

慧天地 2019-06-30





Postdoctoral Recruitment of Institute of Sensing and Navigation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

“Intelligent Sensing & Navigating Future”


Institute of Sensing and Navigation in School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University is open for domestic and overseas postdoctoral research errecruitment. Interested researchers are welcome to apply.

一、研究所简介(Introduction of the Institute)


The institute focuses to solve problems regarding intelligent processing theories and core technologies in the area of high-precision detection, recognition, navigation, and job control incomplicated realistic scenarios. We keep exploring new concepts, new methods,and new technologies based on the requirements of real-world applications and scientific problems.


Institute of Sensing and Navigation consists of two labs including “Shanghai Key Laboratory of Navigation and Location Based Services”, and “Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Sensing and Recognition”.We maintain a close cooperation relationship with the industrial community. The main research directions of the institute include high-resolution imaging and target recognition, scene-based cognitive navigation and location services, and advanced technologies and applications of photoelectric information.

二、合作导师(Cooperation Supervisors)


Qifeng Yu: academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor,Deputy Director of the Experimental Mechanics Committee of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Deputy Director of the Remote Sensing Expert Committee of Chinese Society of Astronautics. His research areas include large-scale structural deformation measurement, large-scale motion measurement,and visual navigation.



Wenxian Yu: Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor, Shanghai Leading Talent, Shanghai Excellent Discipline Leader, Chair Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dean of Academy of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. His research areas include remote sensing information processing, target intelligent recognition, scene recognition and intelligent navigation, etc.



Changqing Xu: Professor, Ph.D. supervisor. His research areas include fusion navigation technology, cognitive radio technology, OFDM modulation in MIMO-OFDM systems, space-time coding and channel coding, channel capacity and related influence factors, multi-user transmission and receiving, etc.

Email: cqxu@sjtu.edu.cn


Huilin Xiong: Professor, Ph.D. supervisor. His research areas include nonlinear pattern recognition and machine learning,image processing, and computer vision.


武元新:教授/国家优青,博士生导师,Elsevier中国高被引学者,IEEE Trans. AES与Journal of Navigation编委,主要从事惯性基导航、状态估计、视觉运动估计等方向研究。

Yuanxin Wu: Professor, "NSFC Award" for Excellent Young Scholar, Ph.D. supervisor,Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar. He serves asan Associate Editor for The Journal of Navigation and IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. His research areas include inertial-based navigation system, state estimation, inertial-visual fusion, and wearable human motion sensing.


三、招聘条件(Recruitment Requirements)

1. 在国内外知名高校及研究机构获得博士学位或近期内能顺利完成博士论文答辩,取得相关专业博士学位,对下述岗位有浓厚兴趣。

Applicants should have a PhD degree in related majors from well-known universities/institutes, or is expected to complete his/her doctoral dissertation successfully in the near future, with interest in the positions listed below.

2. 品学兼优,身心健康,年龄一般在 35 岁以下。

Applicants shall keep good academic records, with sound physical and mental conditions, and is aged below 35.

3. 踏实做事,为人诚实,具有强的团队合作奉献精神和责任心,较强的组织协调能力。

Applicants shall be hardworking, honest, with strong team-working skills and responsibility, and strong coordination skills.

4. 在相关领域重要期刊发表高水平研究论文,实践能力强,对本领域基础知识和前沿方向有良好把握。

Publication of highly-recognized papers in major journalsin related fields is expected. Applicants shall also possess strong ability in laboratory practices and a good vision of basic knowledge and developments in the corresponding field.

5. 在基础科研或产业化方向具有极大的兴趣和工作热情。

Applicants shall keep a great interest and passionin basic research or industrialization.


四、研究方向(Research Fields)



Position 1:Remote Sensing Information Processing (2 vacancies)

Engaged in the research and development in SAR image target detection and identification, SAR image classification,multi-source remote sensing image fusion, deep learning, and microwave imaging.


Position 2:Unmanned System withIntelligent Sensing and Navigation Technology (5 vacancies)


Engaged in the research and development on non-structural scene  sensing and object identification for low-speed unmanned system, high-efficient SLAM, signal/image understanding, and multisensor-based positioning and navigation.


