
中国研究、发展经济学 相关外文期刊汇总及谷歌2019学术排名【转】

三农学术 三农学术 2022-12-31


期刊排名中专门有一项“Chinese Studies & History”,所列期刊比较全面,具体排名如下:

1China Economic Review3654
2The China Quarterly3251
3Journal of Contemporary China3037
4China Journal1729
5Chinese Journal of Communication1624
6China & World Economy1621
7Chinese Management Studies1520
8Journal of Current Chinese Affairs1518
9Journal of Chinese Political Science1424
10China Information1420
11China Agricultural Economic Review1418
12Modern China1416
13China Economic Journal1227
14China Perspectives1219
15China Review1216
16Journal of Chinese Economic and  Business Studies1016
17The Chinese Economy1013
18Chinese Political Science Review916
19Frontiers of Economics in China914
20Issues & Studies914

  • 排名靠前的还是CER、China Quarterly、Journal of Contemporary China、China Journal等老牌综合性中国类期刊

  • 但是专业领域的中国期刊崛起,比如三农类的China Agricultural Economic Review 排名比 Mordern China 还是靠前

  • 以上期刊列表还少了一个 Chinese Sociological Review,社会学类的SSCI期刊。

  • 其他领域内期刊排名链接:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=top_venues&hl=en&vq=soc

谷歌学术期刊排名中发展经济学类排名如下表。Food Policy很靠前,经济学者们不太关注的 The Journal of Peasant Studies 也不错,Journal of Agrarian Change 也还可以。

1World Development84116
2Food Policy6486
3Journal of Development Economics6085
4The Journal of Peasant Studies4877
5Third World Quarterly4154
6The Journal of Development Studies3657
7The World Bank Economic Review3043
8Journal of International Development2943
9Development and Change2843
10Development Policy Review2538
11Journal of Agrarian Change2440
12African Development Review2335
13The European Journal of Development  Research2335
14Journal of African Economies2237
15Economic Development and Cultural  Change2235
16Journal of Human Development and  Capabilities2143
17The Journal of Developing Areas2029
18Development Southern Africa2027
19IDS Bulletin2025
20Progress in Development Studies1935

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