
樊胜根、Matin Qaim被提名为国际农业经济学家协会(IAAE)主席候选人

三农学术 2022-12-31

*后附两位候选人的简介及竞选声明,樊胜根教授强调要推动IAAE拥抱农业食物系统(agrifood system)概念、促进发展中国家在国际农业食物系统议程发声;6月28日-7月25日间会员进行电子投票选举,没注册的赶紧注册吧


Between Monday June 28, 2021 and Sunday July 25, 2021, all IAAE members will be eligible to vote electronically for the members of the new IAAE Board of Directors between June 28 and July 25, 2021 from the close of the upcoming 2021 virtual ICAE on August 31. Elections will be held for the positions of President Elect, Secretary-Treasurer; and three Members-at-Large.

As notified on June 8, the Nominations Committee under the chairmanship of Past-President Will Martin has nominated the following candidates for these positions. Please click on each candidate’s name for a bio and statement on IAAE:

We will be sharing information on voting procedures on the IAAE website and by email to members in time for the opening of the voting on Monday, June 28, 2021.

Only IAAE members in good standing for the 2020-22 conference period will be eligible to vote, so if you have not already done so, please renew your membership soon and participate in these important elections!

IAAE网站公开了两位主席候选人的简介及竞选声明。樊胜根教授在其竞选声明中强调要推动IAAE拥抱农业食物系统(agrifood system)概念、促进发展中国家在国际农业食物系统议程发声


Shenggen Fan

IAAE Board Position: President-Elect


Dr. Shenggen Fan is currently Dean of the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy (AGFEP) and Chair Professor at China Agricultural University (CAU). Prior to joining CAU, Dr. Fan served as the Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) from 2009 to 2019.

He was born in a poor village in rural China. His deep respect for farming as a source of livelihoods for rural populations led him to study agricultural economics. Since receiving bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural economics from Nanjing Agricultural University and his PhD in applied economics from University of Minnesota, he has devoted his whole career to international agricultural economics and food policy, firstly as a researcher, and later as a manager and a leader. He published widely in international peer reviewed journals, books and reports. He has also successfully worked with multidisciplinary teams in producing high impact reports such as the EAT-Lancet Report on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems, and the Food and Land Use Coalition’s Report on Growing Better: Ten Critical Transitions to Transform Food and Land Use.

He was a member, vice chair and chair of the Food and Nutrition Council of the World Economic Forum and is a member of a number of journal editorial boards. He currently serves as a member of the United Nations’ Lead Group for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement and a member of the CGIAR System Board. He is a Fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), and an Honorary Life Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE).


I have been involved with IAAE for more than 3 decades. The association has grown in size, depth and diversity. I am proud of being a member and have committed myself to the association through fundraising, assisting organizing conferences, reviewing contributed papers and as an At-Large Member of the Board 2009-12. I was instrumental in organizing the ICAE2009 in Beijing and was also a member of the selected paper committee and the chair of the best poster selection committee for the same conference. For the 2021 ICAE, I am the chair of the selection committee for the Schultz and Westermarck Awards. As IFPRI DG, I always made sure that the institute provides financial support to researchers from developing countries to attend the ICAEs.

Despite important work the association has done in the past, our profession is facing new challenges and is at the crossroads. If I am elected, I will expand IAAE’s work in two important areas.

First, the association must embrace the agrifood system concept as agriculture and food are both a victim of and a contributor to many of today’s crises, such as climate change and health emergencies like COVID-19. This requires agricultural economics to expand scope to economics of agrifood systems. IAAE can make unique contributions to the agrifood system analysis. Agricultural economists can develop methods and metrics to account for the true cost of agrifood systems. The costs need to be internalized through taxation and regulations, so food prices reflect true costs to the environment, climate change and health. Economists can identify synergies among efficiency, sustainability, health and social inclusion goals and help design polices and strategies to minimize trade-offs among these goals. Agricultural economists can also help analyze the solution to policy failures and improve understanding of political decision-making process. Economists can provide a diverse and rigorous toolkit for understanding choice under scarcity and the tradeoffs, including microeconomic analyses of consumer and producer behaviors, meso-level analyses of markets and value chains, and macro level modelling of entire economies and the global food system as a whole.