Position 3: inertial-based navigation system (2 vacancies)


Engaged in researches including inertial-based navigation, information fusion methods, algorithms and prototype system design of cross-domain between inertial navigation, and visual navigation. Applications of the above researches include large-scale autonomous navigation, wearable motion perception, etc.

五、岗位待遇与职责(Benefits and Responsibilities)

1. 享受上海交通大学博士后福利待遇;由上海交通大学和上海北斗导航创新研究院联合资助,待遇不低于税前 30 万元/人,科研成果突出者将给予额外奖励。鼓励有组织地参与和企业的合作与各类创业活动。

Successful applicants will be granted post-doctorallevel welfare of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. jointly funded by Shanghai JiaoTong University and Shanghai Beidou Research Institute. Basic salary will be no less than RMB 300,000/year before tax. Those who have outstanding achievements will receive additional rewards. Organized collaborations with enterprises and entrepreneurial activities are encouraged.

2. 在站期间全职从事博士后研究,一般应在站不低于 3 年,鼓励优秀人才长期稳定地从事博士后研究工作;并根据国家相关规定,第一站可长达 4 年,二站合计可长达6 年;在站期间,均可享受学校的博士后待遇;博士后研究工作满 3 年且取得优秀科研成果、满足学校长聘教轨要求者,通过评估后可直接获聘长聘教轨教职;未能达到要求者,可以继续从事博士后研究工作,也可选择出站。

Successful applicants shall service a Full-timepost-doctoral research contract for no less than 3 years, although excellent talents are engaged to work on the position with a stable and long-term manner.According to relevant national regulations, the length of first contract can beup to 4 years, with two contracts up to 6 years in total. The post-doctoral welfare of the university will be lasted for the complete contract span. After 3 yearson post-doctoral position, with outstanding scientific achievements and fulfilled requirements of the university, it is possible to submit atenure-track position application for university assessment. If the assessmentis failed, one can still continue to engage in the postdoctoral research or choose to back out.

3. 根据上海市博士后管理政策办理有关落户事宜。

Handle the settlement according to the post-doctoral management policy of Shanghai.

4. 鼓励和支持博士后研究人员申报“博士后创新人才支持计划”、“博士后科学基金”以及其它国家与地方的科技项目和博士后资助项目。

We encourage and support postdoctoral researchers to apply for “postdoctoral innovative talent support programs”, “postdoctoral science funds”, and other national and/or local science and technology programs and postdoctoral funding programs.


Assist in guiding undergraduates and graduatestudents, and participate in the laboratory management.

六、申请程序(Application Procedures)

1. 有意者提交申请材料至:lgong@sjtu.edu.cn

Please submit the application materials to the above email address.

2. 对初审合格者研究团队将通知其面试

The research team will interview those who are qualified in the first stage.

3. 面试合格者通知提交学校要求的评审材料

Those who are qualified in the interview can submit the assessment materials required by the university.

4. 学院及学校评审

School and university reviews.

5. 办理进站手续

Handle procedures for entering the station.

七、材料提供(Materials Provided)

1. 个人简历(学习简历、工作简历、发表论文、参与项目等)及有效身份证明扫描件。

Academic CV (learning, working, papers published, programs participated, etc.) and a scanned copy of valid identification.

2. 博士论文和三篇重要代表性论著或论文以及其他可以证明本人研究能力及水平的相关资料。

Doctoral dissertation and three representative works or publications, and other related materials that can prove research competence.

3. 博士学历、学位证明扫描件。

Scanned copies of Ph.D. degree and degree certificate.

4. 博士导师以及 1-2 位同行专家推荐信(附联系方式)。

Recommendation letters from doctoral supervisor and1-2 peer expert (with contact information). 



Contact Person: Ling Gong

联系电话: 021-34207485

Phone: 021-34207485

地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号微电子楼301室,邮编: 200240

Address: Microelectronics Building 301, DongchuanRoad No. 800, Shanghai, 200240


网站(website):http://ast.sjtu.edu.cn   http://nls.sjtu.edu.cn







编辑 / 郭梅  审核 徐鑫 郭晓非


