

三农学术 2022-12-31

The 10   ASAE International Conference

Gearing Asian Agriculture under the Fourth IndustrialRevolution: Opportunities and Challenges


10-12 August 2020 | Beijing, P.R.China


Venue | China National Convention Center,No.7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District



The past  four  decades have  witnessed  rapid technology  progress  and agricultural  development  along with  the  new wave of  information  technology and  biotechnology  revolutions, throughout  the  whole world.  Since  more than  70 percent of  small  household farms  of  the world  nowadays  are in  Asia,  agricultural development  and  rural transformation  still face many  challenges  in Asian  countries,  among which  the  small household  farm  issue is  at  the center. How to modernize agriculture and facilitate  transformation of  small household  farms in  the new era  remain to be the most important issues attractingthe public interest.

The Asian  Society  of Agricultural  Economists  (ASAE) in cooperation  with Peking  University,  Renmin University  of China, China  Agricultural  University, as  well  as Chinese Association of Agricultural  Economics,  and Chinese Association of  Agro-Technical  Economics invite  academic  scholars (including  PhD  students), policymakers, professionals and specialists  from development agencies and  industries to participate  in the 10  ASAE  International Conference in Beijing, China, between 10and 12 August, 2020.


The Conference  Program  Committee is  calling  for papers  and  symposia that  address  various issues  associated  with the opportunities  and  challenges under  the  Fourth Industrial  Revolution  to support  agricultural  and rural development in Asian economies.

Important Date to Remember:

  • Deadline for submission of extendedabstract (2-3 pages) and organized symposia: 31 January 2020

  • Notification of abstract acceptance andorganized symposia: 28 February 2020 

  • Submission of full paper: 20 April 2020                                                                                                                      

Submit Your Abstract of Papers/Applicationfor Symposia to ASAE Conference Organizer and Secretari at:

  • PKU: Ms. Li Wang & Ms. Xueyan Feng
    Email: asae2020@pku.edu.cn

  • RUC: Ms. Sansi Yang

  • CAU: Ms. Yihan Liu
    Email: liuyihan@cau.edu.cn


Conference Sub-themes

  • Accessing the impact of advancedtechnologies (i.e. ICT, IOT, AI etc.) on agriculture in Asian countries.

  • Development and policies under the new waveof biotechnology and gene revolution in Asian countries.

  • Innovating and prioritizing institutions,policies and investment initiatives to modernize small farms dominated Asian agriculture.

  • Revitalizing Asian rural economy:Agricultural transformation, rural industrialization, off-farm employment, farm mechanization etc.

  • Changing consumer behaviors, smartagriculture and risk management (including agricultural insurance and financial development in rural areasetc.).

  • The modern food value-chain, networktrading and digital economy.

  • Food security, agricultural trade and marketintegration under the uncertain international relationships.

  • Innovative solutions for sustainable andenvironmental friendly agriculture.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Length of abstract: Must be 2-3 pages or650 -1000 words.

  • Content of abstract: Must include title,author(s) and affiliation, rationale, objectives, methodology, key findings, conclusion and recommendations,and 3-5 key words.

  • Format: Must be written in English, useTimes New Roman, size 12, single (1.0) spacing.

Registration Fee

  • US $400: participants from OECD countries

  • US $300: participants from non-OECDcountries and ASAE members

  • US $200: Graduate students

Note: The registration fee covers the3-year membership fee. An additional cost will be charged for the participantsof the preconference "Learning Workshop on Latest Developments in Teachingand Learning."



Website: www.asae2020.org   or  www.asae2020.org.cn   (to beavailable)


本文转自AAEA—China Section 微信群。


  1. 2019-2020学年度“扶贫研究博士论文奖学金”申报公告【转】

  2. The 11th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference Program(draft)【转】

  3. 大咖云集 | 2019农林经济管理一流学科建设•贵阳论坛会议通知

  4. 中国农大 | 第19期香樟经济学Seminar(北京)征文通知【转】

  5. 第十九届中国经济学年会入选论文公示【转】

