

英语点学 2022-06-09


Unit  2



Text A 课文2

Love is an overwhelming joy that is beyonddescription. It is human nature to yearn for and indulge in love, but true lovetakes a lot of understanding, much sharing and caring, and plenty of affection.What is true love? How deep is your love? The author shares her views with theyounger generation on these questions.

How Deep Is Your Love?

Mansi Bhatia


1                                                 Love to some is like acloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say let it go
And some say love is everything
Some say they don’t know


2   At some stageor the other in our lives we experience the gnawing pangs of an emotion which defies definition. It’s a feeling that can only befelt and not described. An overwhelming joy that comes together with its shareof sadness. Love.

3   Given the busy nature of our lives, it’s to be appreciated that we even findthe time to indulge in matters of the heart. But atthe same time I wonder if we even understand its true depth. I remember havingcountless crushes while in school. My math teacher, our neighbour’s son, mybest friend’s brother and lots of others whom I fancied for the colour of theireyes, the shape of their moustaches or just the way they walked. Harmlesspuppyloves that are as brief as soap bubbles. I can laugh about all those sillyand adventurous thoughts and acts now but at that time nothing could be moreserious an affair for me. Then came the stage of real relationships.

4   Being in an allgirls’ school I hardly had the opportunity to interactwith members of the opposite gender. Socials between our school and theboys’ college, therefore, would be awaited anxiously. Those three hours of unhesitant attention by a group of well-groomedyoung gentlemen provided us with enough content to talk and feel exhilaratedabout for the next four weeks.

5   And even thenthere was no real need of having a boyfriend.

6   I somehow grew upbelieving that love would happen when it had to. And sure enough itdid. It came at an age when I had a career, a long-term plan and a moreor less settled life (and now I am not yet 25!). I was mature enough to enter arelationship which demands a lot of give and notso much of take.

7   Love was amagnificent building I built on the foundationof friendship. It took time to blossom. It took a lot of understanding, loadsof sharing and caring, and plenty of affectionto become what it is today. And it meant a meeting of minds. You might say that Ibelong tothe traditional school of romance. But in my opinion, love needs to benurtured. And it has to be distinguished from the intense but short-lived loveor thepleasures of the flesh.

8   Our parents’ generation was fed lavishly with ideals. It was an eraof constraints, restraints, respect, admiration,and plenty of romance. The long skirts, the quiet and unpretentious looks, the curled long hair, the calmness, the shy glance—theseare all so frequently remindful of a bygone era. An age when the distancebetween the sexes somehow managed to help preservethe holiness of love and relationships.

9   The youngergeneration, with its openness and fading lines of proximity, has jumped on thebandwagon of love with so much haste thatit is difficult for them to distinguish between physical attraction and mentalcompatibilities. What we have been exposed to viathe media have fast paced our sensibilities so much that taking things slowrequires effort on our parts.

10   I am amazed when I hear stories of schoolkids bragging about the number of physical relationships they have had. I am horrified to learn that girls barely eighteen havealready been in and out of seven to eight “hook ups”.

11   I am sorry tolearn about the kind of emotional baggage these kids are carrying in what are purely unemotionalrelationships. Some might blame the current stateof affairs on peer pressure. But has anyone ever stopped to figure outwhere this peerpressure originates? Do any of us try and understand who is responsiblefor this shift? Does anyone bother to study the state of mind of the teenagers?

12   The mindsetof this generation is all too evident in the way it handles its personal life. Thereare more relationships being distorted under the pressures of lust than everbefore. There is more focus on physical beauty than on inner charm. There is more of closeness and less of intimacy.Thereis more of passion and less of emotion. There is moreof acquiring and less of sharing. There is more ofopportunism and less of selflessness. In short, thereis more of ME and less of US.

13   We have hardened ourselves so much in thiscompetitive age that we have forgotten the essence of relationships. There’s much moreto being someone’s lover than gifting them red roses and fifty-cent cards.What about gifting our object of affection, our time, our company, our support, ourfriendship? What about setting priorities in our lives and focusing on eachwith sincerity? What about trying to be self-sufficientemotionally before letting ourselves loose? Whatabout giving ourselves, and others, time and space to forgerelationships? What about working towards meaningful and lasting friendships?What about honouring our commitments? What about channeling our energies andemotions towards building lifelong bonds rather than wasting them on seasonalrelationships?

14   We have but one life and we must experienceeverything that can make us stronger. True love happens once in a lifetime. Andwe should not have become so tired by our frivolous acts that when it comes wearen’t able to receive it with open arms.







