
会议通知|IGS Workshop 2018

慧天地 2019-06-30




29 October To 2 November

Meeting Place



Multi-GNSS through Global Collaboration



The Workshop will comprise 10 sessions (see the list below) including oral and poster prese ntations, as well as splinter meetings for the different IGS working groups.

Analysis Centres and Reference Frames

Tom Herring, Paul Rebischung, Mich ael Moore

tah@mit.edu, paul.rebischung@ign.fr ,michael.moore@ga.gov.au


In this session, we seek contributions from the IGS analysis centers on improvements to analysis methods and models for full GNSS analyses that they are exploring, in particular for the next reprocessing campaign. Of interest are studies that highlight the differences in systematics between GNSS systems and how these can be exploited to improve product quality. Also of interest are presentations about new orbit modeling and analysis efforts, the evaluation of new sub-daily EOP tide models and their impact on IGS products, and other modeling improvements that are likely to increase the quality of IGS products..


Orbit Modelling

Rolf Dach, Tim Springer

Rolf.dach@aiub.unibe.ch, tim.springer@esa.int

Summary:Accurately modelling the GNSS satellites orbits is a key issue for the quality of the IGS products. The surface force models together with the estimated (orbit) parameters are probably the most important sources of differences between analysis centers products (effect of SRP models and attitude, albedo models, modelling methods like box and wings, semi-empirical, empirical, etc). The use of different conste llations will change the errors characteristics observed in the results (draconitic effects, ...), so the impact of the different constellation dynamic characteristics has to be considered (geometry, planes, inclination, period...). The length of the orbital arcs used in the solutions to achieve optimal multi-constellation solutions, using for example longer arcs than the usual daily solutions, is also an issue to be addressed. We are looking for contributions related to the general topic of GNSS orbit modelling but we are especially interested in contributions that will help to advance the quality of the IGS orbit products and in particular the multi-GNSS IGS products.



Sharyl Byram,Rosa Pacione


Summary:The troposphere contains about 75-80% of the mass of the atmosphere and is the layer where most clouds are found and almost all weather occurs. Remote sensing of troposphere with GNSS is an established field of research and applications. Advancements in Numerical Weather Prediction Models  (NWP) to improve forec asting of extreme precipitation requires GNSS troposphere products with a higher resolution in space and shorter delivery times than are currently in use. Homogeneously reprocessed GNSS observations on a regional and global scale have high potential for monitoring water vapour climatic trends and variability, and for assimilation into climate models. This session will include presentations related to GNSS-based troposphere delay: computation /distribution of estimates, research into mapping functions and models, applications of troposphere est imates, comparison with other methods, impact of troposphere delay estimates on timing or positioning, and other topics.


Infrastructure Committee, RINEX, Data Centres

Nacho Romero. Ken Macleod, Carey Noll


Summary:The backbone of all IGS products will continue to be having state-of-the-art formats, data centers, and infrastructure that can cope and adapt to the increasing need for greater accuracy, reliability and speed, which are critical to serve the scientific community in their IGS data and product requirements. This session will present the latest developments in how the IGS has been adapting its infrastructure, its data centers, and data formats to better fulfill the goals of the IGS, its members, and its global user community.


Timing and Biases

Stefan Schaer, Michael Coleman



In Timing session, precision clocks and frequency standards are both critical to the operation of all GNSS. The IGS clock products now contributes to and participates in the IGS rapid and final clock combin ations. Clock estimates and statistics are generated monthly and the IGS reference time is steered to UTC laboratories daily. Future clock products will consist of solutions and estimates for clocks across many GNSS constellations. For this sess ion, we solicit presentations on the applications of the IGS products for timing research and development including but not limited to: links between the IGS and the time laboratories participating to UTC; IGS clock products and their assessment; use of IGS clock products for time and frequency transfer; calibration of geodetic time receivers; GNSS clock performance and development; and, assessment of GNSS system time offsets and the interoperability of GNSS systems.


Careful treatment of measurement biases in legacy and new signals is crucial for combined analysis of multiple GNSS. In Biases session, Contributions presenting results and processing concepts for the modeling, determination, or calibra tion of biases are invited. This includes: code and code-phase receiver biases in GPS, GLONASS and new constellations, the handling of biases in single-receiver ambiguity resolution, line bias variations, absolute, or observable-specific bias concepts, results concerning long-term stability or combination of biases.



Oliver Montenbruck, Urs Hugentobler


Summary: This session solicits contributions related to the joint processing of legacy and new (BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, NavIC) navigation satellite systems as well as GNSS performance monitoring. Topics may include – but are not limited to – the generation of multi-GNSS orbit, clock, and bias products, their use in precise multi-GNSS applications (positioning, atmosp heric monitoring, etc.), and the evaluation of GNSS performance indicators such as signal-in-space range accuracy, user range error, and availability. Contributions shall be closely related to IGS activities in the field and results from the MGEX Pilot Project as well as the recently launched IGMA-IGS Joint Trial Project on GNSS Performance Monitoring are specifically encouraged.



