

英语点学 2022-06-09


Unit  4  

Task 1: Focusing on the Main Ideas

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1.Jogging is a good way to exercise because ________.

A)    it is healthier than any other type of exercise

B)    it is less tiring than any other type of exercise

C)    it does not need special equipment

D)    it does not need a lot of time or effort

2. Whenyou start jogging, you should ________.

A)    jog with somebody else

B)    keep a suitable pace until you are strong enough

C)    keep jogging for more than an hour

D)    push yourself a bit hard to test your endurance

3. Toincrease your jogging pace, you may choose to jog ________.

A)     uphill

B)     downhill

C)     on a flat surface

D)     uphill, then downhill

4. It is a goodsuggestion to ________.  

A)     start jogging even if youhave a full stomach

B)     drink cold water if youjog on hot days

C)     stop jogging if theweather is too cold or too hot

D)     breathe through your nosein cold weather

5. This passage is mainlyabout ________.

A)     the benefits of exercise

B)     the advantages of jogging

C)     some useful tips forjogging

D)     ways of keeping fit


Task 2: Zooming In on the Details

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

1) Most __________________ are capable ofjogging without extra help.

2) Pushingyourself too hard can be _________,especially if you are jogging alone.

3) Runningdownhill is actually worse for your _________than running on a flat surface.

4) To startjogging, wait ____________________________________after eating.

5) Be careful ifyou jog in _________ heat orcold. If it is hot, drink __________________and stop to _________ if youfeel faint. If it is cold, protect your ___________________________.






1.C  2. B 3. A  4. D  5. C 

1) Most healthy individuals are capable of jogging without extra help.

2) Pushingyourself too hard can be dangerous,especially if you are jogging alone.

3) Runningdownhill is actually worse for your kneesthan running on a flat surface.

4) To startjogging, wait at   least thirty  minutes aftereating.

5) Be careful ifyou jog in extreme heat orcold. If it is hot, drink extra  water and stop to rest if you feel faint. If it iscold, protectyour hands and  feet.




These days it is not easy to find the time toexercise. Nonetheless, doing exercise regularly can help you live a healthierand happier life. Jogging is a great way to get at least part of the exerciseyour body needs, and most healthy individuals are capable of jogging withoutthe need to buy special exercise equipment.

There are a few jogging tips to keep in mind if youplan to take advantage of these benefits. The first tip is that running shouldideally be an aerobic exercise. Starting off, you should find a pace at whichyou can jog for about half an hour. Try to keep this pace each time you joguntil you have worked your way up to a full hour. Then, if you still want tokeep building endurance, begin to increase your pace. Always be careful not topush yourself too hard; doing so can be dangerous, especially if you arejogging alone.

Once you have gained enough strength and enduranceand started to consider increasing your pace, however, you should considerother options first. Anyone who knows great jogging tips can tell you thatjogging, though great exercise, is not always good to your knees. Considerjogging on a route that takes you up more hills if you are looking for a moreintense workout. Running downhill is actually worse for your knees than runningon a flat surface.

In addition, it isimportant to be hydrated when you jog, but you should not have a stomach fullof water. Wait at least thirty minutes after drinking any fluids or eating tostart jogging. Also be careful jogging in extreme heat or cold. If it is hot,drink extra water and stop to rest if you feel faint. If it is cold, make sureyour hands and feet are protected and try to breathe through your nose as muchas possible to warm your breath before it reaches your lungs. Jogging can be agreat form of exercise, but you should always do it safely.

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