1                       有人认为爱如浮云









2   在我们生命中的某个阶段,我们会经历某种难以名状的情感所带来的阵阵折磨。这种情感只能体会,无法用语言描述。莫大的喜悦伴随着丝丝的伤感一同降临,这就是爱。

3   在紧张忙碌的生活中,我们竟能找到时间沉湎于感情之中,这的确令人感佩。然而,此时我想知道:我们是否懂得爱到底有多么深刻。记得上学的时候,我迷恋的对象真是数不清:我的数学老师、邻居的儿子、好朋友的弟弟,还有另外一些因为眼睛的颜色、胡子的形状或走路的姿势而让我倾慕的人。年少时的爱慕,不会带来伤害,如肥皂泡一样转瞬即逝。那些稚气、大胆的想法和行为,现在想来大可一笑了之。但是,在那时,对我来说,没有比恋爱更重要的事了。接着就进入了真正“谈”情“说”爱的阶段。

4   我在女子学校学习,和男孩子交往的机会寥寥无几,因此,我热切地期待着我们学校和男子学校举办的联谊会。联谊会上,一群精心打扮的年轻男子毫无顾忌地盯着我们。这三个小时中的点点滴滴,成了我们在以后四个星期中足够的谈资,我们在议论时,心情澎湃。

5   即使是在那个时候,我也没有真正交男朋友的需要。

6  在我的成长岁月中,不知何故,我相信爱情该来的时候自然会来。事实果真如此。当我有了稳定的工作,有了长期的计划和比较安定的生活时(我现在还不到25岁呢!),爱情降临了。我也比较成熟了,能够步入不贪图许多回报而需要大量付出的感情关系。

7   我的爱情是在友谊这块地基上建起的高楼大厦。爱情经过旷日持久的培养才开花。我和我的恋人相互理解、同甘共苦、相互关心,投入了丰富的感情,才使爱情发展到今天。爱情意味着情投意合。你也许会说,我属于浪漫的传统派。但是,依我看,爱情需要培养。我们必须把爱情同强烈而短暂的激情或身体的愉悦区别开来。

8   我们的父辈,被灌输了太多的(爱情)理想。那是一个约束、压抑、崇敬、仰慕和十足浪漫的年代。长裙、娴静质朴的外表、卷曲的长发、恬静的气质、羞怯的目光——这一切常使人想起一个消逝久远的年代。从某种程度上来说,那个时代异性之间的距离帮助他们维持了恋爱的神圣性。

9   年轻的一代人,由于观念开放,随着男女之间交往界线的消退,他们便急于赶浪头,匆忙恋爱,以至于难以区分身体的互相吸引与心灵的相投。我们从媒体中接触到的人和事,使我们的感情历程大大加速,要想慢慢地体会自己的感受,确实需要付出努力。

10  每每听到学校的孩子们夸口说自己有过多少次性关系的经历,我都十分惊讶。年仅18岁的女孩们已有过七八次跟异性“勾勾搭搭”的经历,我感觉极其惊骇。

11   这些青少年在全然没有感情的关系中所背负的感情包袱,令我深感难过。也许有些人会把他们目前的感情状况归结为同龄人之间所施加的压力。但是,可曾有任何人停下来想一想同龄人之间的压力来自何处?我们是否尝试着弄清楚是谁造成了这样的转变?可曾有人费神去研究青少年的心理呢?

12   从这一代人处理个人生活的方式上,我们很容易看出他们的思想倾向。跟从前相比,现在有更多的情感在欲望的压力下扭曲。他们更注重外表的美丽而忽视内在的魅力。两性交往随便了,亲密无间却少了;激情多了,感情却少了;个人获得的多了,相互间分享的少了;寻机获利的现象多了,无私的奉献少了。简而言之,“自我”多了,爱的分享少了。

13   在这个竞争激烈的年代,我们已经变得麻木不仁,将恋爱的实质抛于脑后。作为恋爱中的人,不只是意味着把红色的玫瑰花和五毛钱一张的卡片送给恋人,我们要做的事情还很多。我们将自己的时间、陪伴、支持和友谊作为礼物送给自己的恋人了吗?我们是否确定了生活中最重要的事情,而后真诚地做好每一件事?我们是否先在情感上成熟起来,再尽情地追求爱情?我们是否给自己、给他人足够的时间和空间以巩固恋情的发展?我们是否为了追求有意义的、永恒的友谊而不遗余力?我们是否履行了自己的承诺?我们是否将自己的精力和感情倾注于终生不渝的关系而不是浪费在朝秦暮楚的关系中?