Arturo Villiger, Florian Dilssner


Summary: Released in January 2017, the new IGS antenna calibration file (igs14.atx) provides phase center offset (PCO) and variation (PCV) parameters for almost 200 GNSS satellite transmitting antennas and more than 300 geodetic station receiver antennas. The most relevant changes to igs14.atx compared to the previous version, igs08.atx, are the realigned radial offsets (z-PCOs) for the GPS/GLONASS constellation and the integration of additional receiver antenna calibration results from robotic field measurements, bringing the total number of absolutely calibrated ground antennas in the global IGS tracking network to more than 90 percent. However, despite these promising developments, igs14.atx still has several known shortcomings, including the failure to account for the azimuth dependence of the phase center position of certain transmit antennas (GPS Block II/IIA/IIR/IIF, Galileo IOV), failure to support antenna group delay patterns, the lack of satellite antenna PCVs for emerging GNSS systems (BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS), the lack of phase center corrections for the new GNSS signals (GPS L5, GLONASS G3), and the presence of site-specific multipath near-field effects altering the tabulated phase center para meters. Accordingly, the antenna session is open to submissions related to a wide range of antenna- and igs14.atx-oriented topics, including but not limited to new results in the following areas:

1.GNSS/multi-GNSS ground antenna calibrations systems

2.Investigation of in-situ calibrations of antenna installations

3.Benefits of individual calibrations of GNSS ground antennas

4.Benefits of azimuthal satellite antenna PCVs

5.Importance of group delay patterns, particularly related to integer ambiguity resolution

6.Estimation of satellite antenna PCOs and PCVs for the new GNSS signals and constellations

7.Use of current and future spaceborne missions in low, medium, and high Earth orbit for consistent in-situ calibration of all GNSS antennas, ground and space

8.Multipath mitigation and interfe rence suppression



Andrzej Krankowski


Summary: Total Electron Content (TEC) is important because of the dispersive effect it has on any trans-ionospheric radio signals which leads to a frequency dependent delay and refraction of the signals. Space geodetic techniques such as GNSS (ground- and satellite-based), DORIS, VLBI, satellite altimetry or the GPS radio occultation missions can provide valuable information on the electron density. The potential for ionospheric sensing using these techniques has improved consid erably over the last few years. The ionosphere session will be a forum for discussing:

1.Algorithms and models for processing, calibrating and improving the precision of TEC measurements;

2.Possible improvements of the IGS ionospheric products;

3.Occultation measurements;

4.Applications of TEC measurements products. The session also includes a summary of the activities of the IGS Ionosphere Working Group.


Qile Zhao,Axel Ruelke


Summary: The IGS Real Time Service (RTS) was formally launched in April 2013. This consists of GNSS data and products that are streamed from IGS data centres and are openly available to subscribed users with latencies of a few seconds.


The session will focus on aspects of the RTS and its potential evolution, including the core infrastructure of GNSS receiver networks, data centres and analysis and combination centres and on the scientific and public service applications (e.g. precise positioning, atmospheric modelling, disaster monitoring, time transfer) that make use of the service. Emphasis will be given on techniques and processes that improve the accuracy and reliability of the service to the user and on addressing the challenges of multi-GNSS processing for AC and user solutions. These include the need for accurate satellite modelling and early identification of orbit problems to minimise the effect of orbit prediction errors, understanding the impact of biases on multi-signal multi-constellation solutions, further developments of open data formats and the latest advances in the user Precise Point Positioning (PPP) algorithms.

Science Application

Jianghui Geng, Fred Blume


Summary: IGS products are being used for an increasingly broad diversity of scientific applica tions. The benefits of using IGS products include accuracy, robustness, consistency, stability, standardization, and traceability in reference systems and time standards. Moreover, many applications benefit retrospectively when IGS completely reprocesses of its entire dataset with improved reference systems, models, estimation strategies, algorithms, and calibrations. Scientific applications that benefit from IGS comprise an exponentially growing list, including reference frame realization, Earth rotation, plate tectonics, plate boundary deformation, the earthquake cycle, seismology, glacial isostatic adjustment, sea level monitoring, low Earth orbiter positioning, time transfer, weather forecasting, climate monitoring, ionospheric science, atmospheric sounding, tsunami early warning, terrestrial water storage, snow depths, soil moisture, vegetation monitoring, and fundamental physics experiments. For this session, we solicit presentations on scientific applications that use IGS products (either combination products or Analysis Center products). We particularly encourage presentations that trace the quality of the science outcomes to the quality of IGS products, and identify how future science may be improved by either new or improved IGS products.


  • Preferred option

  • Reserve your room in Donghu Hotel through the workshop

  • Alternative options

  • Wanda Realm Hotel Wuhan

  • Wanda Reign Hotel Wuhan

  • Hongyi Hotel Wuhan

Important Dates

Early Bird Registraiton Due

Aug. 29, 2018

On-site Registration

Oct. 28-29, 2018

Abstract Submission Due

Aug. 22, 2018

Visa letter application Due

Sep. 15, 2018

Notification of Acceptance

Sep. 10, 2018

VISA Request








会议通知|小行星重力场与内部结构国际会议(SAGI 2018)



编辑 / 徐鑫  审核 / 孙浩南 徐鑫


