期刊荟萃|Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of Geographical Systems
Geographical Information, Analysis, Theory, and Decision
The Journal of Geographical Systems (JGS) is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to encourage and promote high quality scholarship on important theoretical, methodological and empirical issues with a central spatial or regional dimension. The intention of JGS is to provide an outlet for innovative research in regional science, urban and regional economics, spatial economics, geography, GIScience, and environmental sciences. Papers in the following subject areas are especially welcome: quantitative economic geography models; spatial decision processes; simulation modeling; complex systems; artificial intelligence; geo-computation; spatial econometrics and spatial statistics; resource management; land use change; transport, migration and communication; regional housing and labor markets; regional economic growth; innovation and regional economic development.
Journal Information
Impact Factor:1.324
Available:1999 --2018
Open Access:11 Articles
ISSN: 1435-5930 (Print) 1435-5949 (Online)
Publisher:Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Manfred M. Fischer
Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Nordbergstr. 15/4/A
1090 Vienna, Austria
E-mail: manfred.fischer@wu-wien.ac.at
Antonio Páez
School of Geography & Earth Sciences
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada
E-mail: paezha@mcmaster.ca
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Official Website
期刊荟萃|Journal of Spatial Science
整理 / 蒋莉 编辑 / 肖紫寒
审核 / 徐鑫 肖紫寒