14   人的生命只有一次,我们必须去体验能使我们更为坚强的每件事。真正的爱情一生只有一次。我们本不该任由轻佻的行为令自己身心疲惫,而当真正的爱情到来时,我们却没有能力伸开双臂迎接它的降临。


Good Usage  (Paras. 1-2)

isholding on

letit go

at some stage or the other

defies definition

a feeling that can only be felt and notdescribed

an overwhelming joy


Good Usage  (Para. 3)

given the busy nature of our lives


having countless crushes

the way they walked

harmless puppy loves

as brief as soap bubbles

nothing could be more serious an affairfor me


Good Usage  (Paras. 4-5)

interact with

the opposite gender

well-groomed young gentlemen

provided us with enough content

feel excited about

there was no real need of…


Good Usage  (Paras. 6-7)

happen when it had to

It came at an age when…

a more or less settled life

demands a lot of give and not so muchof take

loads of sharing and caring

a meeting of minds

the traditional school of romance

be distinguished from

the intense but short-lived love


Good Usage  (Para. 8)

our parents’ generation

was fed lavishly with ideals

shy glance

are …remindful of

a bygone era


Good Usage  (Paras. 9-10)

has jumped on the bandwagon of love

physical attraction and mentalcompatibilities

have been exposed to

have fast paced

taking things slow requires effort onour parts

brag about


Good Usage  (Paras.11-12)

all too evident

emotional baggage


the current affairs

peer pressure

figure out

is responsible for this shift

the state of mind of

handle its personal life

under the pressures of lust

There is more focus on … than on …

physical beauty

inner charm


Good Usage  (Para.13)

this competitive age

our object of affection

set priorities

with sincerity

be self-sufficient emotionally

letting ourselves loose

working towards meaningful and lastingfriendships

honouring our commitments

channeling our energies and emotionstowards

lifelong bonds

seasonal relationships


Good Usage  (Para.14)

True love happens once in a lifetime.

frivolous acts

receive … with open arms

Useful Expressions  from Text A

Chinese  Equivalences

defy definition


a long-term plan


on the foundation of


a meeting of minds


jump on the bandwagon


honor one’s commitments


life-long bonds


Useful Expressions from Text B

Chinese Equivalences

pursue a master’s degree


his caring for his children


in the course of their  growing up


side effects


whisper in my ear


hold my hands


in a state of nervous anxiety



Key Words and Expressions for Text  A


hold on  continue in spite of difficulties 继续坚持下去

e.g.  1. It’s a difficult task, but if we hold onwe’ll succeed in the end.

2. We should hold on to our business during therecession.



defy  vt.  make impossible or unsuccessful; refuse to obey 使不可能,使落空;违抗

e.g.  1. The forest fire spread so fast that itdefied any attempt to control it.

            2. These criminals who had defied the law were eventuallypunished.



        defy the authority 反抗权威

defy the government 蔑视政府

defy severe cold 不畏严寒

       CF:oppose, defy & resist


 oppose 普通用词,可表不同程度的抵抗。例:

* This new plan has been stubbornly opposed since it wasput forward.

 defy 指公开地、勇敢地反对或抵抗,有时含公然挑衅之意。例:

* He defied the court order by leaving the country.

 resist 指积极地反抗一种攻击、暴力或诱惑。例:

* Our troopers are resisting the enemy’s attacks.

The little boy couldn’t resistthe temptation and ate up all the cake.


given  prep.  if one takes into account 如果考虑到,倘若

e.g.  1. Given (the fact) that they’reinexperienced, they’ve done a good job.

2. Given the company’s poor achievement in the firsthalf of the year, we decided that the investment be left aside.



interact  vi.  [(with)] (of people) act together orco-operatively, esp. so as to communicate with each other; act or have an effect on each other [常与with连用](指人)一起活动或互相合作(尤指为互相联系);互相作用;互相影响

e.g.  1. Language teachers should know how tointeract with their students in class.

           2. Teachers shouldinteract with students frequently to ensure a good class atmosphere.



give andtake  willingness of each person to give way to (some of ) the other’s wishes;willingness to compromise 互相让步迁就)妥协

e.g.  1. There has to be a lot of give and take inany successful marriage.

