

Research and application of real-time monitoring and early warning thresholds for multi-temporal agricultural products information 

XU Shi-wei, WANG Yu, WANG Sheng-wei, LI Jian-zheng

2020, 19(10): 2582-2596

农产品监测预警是有效防范农业生产、消费和价格风险的重要手段,特别是随着国家经济管理职能转变和国家农业发展形势变化,提升农产品监测预警及时性和正确性对于宏观经济决策具有十分重要的意义。农产品信息预警阈值是农产品监测预警的核心组成部分,如何合理确定多时空农产品信息预警阈值是实现实时动态监测预警手段的关键问题。应用多种统计学方法确定农产品生产、消费和价格信息的初级警限,并结合Delphi Method专家判断方法修正已确定的多时空农产品信息警限,本文选取2018年农产品监测信息与多时空农产品信息实时监测预警阈值进行比对,对其正确性进行验证,进而提出新时期中国多时空农产品信息实时监测预警阈值表,为国家宏观层面确定中国农产品生产、消费和价格监测预警提供对照标准,进一步提升中国农产品监测预警应用水平。

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Impact of cash crop cultivation on household income and migration decisions: Evidence from low-income regions in China 

LI Meng, Christopher GAN, Wanglin MA, Wei JIANG

2020, 19(10): 2571-2581


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China’s alfalfa market and imports: Development, trends, and potential impacts of the U.S.–China trade dispute and retaliations


Qingbin WANG, ZOU Yang

2020, 19(4): 889-897

This study examines the development and trends of China's alfalfa market and imports, identifies key factors for the rapid increase in China's alfalfa imports, and discusses potential impacts of the U.S.–China trade dispute and retaliations on the alfalfa markets and trade in both nations. China's rapid transition toward larger-scale commercial dairy production, with enhanced feed and cost management as well as quality and safety control, and its limited resources for high-quality alfalfa production are key factors for the dramatic increase in its alfalfa imports, from 19 601 metric tons in 2008 to 1.38 million metric tons (mmt) in 2018. While the United States dominated China's alfalfa imports with an average share of 97.01% from 2007 to 2017, the share dropped to 83.76% in 2018 and 63.28% in January 2019 due to the trade dispute and retaliations started in 2018. China will likely remain a large importer of alfalfa because of both its growing demand and the comparative advantages of imported alfalfa in quality and price, but the imports from the United States will be highly affected by the ongoing trade dispute and negotiations. China is also expected to make more efforts to reduce its dependence on U.S. alfalfa through increased investment in domestic alfalfa production and identification of alternative sources of alfalfa and other hay imports.

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Potato farmers’ preference for agricultural insurance in China: An investigation using the choice experimental method基于选择实验研究我国马铃薯农户对农业保险的偏好HUANG Ze-ying, Alec ZUO, SUN Jun-mao, GUO Yan-zhi2020, 19 (4): 1137-1148


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Moving beyond the opposition of diverse knowledge systems for food security and nutrition

Nathanaël PINGAULT, Patrick CARON, Alicia KOLMANS, Stefanie LEMKE, Carol KALAFATIC, Sabine ZIKELI, Ann WATERS-BAYER, Carolin CALLENIUS, QIN Yong-jun
2020, 19 (1): 291-293

Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) is influenced by diverse and complex factors, and therefore requires a holistic approach to agriculture and food systems plus integration of knowledge from diverse sources in science and society. Using the results of a colloquium held at the University of Hohenheim (Germany) in September 2016 leading up to the recent High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) Note on Critical and Emerging Issues for Food Security and Nutrition, this article underlines the role of research and innovation as a social and political process and draws attention to neglected types of knowledge. It illustrates the potential of knowledge co-production and co-innovation to transform food systems in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Maize production under risk: The simultaneous adoption of off-farm income diversification and agricultural credit to manage risk


Shoaib Akhtar, LI Gu-cheng, Adnan Nazir, Amar Razzaq, Raza Ullah, Muhammad Faisal, Muhammad Asad Ur Rehman Naseer, Muhammad Haseeb Raza

