Fudan International Summer School of Linguistics 2024: Linguistic Typology and Language Variation
基础信息 Basic Information
Target Audience: Postgraduate students
Dates: 2024/July/29th to 2024/August/10th
Place: Fudan University, Handan Campus, Shanghai, China
Language: English
Registration period: From now until 2024/May/31th (GMT+8).
Registration fee: Free. Transportation, accommodation, meals, and all other expenses should be self-arranged and afforded by the participants.
课程介绍 Course Description
语言类型学关注世界语言的多样性与共性,通过跨语言比较来揭示语言规律。本模块汇聚了国际著名类型学教授:神户大学、莱斯大学柴谷方良教授(Masayoshi Shibatani),欧洲科学院院士曹茜蕾教授(Hilary Chappell),以及法国国立东方语言文化学院、法国东亚语言研究所柯理思教授(Christine Lamarre),内容涉及语言类型学主要的前沿领域,主要议题包括语法关系、汉语方位语法结构、施用结构与致使结构等。
Module One: Linguistic Typology
Linguistic typology focuses on the diversity and commonalities of world languages, revealing language patterns through cross-linguistic comparisons. This module brings together internationally renowned typology professors: Professor Masayoshi Shibatani from Kobe University and Rice University, Professor Hilary Chappell, a member of the European Academy of Sciences, and Professor Christine Lamarre,a member of the Research Centre on East-Asian Languages (CRLAO), and Professor Emeritus of Chinese linguistics at Inalco (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) in Paris. The module covers the frontiers of language typology, delving into topics such as grammatical relations, Chinese spatial grammar structures, and applicative and causative constructions.
语言变异无处不在:不同语言间存在变异,同一语言或方言的各语言层级也存在变异,人际间甚至人际内也充满变异。不同语言或方言的变异有何异同?不同语言层级的变异如何产生与发展?人际变异又将如何扩散或消亡?语言变异版块的课程将对这些问题有一个较为宏观的概括与细致的分析,授课教师有:美国芝加哥大学余梓麟教授(Alan Yu),欧洲科学院院士、荷兰莱顿大学陈轶亚教授(Yiya Chen),以及德国慕尼黑大学James Kirby教授。讲授议题包括:汉语方言语音变异;声调发生与变异;个体变异的启动与扩散;同时介绍音变领域中较为前沿的研究方法。
Module Two: Language Variation
Language variation is ubiquitous. On the one hand, variation exists between different languages. On the other hand, variation occurs within the same language or dialect across various linguistic units. Moreover, variation is observed among individuals and even within individuals. How do the variations between different languages or dialects compare and contrast? How does variation arise and develop across different linguistic units? How do individual variations spread or vanish within speech communities? This module on variation offers a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of these multifaceted aspects. The course instructors include Professor Alan Yu from the University of Chicago, Professor Yiya Chen, a member of the European Academy of Sciences from Leiden University in the Netherlands, and Professor James Kirby from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany. Topics covered include phonetic variation in Chinese dialects, tonogenesis and evolution of tone systems, actuation and spread of individual variation, accompanied with an introduction to state-of-the-art research methods in the field of sound change studies.
Scheduled Courses & Modules
教师简介 Instructors
Masayoshi Shibatani
Dr. Masayoshi Shibatani served as the head of the Rice University Linguistics Department from 2004 to 2009 and currently holds the title of Deedee McMurtry Professor Emeritus in Linguistics at Rice University. Dr. Shibatani specializes in language typology, syntax, linguistic theory, and Japanese and Austronesian linguistics. In 2023, Dr. Shibatani received the NIHU International Prize in Japanese Studies by the National Institutes for the Humanities (Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, Japan).
柴谷方良博士出生于上海,旋即受教于日本,并在加州柏克莱大学师从于王士元教授并于1973年获该校语言博士学位。先后任教于南加州大学、科罗拉多大学,神户大学及莱斯大学,曾任日本语言学会会长及美国语言学会荣誉会员评选委员,专长为语言类型学、句法学、日语语言学、南岛语语言学。代表性著作有《致使结构的语言研究》及《日本的语言》,并编有《语言类型学方法》、《语法构式:形式与意义》、《致使语法及人际操控》、《语法复杂性》等。近期担任德国德古意出版社出版的12巨册《日语语言及语言学手册》系列总编辑,另著有学术专文百余篇。除了学术专著以外,柴谷敦授也相任者多国际期刊的编委,包括Cognitive Linguistics、Linguistic Typology、Language Science、Journal of East Asian linguistics、International Review of Chinese Linguistics等。
Hilary Chappell
Dr. Hilary Chappell is a specialist in the typology of Sinitic (Chinese) languages, holding the Research Chair in Linguistic Typology of East Asian Languages at one of France’s grands établissements – the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) – a graduate school in Paris. Her publications include four books and 80 journal articles and chapters, notably Chinese Grammar (2004) and Diversity of Sinitic Languages (2015), both published by Oxford University Press.