2. If the dispute is to beresolved there must be some give and take.



build … on/upon  base on 建立在……之上

e.g.  1. Don’t build your hopes on his promises; henever keeps his word.

            2. A good marriage should be built on mutualunderstanding.



affection  n.  fondness; gentlelasting love, like that of a parent for a child 感情挚爱钟爱,(父母对子女的慈爱

e.g.  1. The old man has a deep and strongaffection for the town where he grew up.

2. The old man felt great affection for hisgranddaughter.


CF: affection, love & attachment


affection  指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情,强调感情的深沉。例:

* Father looked at hislittle daughter in the white wedding dress with great affection and a littlesadness.


* The young pair are inlove with each other.

attachment  通常用于书面文字中,既可指对某人某物的喜欢,又可指出自理智对某人或某物的热爱,尤指长时间的爱。例:

* I never realize my attachment to the comforts of homeuntil I have to leave it.


ideal  n.  [often pl.] (a belief in) high principlesor perfect standards [常用复数]理想

e.g.  1. She’s spent her whole life in pursuit ofher ideal of becoming a well-known writer.

2. He finds it hard to live up to his ideals.



era  n.  period in history marked by an important event ordevelopment 以重大事件或重要发展为标志的历史时期时代

e.g.  1. The Tang Dynasty was an era of prosperityin the history of China.

2. Some say the computerhas ushered in a new era.



restraint  n.  [C (on)] sth. that restrains; restriction;[U] often apprec the quality of beingrestrained or restraining oneself [常与on连用]限制(物);〖常褒〗克制,抑制,遏制

e.g.  1. Lack of space is the main restraint on the firm’sbusiness expansion.

2. As they grow older, kids begin to rebel againstthe restraints imposed by their parents.



curl  vt.  twist into or form a curl or curls 使弯曲

e.g.  1. She kicked off her shoesand curled her feet under her.

2. He yawned and curled his body andfell alseep.



preserve vt.  [(from)]prevent (sb. orsth.) from being harmed or destroyed [常与from连用]保护;保存使免受破坏

e.g.  1. There is much we can do to preserve theenvironment from being polluted.

2. What can we do to preserve the naturalresources from ruin?



haste  n.  [U] too much speed,often with bad or unwanted results; quick movement or action, esp. when one hasvery little time to do sth.; speed 过速急忙性急匆忙仓促

e.g.  1. In his haste to leave, he almost forgot tosay goodbye to his host. 

            2. More haste, less speed.



via  prep.  by means of; using 通过,借助于

e.g.  1. I frequently send messages to my friendsvia my mobile phone.

2. The Olympics weretelecast live via satellite.



horrify  vt. shock greatly; fill with horror使震惊使感到恐怖

e.g.  1. I’ve seen this kind of disasters so manytimes that this latest one just doesn’t horrify me any more.

2. The pictures of the carcrash horrified us.



state of affairs circumstancesor conditions; situation 情况;局势

e.g.  1. They’ve lost everything in the floods — it’sa sad state of affairs.

2. Thepresent state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.



acquire  vt.  gain (sth.) by one’s own ability, efforts or behaviour靠自己的能力、努力或行为而获得得到某事物

e.g.  1. She has acquired a good knowledge of English byself-study.

        2. Some people go backfor their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impressthe society.


CF: acquire, obtain, gain & get


acquire  强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。例:

* It takes years to acquire a good knowledge of English.

obtain 较正式用词,着重指通过付出巨大努力而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。例:

* He always manages to obtain what he wants.

gain  强调指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就,获得某种利益或好处。例:

* Recently he gained a small fortune in real estate.

get  普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。例:

* I got nothing but trouble for my efforts.


in short  put itinto as few words as possible; all I mean is 简单地说;总而言之

e.g.  1. The baby cried and cried day and night andoften fell sick; in short, the new-born gave them no peace.

2. In short, the bookwas  an exciting story about a detective.



sincerity  n.  [U] the quality ofbeing sincere; honesty and lack of deceit 诚挚真诚诚意

e.g.  1. I may say in all sincerity that your helpis very valuable.

2. We were impressed byhis sincerity and hospitality.



let sb. loose (on sth.)   allow sb. to dealwith sth. in their own way ……任意放手行动

e.g.  1. He’s too young to behave properly; youshouldn’t let him loose.

            2. Father let his son loose on thefamily business after his retirement.



forge  vt.  form byheating and hammering; fig create(usu. a lasting relationship) by means of much hard work; make a copy of (sth.)in order to deceive 锻造;〖比喻〗(靠艰苦工作)建立(通常为长期关系);伪造;假冒

e.g.  1. True unity and friendship can only beforged through trials and tribulations.