Second, despite rapid ascension in global agrifood production, consumption, trade and investment, the voices of emerging and developing economies are largely absent in setting the global agrifood systems agenda. This will hinder the transformation of their own as well as the global system. In this context, IAAE, and particularly members from developing countries, can break traditional disciplinary boundaries to study food, nutrition, health, environmental resources, climate mitigation, and adaptation holistically by using the system approach in emerging and developing countries. With the assistance of IAAE, developing countries can provide high quality data and research, as well as evidence-based policy advocacy and capacity strengthening at all levels. It is my vision that IAAE will serve as a two-way bridge between international food systems research and national food system transformations.

以下是Matin Qaim教授的简介及竞选声明全文:

Matin Qaim

IAAE Board Position: President-Elect


Matin Qaim is Professor of International Food Economics at the University of Goettingen, Germany. Before, he had research and teaching positions at the Universities of Hohenheim, Bonn, Kiel, and California at Berkeley. Qaim holds a PhD from U Bonn (2000) and an MSc from U Kiel (1996). His main research relates to food security and sustainable development, particularly focusing on agriculture-nutrition linkages and the role of technical and institutional change. He has worked in numerous countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Qaim has over 200 publications in leading field journals of agricultural economics and other disciplines (development, nutrition, plant sciences, agronomy, etc.) and in top general interest journals (Science, Nature Group, PNAS). Qaim is member of the German National Academy of Sciences (2018) and Fellow of the American Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA, 2019). He has served the IAAE and the broader profession in various capacities, including as associate editor or editorial board member of Agricultural Economics (2007-2012), AJAE (since 2018), Food Policy (since 2007), Annual Review of Resource Economics (since 2015), and as founding director of the GlobalFood (2011-2020) und SustainableFood (since 2021) International PhD Programs at Goettingen. Qaim has supervised over 60 PhD students, more than half from developing countries.


My experience with IAAE: I became IAAE member during my PhD studies in the late-1990s and have not missed a single conference since then. To me, the IAAE conferences are a major professional highlight every three years to discuss the latest research findings, meet colleagues from all over the world, and observe and support promising junior researchers and rising stars. I love the IAAE spirit and the exciting blend of stimulating academic debate and social networking. I am also promoting this spirit in my own research group and support all of my PhD students and postdocs to participate in IAAE conferences. I am very familiar with IAAE’s many facets, for instance as winner of the Nils-Westermarck-Award (2003), associate editor of Agricultural Economics (2007-2012), jury member for the Carl-Eicher-Award (2018), Executive Board Member (2008-2021), and person-in-charge for the Organized Symposia at ICAE 2021. It would be my great pleasure and honor to lead our wonderful Association as President-Elect.

Challenges: Agrifood systems are closely linked to most of the SDGs, meaning that topics we can contribute to are gaining in importance and policy-relevance. But we need to actively fill this space through the choice of the right research topics, forming the right coalitions, developing suitable interdisciplinary methodologies, and publishing papers that matter to the real world, not only to a small circle of academics in a narrowly defined discipline. A related challenge for the IAAE is the increasing number of interdisciplinary conferences sponsored by different organizations, leading to a situation where especially young colleagues sometimes wonder what the value of a more disciplinary association, like IAAE, actually is in today’s world. We need to clarify that interdisciplinary work is great, but runs the risk of staying superficial if not grounded in rigorous theories and methods. For this, a disciplinary anchor and the IAAE as the “home” association remain essential for all agricultural economists.

Conferences: We need to maintain IAAE’s unique spirit and traditions while further developing the format. After the pandemic, we all look forward again to in-person meetings, which are especially important for early-career researchers to build up their networks. A triennial flagship event organized as an in-person meeting is appropriate, even though online participation should also be possible for members unable or unwilling to travel (hybrid solutions will also be useful for the Interconference-Symposia). Mentoring elements for young scholars should be enhanced. Through attractive and diverse speakers and topics, I will also try to further increase IAAE’s visibility beyond the agricultural economics discipline.

Membership: IAAE should be the home association for all scholars interested in economics and/or social sciences perspectives on sustainable food systems and the broader bioeconomy in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.

Journal: Agricultural Economics is a very well managed journal. Given the rising relevance of agrifood systems research for the SDGs, it could be useful to slightly increase the number of articles per journal issue. I would also find it useful to include one or two short perspective articles in each issue, written by experts on emerging interdisciplinary topics or other fields of broad interest to our profession.


Matin Qaim及其他职位候选人的简介及竞选声明请访问IAAE网站:





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