
好书推荐 | 肖鸾仪:《动态系统理论下自述情感与外语表现的多案例研究》

交大外语 语言学心得 2021-03-17













肖鸾仪 著

ISBN  978-7-313-20532-2

定价 98 元

折扣价 78.40 元



内 容 提 要


  前    言  

近年来,关于外语教学的研究呈现出跨学科的趋势,愈来愈多的国内外学者相继开展研究,将自然科学中的应用理论与外语教学的研究相结合。相应地,如何将自然科学中的相关概念和理论有效地迁移至社会科学研究中,也是学界研究的焦点。1997年,美国密歇根大学Diane Larsen-Freeman 教授首次将动态系统理论与外语教学及外语习得的研究结合起来。2009年,英国诺丁汉大学Zoltan Dornyei教授、英国华威大学Ema Ushioda教授将动态系统理论发展到心理语言学的研究中。2012年,英国华威大学David Wray教授,本人攻读博士学位期间导师,将动态系统理论与现象图析学、外语教学策略、心理预测分析有机地结合起来。本书源自本人英国华威大学博士毕业论文,自2016年起可在全网公开获得并受原著作权保护。








关 于 作 者





目     录

Chapter 1   Introduction  1

1.1 Scope of the Study /1

1.2 Organisation of the Book /2

Chapter 2   Literature Review  4

2.1 Introduction /4

2.2 Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Foreign Language Acquisition (FLA) and Foreign Language Development (FLD) /4