2. Their long-term reciprocal relationship isforged by the both sides.



Text B

Key Words:

moist a.

engaged a.

pursue vt.

fascinate vt.

grace n.

delicacy n.

bathe v.

haircut n.

towel vt.

manipulate vt.

maximum n.

minimum n.

complaint n.

marketing n.


overjoyed a.

clip vt.

file vt.

dresser n.

grief n.

icy a.

presence n.


undo vt.

resemble vt.

graceful a.


moist ausu.apprec slightly wet〖一般褒〗潮湿的微湿的

e.g.  1. This plant grows in amoderately moist environment.

2. I like the air just as moist and warm asthat in a tropical area.


engaged  a.  having agreed to marry已订婚的

e.g.  1. Johngot engaged to her when travelling last winter.

2. They announced to the assembled guests that theywere engaged to be married.


pursuevt.  tryto achieve sth.; continue steadily with; carry on 努力实现追求继续从事进行

e.g.  1. She ispursuing her studies at the same university as her brother did five years ago.

2. She pushed herself to pursue a musicalcareer.


fascinatevt.  attract andhold the interest or attention of 强烈地吸引……迷住

e.g.  1. Theidea of traveling around the world has always fascinated her.

2. The audience was fascinated by their superbperformance.


grace  n.  [U] a fine and attractive quality in movement or form 动作、体态的优美优雅自然

e.g.  1. She declined the invitationwith grace.

2. She was a beautiful girl with the grace andpoise of a natural model.


delicacy  n.  [U] the quality of being delicate细致精致

e.g.  1. Repairing damaged nerves isan operation with great delicacy.

2. The delicacy of roses makes them unfit foran extreme climate.


bathe  vi.  AmE have a bath〖美〗洗澡

e.g.  1. It is unwiseto bathe immediately after a meal.

2. It was hot, and we decided to bathe in thecool, inviting stream.


haircut  n.  an occasion of having the hair cut理发

e.g.  1. The barber gave him a shaveand a haircut.

2. If I have time tomorrow, I think I’ll geta haircut.


towel  vt.  rub or drywith a towel用毛巾擦擦干

e.g.  1. Do towel thechildren down very thoroughly, or they might catch cold.

2. I toweled my son down very thoroughly,because he was wet to the skin.


manipulate  vt.work with skillful use of the hands; control or influence sb. / sth.熟练地用手操作控制影响

e.g.  1. Thoughhe is just seven, he can manipulate the computer rather skillfully.

2. A clever politician knows howto manipulate his supporters.


maximum n.  (pl.maximums or maxima) the largestnumber, amount, etc. 最大值最大量

e.g.  1. Theclassroom holds a maximum of 50 people, not one more.

2. The speed limit is 40 miles an hour. Don’t exceedthis maximum.


minimum  n.  (pl. minimums or minima)the smallest number, amount, etc. 最小量最低限度

e.g.  1. Repairingyour car will cost a minimum of $200.

2. Passengers may only take aboard the aircrafta minimum of hand luggage.


complaint  n.  [C (about, against)] a statement ofdissatisfaction, unhappiness, pain, etc. [常与aboutagainst连用]诉苦的话怨言牢骚

e.g.  1. Eventhough his workload is heavy, he never makes any complaints.

We’ve received a lot of complaints of badworkmanship.


marketing  n.  [U] the branch of business concerned withadvertising, publicity (宣传), etc. 市场学销售业务

e.g.  1. The ranges of his businessinclude the production and marketing of automobiles.

2. Mr. Smith takes care of marketing andpublicity.


agonizing a.  causing great pain or anxiety 引起痛苦焦虑

e.g.  1. Tim was hurt in the trafficaccident suffering from agonizing pain.

2. All the people are yearning for an early end tothis agonizing situation.


overjoyed a. extremely pleased; full of joy 极为高兴的非常开心的

e.g.  1. She wasoverjoyed to get a letter from her son who is now working in Africa.

2. They will be overjoyed to find you safe andsound.


clip  vt.  cut with scissors oranother sharp instrument, esp. in order to make shorter or neater用剪刀等修剪

e.g.  1. I liketo clip pictures out of newspapers and keep them in a big box.

2. The dog’s fur was clipped short for theshow.


file  vt.  rub or cut with a file

e.g.  1. He triedto file the nail sharp.

