
刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《记忆与语言》2022年第122卷

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 Volume 122,February 2022

JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE(SSCI一区,2020 IF:3.059)2022年第122卷共发文4篇,均为研究性论文。研究论文涉及词汇预测、观点采择、目击记忆、位置效应、短时记忆和序列回忆等。



■  Prediction involves two stages: Evidence from visual-world eye-trackingby Ruth E. Corps, Charlotte Brooke, Martin J. Pickering, Article 104298.

A model of position effects in the sequential lineupby John C. Dunn, Matthew Kaesler, Carolyn Semmler, Article 104297.

■ Tradeoffs between item and order information in short-term memory, by Dominic Guitard, Jean Saint-Aubin, Nelson Cowan, Article 104300.

■ Phonemic interference in short-term memory contributes to forgetting but is not due to overwriting, by Steven Roodenrys, Leonie M. Miller, Natasha Josifovski, Renata Galatolo, Article 104301.


Prediction involves two stages: Evidence from visual-world eye-tracking

Ruth E. Corps, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands

Charlotte Brooke, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Martin J. Pickering, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands

Abstract Comprehenders often predict what they are going to hear. But do they make the best predictions possible? We addressed this question in three visual-world eye-tracking experiments by asking when comprehenders consider perspective. Male and female participants listened to male and female speakers producing sentences (e.g., I would like to wear the nice…) about stereotypically masculine (target: tie; distractor: drill) and feminine (target: dress, distractor: hairdryer) objects. In all three experiments, participants rapidly predicted semantic associates of the verb. But participants also predicted consistently – that is, consistent with their beliefs about what the speaker would ultimately say. They predicted consistently from the speaker’s perspective in Experiment 1, their own perspective in Experiment 2, and the character’s perspective in Experiment 3. This consistent effect occurred later than the associative effect. We conclude that comprehenders consider perspective when predicting, but not from the earliest moments of prediction, consistent with a two-stage account.

A model of position effects in the sequential lineup

John C. Dunn, University of Western, Australia. Edith Cowan University, Australia.  University of Adelaide, Australia

Matthew Kaesler, University of Adelaide, Australia

Carolyn Semmler, University of Adelaide, Australia

Abstract What is the effect of placing the suspect in different positions in a sequential lineup? To explore this question, we developed and applied a model called the Independent Sequential Lineup model which analyzes a sequential lineup in terms of both identification position, the position at which the witness identifies a lineup item as the target, and target position, the position at which the target or suspect appears. We conducted a large-scale online eyewitness memory experiment with 7,204 participants each of whom was tested on a 6-item sequential lineup with an explicit stopping rule. The model fit these data well and revealed systematic effects of lineup position on underlying discriminability and response criteria. We also fit the model to data from a similar pair of experiments conducted recently by Wilson, Donnelly, Christenfeld and Wixted (2019; Journal of Memory and Language, 104, 108–125) both with and without application of a stopping rule. In all data sets, if a stopping rule is applied, underlying discriminability was found to be constant, or to increase slightly, across target position. In the absence of a stopping rule, discriminability was found to decrease substantially. We also observed a substantial increase in response criteria following presentation of the target. We discuss the implications of these findings for current theories of recognition memory and current applications of the sequential lineup in different jurisdictions.

Tradeoffs between item and order information in short-term memory

Dominic Guitard, Université de Moncton, Canada. University of Missouri, United States

Jean Saint-Aubin, University of Missouri, United States

Nelson Cowan, University of Missouri, United States

Abstract Recently, Guitard et al. (2021) used a two-list procedure and varied the kind of encoding carried out for each list (item or order encoding). They found that dual-list impairment on an order test was consistently greater when the other list was also encoded for an order test, compared to when it was in the presence of another list encoded for an item test. They also found a dual-list cost relative to one list, for both order and item information. Here we address the bases of the interference costs with a novel task in which, prior to each list presentation, participants were instructed to expect an item fragment completion test, an order reconstruction test, or either type of test. In five experiments, we contrast two competing accounts of item and order processing, the conflicting representation hypothesis and the common resource hypothesis. An asymmetry with larger dual-attention costs on order compared to item tests was found, with the effect magnitude changing with task conditions. Our results support a version of the common resource hypothesis in which both item and order processing occur no matter which test is expected, but in which additional processing is divided between item and order codes in a manner that depends on task demands.

Phonemic interference in short-term memory contributes to forgetting but is not due to overwriting

Steven Roodenrys, University of Wollongong, Australia

Leonie M. Miller, University of Wollongong, Australia

Natasha Josifovski, University of Wollongong, Australia

Abstract Six experiments are reported which examine the pattern of interference created by phonemes being repeated across items in a short-term memory task. Experiments 1 and 2 utilised a serial recall task and demonstrate that when the three phonemes of a target word are distributed across other words in the list, recall of the target word suffers when the distributed phonemes are presented before the target in the list, but not if they occur after the target. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the interference was not a result of rehearsal processes during list presentation, and Experiment 4 replicated the results in a within subject design. Experiments 5 and 6 showed that the interference effect was not due to weaker encoding of the target words when they followed the interfering words by manipulating the order of item recall. It is argued that this phonemic interference occurs at output through a spread of suppression of activation from the recall of earlier list items.


Articles in the Journal of Memory and Language contribute to the formulation of scientific issues and theories in the broad areas of memory and language (learning, comprehension and production). The journal's focus is on describing the mental processes that underpin these capacities. Special emphasis is given to research articles that provide new theoretical insights based on a carefully laid empirical foundation. The journal generally favors articles that provide multiple experiments. In addition, significant theoreti。cal or computational papers without new experimental findings may be published.


The Journal of Memory and Language is a valuable tool for cognitive scientists, including psychologists, linguists, and others interested in memory and learning, language, reading, and speech.







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