曹茜蕾博士是汉语语言类型学方面的专家,2005年至今在法国社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)担任讲座教授,2010年当选为欧洲科学院院士。此前,她曾在墨尔本拉筹伯大学(La Trobe University)语言学系任教18年。2006-2023年担任法国东亚语言研究所“中国语言多样性”(Diversity of the languages of China)研究小组的主任,2023-2024学年受邀担任香港中文大学语言学及现代语言系Vice Chancellor客座教授。此外,曹茜蕾教授也担任了《中国语言学报》《语义学学会会刊》等多种国际语言学期刊的编委。
Christine Lamarre
Dr. Christine Lamarre is currently a member of the Research Centre on East-Asian Languages (CRLAO), and Professor Emeritus of Chinese linguistics at Inalco (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) in Paris. Her main research areas cover morpho-syntactic and semantic issues in Sinitic languages, including Standard Chinese, non-standard varieties of Northern Mandarin, Hakka, and Early Mandarin.
Alan Yu
Dr. Alan C. L. Yu is the William Colvin Professor of Linguistics and the College and chair of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on language variation and change, particularly from an individual-difference perspective. He is the author of A Natural History of Infixation (Oxford University Press, 2007), the editor of Origins of Sound Change: Approaches toPhonologization (Oxford University Press, 2013), and co-editor of The Handbook of Phonological Theory, 2nd Edition (Wiley Blackwell, 2011) and The Life Cycle of Language Past, Present, and Future (Oxford University Press, 2023). He is co-General Editor of Laboratory Phonology, and Associate Editor of the International Journal of American Linguistics. He was elected a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America in 2016.
余梓麟博士是芝加哥大学语言学系威廉·科尔文教授,也是该校语言学系的系主任。他的研究专注于语言变异与变化,尤其重视个人差异。他出版及编辑的著作包括:《中缀形态的自然史》(牛津大学出版社,2007年)、《音变的起源:音法化的途径》(牛津大学出版社,2013年)、《音系理论手册》第二版(Wiley Blackwell,2011年)、《语言的生命周期:过去、现在和未来》(牛津大学出版社,2023年)。他还担任《实验语音学》(Laboratory Phonology)共同主编,《国际美国语言学杂志》(the International Journal of American Linguistics)副主编,并于2016年当选美国语言学学会会士。
Yiya Chen
Dr. Yiya Chen is a Professor of Phonetics at Leiden University Center for Linguistics and a senior researcher at the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition. The broad goal of her research is to understand the language sound structures and cognitive mechanisms that underlie speech and speech communication. Yiya Chen has (co-)authored more than 40 journal articles across the fields of language documentation, experimental phonetics, laboratory phonology, and psycho- and neuro-linguistics.
陈轶亚博士现为荷兰莱顿大学语言学中心教授,莱顿人脑认知中心高级研究员,2022年当选欧洲科学院院士。主要研究方向为语音学、心理和神经语言学,较关注汉语各方言的语音和音系,对汉语方言的韵律实现及变异有较为深入的研究。陈轶亚教授2005年于美国纽约州立大学石溪分校获得博士学位。她还担任《语音学期刊》(Journal of Phonetics)、《国际语音学协会期刊》(Journal of International Phonetic Association)和《中国语音学报》编委,主编《牛津语言学研究百科全书》(语音学卷),主持荷兰国家科学委员会、荷兰皇家科学院及欧洲科学研究理事会等多项科研项目。
James Kirby
Dr. James Kirby is a Professor of Spoken Language Processing at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing at the University of Munich. His research focuses on tone and register, sound change, computational and statistical methods for speech processing, and language and music, with an areal focus on languages of East and Southeast Asia. He is currently the Principle Investigator of the ERC-funded EVOTONE project, studying the emergence and evolution of linguistic tone.
James Kirby博士是德国慕尼黑大学语言文学系教授,语音学及语言处理研究所主任。主要研究音变、声调、语音数据处理与计算、语言与音乐关系,特别关注东亚和东南亚地区的语言。James Kirby教授2010年于芝加哥大学获得博士学位。他曾在爱丁堡大学语言学与英文系任教10年,获AHRC及AHRC等项目资助,目前是欧盟ERC项目EVOTONE的首席研究员(PI),主要研究声调的起源和演变。
报名链接 Links for Enrollment
Chinese-nationality (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China included) Applicants:
http://register.fudan.edu.cn/(项目名称:2024研究生旗舰型国际暑期学校——Linguistic Typology and Variation语言类型与变异)
Non-Chinese-nationality Applicants:
https://istudent.fudan.edu.cn/apply(entry name:Linguistic Typology and Variation)
联系方式 Contact Information
Dr. Menghui Shi:
Dr. Jingting Ye:
审 核:心得君