2. He filed the wood smooth.


dresser  nAmEa chest of drawers (衣柜), used esp. forclothing, often with a mirror on top 〖美〗带镜衣柜

e.g.  1. He folded theclothes and carefully put them in the dresser.

2. Lydia stood looking at herself in the mirror of theyellow bedroom’s dresser.


grief  n.  [U] great sorrow or feelings of suffering 悲痛忧伤

e.g.  1. Shewent nearly mad with grief after the child died.

2. A flash of grief came upon her when sheheard the news.


icy  a.  extremely cold; covered with ice 冰冷的结满冰的冰封的

e.g.  1. Heurged me to drive carefully on the icy roads.

2. It is difficult to keep one’s balance onan icy pavement.


presence  n.  the fact of being in a particular place 存在出席到场

e.g.  1. Henever seems at ease in my presence. Why is he so afraid of me?

2. Jane had done a lot of preparatory work beforethe presence of the president.


yield  vi.  [(to)] fml or lit give up control (of); surrender [常与to连用]〖正式或文〗放弃投降屈服

e.g.  1. We lovepeace, yet we are not the kind of people who yield to any military threat.

2. Since you won’t yield to persuasion, we’lltry what force can do.


undo  vt.  unfasten (sth. tied or wrapped) 解开松开打开

e.g.  1. He bent down and undid his shoelaces.

2. Winston undid the bit of string that held theparcel together.


resemble  vt.  [not in progressive forms; no pass.] look like or besimilar to sb. or sth. [不用进行式无被动态]类似

e.g.  1. Sheresembles her father in facial features, but she’s not at all like him incharacter.

2. The boys resemble each other in that theyboth have ginger hair and round faces.


graceful  a.  attractively and usu. effortlessly fineand smooth; full of grace 优美的;文雅的

e.g.  1. So graceful was the ballet dancer that she just seemed to glide.

2. Despite her great age, she wasvery graceful indeed.




fit into

in the course of

reach for sth.

in vain

fit into  find or have sufficient space or room for sth. in aplace找到或尚有足够的地方容纳某物

e.g.  1. Ourbedroom is so small that we can’t fit into another chair.

2. She folded the letter so that itwould fit into her bag.


in the course of during ……期间……过程中

e.g.  1. Theyhope to see those famous ancient buildings in the course of their brief stay inLondon.

2. My heart beat thick in the course of the interview.


reach forsth.  stretch out (one’shand) in order to touch, grasp or take sth. 伸出以触到、抓到或拿到某物

e.g.  1. Shereached into her bag for a coin and gave it to the beggar.

2. The lawbreaker was overpowered before he could reach for hisknife.


in vain   uselessly; without a successful result 白费地徒劳无益地

e.g.  1. All mywork was in vain; I had to do it again.

2. Her father tried to persuade her to go back home withhim, but in vain.




1. 倒装句之全部倒装


1) here, there, now,then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 

There goes thebell.  Then came the chairman. 

Here is yourletter. 

2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 

Out rushed a missile fromunder the bomber. 

Ahead sat an oldwoman. 


Here he comes.

Away they went. 


2. 倒装句之部分倒装 

部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词放至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, doesdid,并将其置于主语之前。 

1)否定副词位于句首时的倒装:never, seldom, rarely,little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装。

Never have I seen such aperformance. 

Nowhere will you find theanswer to this question. 


2) “only+状语位于句首时的倒装:当一个状语受副词only的修饰且置于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序。

Only then did he realizethat he was wrong. 

Only in this way are youable to do it well. 

Only when he returnedhome did he realize what had happened.  


3) “so+adj. / adv.”位于句首时的倒装:副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装。

So cold was the weatherthat we had to stay at home. 

So fast does light travelthat we can hardly imagine its speed. 

So sudden was the attackthat we had no time to escape. 


4) “so+助动词+主语倒装:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语这种倒装结构。

You are young and so amI. 

She likes music and so doI. 

If he can do it, so canI. 


5) not only…but also引出的倒装:当not only…but also位于句首引出句子时,not only 后的句子通常用部分倒装形式。

Not only is he a teacher,but he is also a poet. 

Not only did he speakmore correctly, but he spoke more easily. 


6) 虚拟条件句的省略与倒装:当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had, were, should等时,如将if省略,则要将had, were, should等移到主语前,构成倒装句。

Had you come yesterday,you would have seen him.

Should you requireanything give me a ring. 

Were it not for yourhelp, I would still be homeless.

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