2019, 18 (2): 460-470

Farmers in Pakistan continue to produce maize under various types of risks and adopt several strategies to manage those risks. This study is the first attempt to investigate the factors affecting the concurrent adoption of off-farm income diversification and agricultural credit which the farmers use to manage the risk to maize production. We apply bivariate and multinomial probit approaches to the primary data collected from four districts of Punjab Province in Pakistan. The results show that strong correlations exist between the off-farm diversification and agricultural credit which indicates that the use of one risk management strategy leads to another. The findings demonstrate that education, livestock number, maize farming experience, perceptions of biological risks and risk-averse nature of the growers significantly encourage the adoption of diversification as a risk management tool while farm size inversely affects the adoption of diversification. Similarly, in the adoption equation of credit, maize farming experience, farm size, perceptions of price and biological risks and risk attitude of farmers significantly enhance the chances of adopting agricultural credit to manage farm risks. These findings are important for the relevant stakeholders who seek to offer carefully designed risk minimizing options to the maize farmers. 

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Factors affecting the adoption of on-farm milk safety measures in Northern China - An examination from the perspective of farm size and production type


YANG Xin-ran, Kevin Z. Chen, KONG Xiang-zhi

2019, 18 (2): 471-481


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Is the feminization of labor harmful to agricultural production? The decision-making and production control perspective


LIU Jia-cheng, XU Zhi-gang, ZHENG Qiu-fen, Lillian Hua

2019, 18 (6): 1392-1401


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Do farmers care about climate change? Evidence from five major grain producing areas of China

农民在乎气候变化吗?来自中国五个粮食主产区的证据SONG Chun-xiao, LIU Rui-feng, Les Oxley, MA Heng-yun

2019, 18 (6): 1402-1414


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Technical efficiency of hybrid maize growers: A stochastic frontier model approach

Imad Ali, HUO Xue-xi, Imran Khan, Hashmat Ali, Khan Baz, Sufyan Ullah Khan

2019, 18 (10): 2408-2421

This study investigated the effect of credit constraints and credit unconstraints on the technical efficiency of hybrid maize growers in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPK) of Pakistan. The primary data were collected by a direct elicitation method from 510 maize growers of KPK Province. Stochastic frontier model techniques were used for technical efficiency analyses. The results revealed that the mean technical efficiency difference between the two groups was 10.2%. The results of technical inefficiency effect modeling demonstrated that education of the household head, family size, number of married family members, off-farm income, farming experience, tractor drill, water irrigation through a lined course, certified seed, extension services, household saving variables, and a credit size variable had positive effects on technical efficiency for both credit constrained farmers (CCFs) and credit unconstrained farmers (UCCFs). In addition, age of household head and fragmented land values had negative effects on technical efficiency for both groups. However, the interest rate had positive and negative impacts on the technical efficiency of CCFs and UCCFs, respectively. Our results have significant implications for policies related to land use, interest rate, and banking sector expansion in the rural areas of Pakistan.

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More children nutrition distribution, less labor incentive: Evidence from Chinese collective agriculture


HUANG Ying-wei, MAO Pei, LI Jun

2019, 18 (10): 2422-2433


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Farm size and fertilizer sustainable use: An empirical study in Jiangsu, China

经营规模与化肥可持续使用: 基于中国江苏的实证分析HU Ling-xiao, ZHANG Xiao-heng, ZHOU Ying-heng

2019, 18 (12): 2898-2909


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Farmers using insurance and cooperatives to manage agricultural risks: A case study of the swine industry in China

保险+合作社: 中国生猪养殖户风险管理工具选择研究ZHANG Yan-yuan, JU Guang-wei, ZHAN Jin-tao

2019, 18 (12): 2910-2918


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Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA,《农业科学学报》) 是中国农业科学院与中国农学会联合主办、农业信息研究所承办的英文学术期刊。创刊于2002年,主编为中国农业科学院副院长万建民院士。2019年SCI影响因子1.984,位于科睿唯安JCR农业综合学科Q1区 (13/58)。目前为月刊,全年12期,同时在Elsevier-ScienceDirect (SD) 平台全刊OA出版。专注刊登作物学、园艺、植物保护、动物科学、动物医学、资源环境、食品科学、农业经济与管理等国际农业科学前沿热点领域的综述、研究论文、简报以及评述等。

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