

三农学术 2022-12-31

*本文转自公众号“CAER编辑部”,原标题“Cfp-Agriculture and Food Security under NCP Emergency”


Call for Papers

Special Section of China Agricultural Economic Review(CAER) on Agriculture and Food Security under Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) Emergency


Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) originated from a seafood and wild food wet market in Wuhan has quickly spread to the whole China and more than 25 countries. The Director-General of World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that the outbreak of NCP constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern(PHEIC). It has already caused loss of hundreds of lives and potentially large economic loss. Various border controls both inside China and at the international boundaries have been introduced to contain the disease. While these controls are necessary, they could potentially lead to negative impact on agriculture and food security in short and long run.

Since the onset of virus last December, food prices have been stable in City of Wuhan, in Hubei, and in fact, all over China. Supplies of staples, fruits, vegetables and meats have been adequate despite sporadic reports of price hikes and shortages in isolated locations. But there is no room for complacency. Media reports already indicate that poultry industry is already under stress due to lack of adequate feed supply and timely marketing of products. Food system beyond agriculture will be even more affected if the processing enterprises cannot restart production in near future. Production of staple food crops might also be affected if the epidemic continues to critical time of spring planting. If staple food supply is affected, its impact on food security may cause a situation as dreadful as the novel coronavirus outbreak.

In response, China Agricultural Economic Review(CAER) recognizes the urgent need to conduct evidence-based research and quickly share information.  As such CAER is organizing a special section entitled “Agriculture and Food Security under Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) Emergency” to help provide deeper understandings of key issues This session will address agriculture and food security implications of the current emergency, including impacts, mechanisms, lessons learnt,policy options as well as an agenda for future action and research.


Topics for this call include, but are not limited to the following under the 2019-NCP emergency:

  • Impacts on China’s agriculture and food systems including food security

  • Impacts on domestic and international food supply chains

  • Market panic, food prices and consumer behavior

  • E-commerce on mitigating virus spread and ensuring food supplies

  • Regional impact

  • International lessons on response strategies and policies

Submission Guidelines

Guest editors are Professors Kevin Chen from Zhejiang University and International Food Policy Research Institute and Shenggen Fan from China Agricultural University.

For those who are interested in contributing, please submit a title and abstract(less than 500 words) to Kevin Chen at k.chen@cgiar.org by February 21, 2020.

All papers should be submitted and presented in English.

  • Please find detailed guidelines in following link:


  • Please submit your manuscript to:


  • Please note in your cover letter that your submission is intended for CAER special section on agriculture and food security under novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) emergency.

Important Dates

Submission(Title and Abstract) Deadline: February21, 2020

Submission Deadline: April 15, 2020 

Acceptance Notification: May 31, 2020

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