2.2.1 Kachru's Three-circle Model of World Englishes /5

2.2.2 Foreign Language Development (FLD) /8

2.3 Affective Experiences /10

2.3.1 What Are Emotions? /10

2.3.2 How Many Emotions Are There? /13

2.3.3 How Can Emotions be Measured? /16

2.3.4 Emotions in the FLA Context /17

2.3.5 Features of FL Affective Experiences /18

2.3.6 Definitions of FLA Affective Experiences in This Study /19

2.4 Self-perceived Affective Experience and  Objective Learner Performance /21

2.4.1 Introduction /21

2.4.2 Three Types of Relationships /22

2.5 Self-perceived Affective Experience and Self-evaluated Learner Performance /29

2.5.1 Self-evaluations in SLA/FLA /29

2.5.2 Different Types of the Selves /32

2.6 Research Gaps /38

2.7 Dynamic Systems Theory /40

2.7.1 Definitions of Systems /40

2.7.2 DST's Origin and Development in SLA/FLA /41

2.7.3 DST's Key Characteristics and Transitions of Concepts /45

2.8 Studying the Relationship through the Lens of DST /52

Chapter 3   Methodology  54

3.1 Introduction /54

3.2 Introduction of Phenomenography /54

3.2.1 The Origin of Phenomenography /54

3.2.2 First and Second Order Perspectives /56

3.2.3 Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions /60

3.3 Methodological Considerations of Phenomenography /64

3.3.1 Common Data Collection Methods /65

3.3.2 The Role of a Researcher /66

3.3.3 Data Processing and Outcomes /67

3.3.4 Strengths of Phenomenography /70

3.3.5 Weaknesses of Phenomenography /71

3.3.6 Rationale of Employing Phenomenography in the Current Study /75

3.4 Research Designs /75

3.4.1 Instruments /76

3.4.2 Language to Collect Data and Translation Issues /81

3.4.3 Sampling /83

3.4.4 Ethical Considerations /85

3.5 Data Analysis /86

3.5.1 Data Coding Process /87

3.5.2 Transcribing the Data /87

3.5.3 Intercoder Reliability and Agreement /88

Chapter 4   Findings  97

4.1 Overview /97

4.1.1 Timescales /97

4.1.2 The Learners' Initial Conditions /98

4.1.3 Identified Attractor States /98

4.1.4 The Learners' Self-perceived Affective Experiences /99

4.1.5 The Learners' Self-reported Performance Trajectories /101

4.2 Alex's Profile /102

4.2.1 Alex's Affective Experiences /103

4.2.2 Alex's Self-reported Performance /107

4.2.3 Alex's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /114

4.3 Amber's Profile /115

4.3.1 Amber's Affective Experiences /115

4.3.2 Amber's Self-reported Performance /119

4.3.3 Amber's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /123

4.4 Bruce's Profile /123

4.4.1 Bruce's Affective Experiences /124

4.4.2 Bruce's Self-reported Performance /126

4.4.3 Bruce's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /130

4.5 Cindy's Profile /130

4.5.1 Cindy's Affective Experiences /130

4.5.2 Cindy's Self-reported Performance /133

4.5.3 Cindy's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /135

4.6 Eric's Profile /136

4.6.1 Eric's Affective Experiences /136

4.6.2 Eric's Self-reported Performance /140

4.6.3 Eric's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /143

4.7 Fiona's Profile /143

4.7.1 Fiona's Affective Experiences /143

4.7.2 Fiona's Self-reported Performance /148

4.7.3 Fiona's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /151

4.8 Louis' Profile /152

4.8.1 Louis' Affective Experiences /152

4.8.2 Louis' Self-reported Performance /155

4.8.3 Louis' Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /156

4.9 Lucy's Profile /157

4.9.1 Lucy's Affective Experiences /158

4.9.2 Lucy's Self-reported Performance /161

4.9.3 Lucy's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /163

4.10 Mary's Profile /163

4.10.1 Mary's Affective Experiences /164

4.10.2 Mary's Self-reported Performance /166

4.10.3 Mary's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /168

4.11 Nancy's Profile /168

4.11.1 Nancy's Affective Experiences /169

4.11.2 Nancy's Self-reported Performance /171

4.11.3 Nancy's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /173

4.12 Peter's Profile /173

4.12.1 Peter's Affective Experiences /174

4.12.2 Peter's Self-reported Performance /176

4.12.3 Peter's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /178

4.13 Sarah's Profile /178

4.13.1 Sarah's Affective Experiences /179

4.13.2 Sarah's Self-reported Performance /181

4.13.3 Sarah's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances /183

Chapter 5   Discussion and Conclusion  184

5.1Introduction /184

5.2 The Self-organising Capacity of Affective Patterns /184

5.2.1 Self-organising Capacity /184

5.2.2 A Summary of Affective Patterns /185

5.2.3 Emotional Ambivalence /187

5.2.4 Feedback /188

5.3 Emerging Themes of the Affective Patterns /190

5.3.1 Cross-case Comparisons and the State Space /190

5.3.2 Alex's, Bruce's and Nancy's Profiles: Anticipatory Emotions /191

5.3.3 Amber's and Cindy's Profiles: Self-perceived Humility without Gratitude Versus Self-perceived Shyness without Fear /191

5.3.4 Fiona's and Peter's Profiles:“Interest” as an Attractor Conglomerate /193

5.3.5 Louis' and Sarah's Profiles: Self-perceived Sociable Students with Debilitative Affective Experiences /193

5.3.6 Eric's, Lucy's and Mary's Profiles /194

5.4 Positive Effects of Positive Emotions, Positive  Effects of Negative Emotions and Negative Effects of Negative Emotions /195

5.5 Attractor States /197

5.5.1 Terminology /197

5.5.2 Location of a Conglomerate Research Strategy in DST /198

5.5.3 Tripartite Framework to Attractor States /199

5.5.4 Cognitive, Emotional, Motivational Factors of Each Attractor State /200

5.6 Researching Traditional FLA Concepts from a DST Perspective /217

5.7 Research Implications, Pedagogical Implications, Limitations and the Future Research Agenda /225

5.7.1 Research Implications /225

5.7.2 Pedagogical Implications /227

5.7.3 Limitations and Future Research Agenda /229

5.8 Conclusions /230

References   232

Index   256







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