
马旺林 郑宏运:非农就业是否促进了中国农村地区水果和蔬菜的消费?

三农学术 2022-12-31

Wanglin Ma, Hongyun Zheng (2021). Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in rural China: Does off-farm work play a role? Q Open: A Journal of Agricultural, Climate, Environmental, Food, Resource, and Rural Development Economics, 1(2): 1-21




Although off-farm work plays a significant role in facilitating agricultural production and rural development and improving household welfare, little is known about whether off-farm work can promote fruit and vegetable consumption in rural areas of developing countries. This paper sheds new insights by estimating the impact of off-farm work on fruit and vegetable consumption, measured by purchasing frequencies and consumption expenditures. We employ a two-stage residual inclusion estimator to address the self-selection bias and analyze data collected from 558 rural households in China. The results show that household heads’ off-farm work promotes rural households’ fruit and vegetable consumption by significantly increasing purchasing frequencies and expenditures. Further analysis confirms that household heads' off-farm work participation, rather than all household members, plays a prominent role in promoting household fruit and vegetable consumption. We also find that farmers’ behaviours of growing fruits and vegetables appear to substitute their purchasing behaviours.





  1. 马旺林  郑宏运  朱月季  起建凌 | 合作社社员身份对中国香蕉种植户财务绩效的影响:一个异质性分析

  2. 李俊鹏  马旺林  Renwick  郑宏运 | 灌溉可得性对农业收入及收入多样化的影响:来自中国的证据【转】

  3. 郑宏运  马旺林  李谷成 | 有机土壤改良剂采纳及其对农业生产绩效的影响:来自中国小麦种植户的证据

  4. Food Policy | 郑宏运  马旺林  王芳 李谷成:互联网使用提高了中国香蕉生产的技术效率吗?

  5. JAAE | 董莹、穆月英 等:农民专业合作社会提高技术效率和收入吗?——来自中国小型蔬菜农场的证据【转】

