption and wealth of the older people and their determinants;

* Life history study of the older people in China.

2. Qualifications    

(1) No more than 35 years old, and in good health.

(2) Applicants got the PhD degree within 3 years.

(3) The applicant’s graduating university should be one of the top 100 universities in the world, or the major where the applicant got the PhD degree should be one of the top 100 majors (for the rankings, please refer to the latest Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Ranking, QS World University Ranking, or U. S. News & World Report). For the applicants from countries in the "One Belt and One Road" initiatives, their graduating universities should be among the top 3 universities in their country. In addition, according to the cooperation framework of the Sino-German postdoctoral exchange program, for any applicants who got a PhD degree in German universities, they are qualified to apply for this program if they could receive official recommendation from the Helmholtz association of Germany ( for those who are interested in it, please contact Mr. Hehong by 010-65907866 or hehong@helmholtz.cn).

(4) The research area of applied microeconomics is preferred and other areas like demography, sociology and public health would also be considered favorable. Besides, the applicant should be good at using statistical software to analyze large sample micro data sets.

(5) The applicant should be available to do the postdoctoral research work in China for no less than 20 months.

(6) The applicant should have shown great achievements in the related research area during the PhD program.

(7) Non-English speaking applicants should be good at listening, speaking, reading and writing in either Chinese or English.

(8) This position is a full time position. Anyone who has other employment is not qualified.

(9) The applicant should have never been funded by the fellowship of International Exchange Program for the post-doctors or post-doctoral innovative talent support program.



The annual salary is 300,000 yuan, which covers personal living expenses, housing subsidies, social insurance and round-trip air fares to China during the program.

4. How to apply

The applicant should log in the following website: http://www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn/WebSite/program/Default.aspx, select "overseas exchange program", fill in the application form and submit it with scanned copies of the supporting documents.

The supporting documents include:

(1) Valid identity certificate;

(2) Degree certificate. If the doctoral candidates of 2019 haven’t got the degree, please apply for this program without this certificate which could be submitted on your arrival.

(3) Supporting documents that demonstrate your research work and academic achievements which were outlined in the application form.

All the forms needed for application are available in the column of "forms for downloading" on the website.

5. Deadline

Please submit the application form and all the supporting documents by 24:00 (Beijing  time), June 10, 2019 if you would like to get the decision by the end of this August. Please send the form and related documents to Ms. Na SONG before the deadline as well, who could be reached by charlsjob@charls.org.


If you have any questions during your application, feel free to contact Ms. SONG.


This post is valid throughout the year. And the deadline for the final round of the application for the fellowship of International Exchange Program for the post-doctors in 2019 is September 5, 2019. For those interested in the fellowship, please contact Ms. SONG for further information.

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『China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study』

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访问员及其他问题:  charls_interview@pku.edu.cn

