

三农学术 2023-10-24




A survey of literature examining farmland prices: A Canadian focus

B. James Deaton, Chad Lawley


A portion cap rule with two products: An experimental evaluation

José G. Nuño-Ledesma

Handling the discontinuity in futures prices when time series modeling of commodity cash and futures prices

Joshua G. Maples, B. Wade Brorsen

An economic analysis of production efficiency: Evidence from Irish farms

Jean-Paul Chavas, Doris Läpple, Bradford Barham, Emma Dillon

A survey of literature examining farmland prices: A Canadian focus

B. James Deaton    Chad Lawley

Abstract:This study assesses agricultural economics literature on farmland prices and key determinants of these prices. The first section of the paper uses a basic capitalization model to organize a review of the literature and data. We then provide a focused assessment of five streams of literature examining farmland prices: (1) boom-bust; (2) the capitalization effect of government agricultural subsidies on farmland prices; (3) agricultural zoning; (4) climate change; and (5) prohibitions against non-local buyers of farmland. Our review highlights challenges to ongoing efforts to model changing farmland prices, the modern emphasis on econometric identification, important variation in the magnitude of estimated relationships across the literature, and the opportunity to expand research in Canada.

A portion cap rule with two products: An experimental evaluation

José G. Nuño-Ledesma

Abstract:Portion cap rules have been proposed to regulate the consumption of foods and ingredients deemed unhealthy. Challenging common intuition, previous theoretical work posits that, when the seller leverages bundling to price-discriminate, buyers are not necessarily affected and some may even benefit from a quantity restriction. I conduct an experiment designed to test this claim. In the laboratory, human subjects take the role of sellers and offer two products to automated buyers with private preferences. I manipulate the policy environment across treatments. The data largely corroborate the anticipated impacts on consumer surplus, speaking to their robustne ss. In particular, consumers with a low appreciation for the regulated good and a high valuation for the unrestricted item benefit from the cap rule.

Handling the discontinuity in futures prices when time series modeling of commodity cash and futures prices

Joshua G. Maples    B. Wade Brorsen

Abstract:Futures prices are discontinuous, with each future price series ending at maturity. Differencing before splicing can create a continuous future return series, but still leaves price levels with discrete jumps. When comparing cash and futures prices, there is a need to either make the futures more like the cash price by adding back the changes at rollover or removing the nonstationarity and seasonality from cash prices. In the specific situation of only testing market efficiency of futures prices, we propose using panel unit root tests. Our empirical examples using weekly prices show the null hypothesis of a unit root is not rejected in most cases regardless of the test used.

An economic analysis of production efficiency: Evidence from Irish farms

Jean-Paul Chavas    Doris Läpple    Bradford Barham    Emma Dillon

Abstract:The objective of this paper is to investigate the economics of production efficiency of dairy farms, with a specific focus on the role of agricultural policy. Our analysis is based on a representative sample of Irish dairy farms, ranging from 2000 to 2018, which includes a period of major change in EU dairy policy. Based on a multi-input multi-output production system, we first estimate technical, allocative, scale and scope efficiencies. We find significant heterogeneity in technical and allocative efficiencies, which change over time. We also calculate shadow prices of milk quota, which suggest that milk quotas restricted many farmers and limited their ability to produce milk. Finally, we explore determinants of technical, allocative, scale and overall inefficiencies using random panel-data censored regression. We find that subsidies are positively associated with farm efficiency, but the effects vary over distinct quota abolition periods. Overall, our empirical findings indicate that agricultural policy had important effects on the managerial effectiveness of farmers.



  1. AJAE《美国农业经济学期刊》2022年第104卷第3期目录及摘要

  2. ERAE《欧洲农业经济学评论》2022年第49卷第3期目录及摘要

  3. 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2022年第73卷第2期目录及摘要

  4. 《Agribusiness》2022年第38卷第2期目录及摘要

  5. 《农业经济问题》2022年第5期目录及摘要【转】



