招 生|德国莱比锡大学招收全奖博士生
编者按:所有申请信息均来自于linguist list (https://linguistlist.org/)以及各大高校Job Vacancy界面,点击阅读原文即可跳转至相关申请界面,本文来源:奈提柯斯先生
Universität Leipzig
莱比锡大学(Universität Leipzig)位于德国萨克森州的莱比锡,创立于1409年,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,也是现今德国管辖地区内历史第二悠久的大学,仅次于海德堡大学(1386年)。现在的莱比锡大学发展到了14个系、150多个研究所,有注册学生29668人(2006年冬季学期),是莱比锡最大的一所大学,萨克森州第二大的大学。著名校友有莱布尼兹、歌德、尼采、历史学家兰克、让·保罗等。1879年德国生理学家威廉·冯特任莱比锡大学哲学教授时建立了第一个心理实验室,标志着现代心理学的开端。医学专业是莱比锡大学最知名的专业。截止2017年,共有18位校友及教职工曾获得诺贝尔奖。
注意:该项目组(research unit)只有三个子课题在本次招收全奖博士生,并非所有课题均有招生计划。
项目主题:RU Cyclic Optimization
Cyclic structure building and optimization are two central research areas of grammatical theory, but also closely related to core concepts in psychology and computation: Cyclicity implements the intuition that problem solving is not global, but applies in small incremental steps. Optimization approaches allow for bridging the gap between computational models of neural neural networks in Cognitive Science and symbolic models of human language.
This research unit explores the hypothesis that combining cyclicity and optimization achieves an added level of explanation not available to either alone: Cyclicity can substantially restrict the search space of optimization processes and explain why optimization is often surface-opaque, while optimization yields a principled account for the timing, size, and variability of cycles.
Prospects of Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism
Layers of morphosyntactic number in Eastern Sudanic
Optimal matches between clause-embedding predicates and their clausal complements
Prospects of Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism
Candidates should have a strong background in morphological theories of inflection (e.g., Distributed Morphology or Paradigm Function Morphology), and they should ideally have some expertise in both optimality theory and minimalist syntax. Researchers from international backgrounds are encouraged to apply; prior knowledge of German is not required. Candidates should have an M.A. (or comparable) in linguistics (or a related field), with degree in hand latest by October 1, 2021.
Layers of morphosyntactic number in Eastern Sudanic
MA (or equivalent) in linguistics or related field
Excellent command of English (German not required)
Strong background in theoretical linguistics, especially syntax and morphology
Previous research on African or other understudied languages is a plus, but not required
The candidate must be willing to participate in field trips to Kenya
Optimal matches between clause-embedding predicates and their clausal complements
Applicants should have an M.A. in Linguistics or related fields and have a strong interest in the lexical semantics of clause-embedding predicates and the syntax of clausal complementation. In addition, applicants should be interested in cross-linguistic data collection. Previous experience with data elicitation in a foreign language is a plus.
Prospects of Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism
Layers of morphosyntactic number in Eastern Sudanic
Optimal matches between clause-embedding predicates and their clausal complements
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讯 息|2021年度国际中文教育研究课题开始申报
助 研|语言学、汉语国际教育及相关专业学术论文写作研修班(第二期)
审 核:心得君