Unit 3
Friendship is an eternal (永恒的) theme (主题) in human history. A life without friendship is hard to imagine. Butwhat is friendship? Read the following text and see if you can gain some newinsights into the true meaning of friendship.
What is Friendship?
MicheleE. Doyle & Mark K. Smith
1 When we approach the notion of friendship,our first problem is that thereis a lack of firmly agreed and socially acknowledged criteria for what makes aperson a friend. In one setting, we may describesomeone as a friend; in another, the labelmay seem less appropriate. Therefore, people tend to have a very thinunderstanding of what friendship really means. To help us understand whatfriendship really means, we need to review some classicalviews of friendship.
2 One classical view of friendship is providedby Aristotle, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle distinguishes between what he believes to begenuine friendships and two other forms: one based on mutual usefulness, theother on pleasure. So, according to Aristotle, we may find three kinds offriendship:
3 Friendshipbased on utility.Utility is an impermanent thing: it changes according to circumstances. When theground for friendship disappears, thefriendship also breaks up because that is what keeps italive. Friendships of this kind seem to occur mostfrequently between the elderly, because at their age what they want is notpleasure but utility. Friendships based on utility are also frequently foundamong those in middle or early life who are pursuing their own advantage. Suchpersons do not spend much time together, because sometimes they do not evenlike one another, and therefore feel no need of such an association unless theyare mutually useful. Theytake pleasure in each other’s company only in so far as they have hopes of advantagefrom it.
4 Friendshipbased on pleasure. Friendship between the young isthought to be grounded on pleasure, becausethe lives of the young are regulated bytheir feelings, and their chief interests are in their own pleasure and the opportunity ofthe moment. As they grow up, however, their tastes change too, so thatthey are quick to make and to break friendships. That is why they fall in andout of friendship quickly, changing their attitude often, even withinthe same day. But the young do like to spend the day and live together, becausethat is how they realize the object of their friendship.
5 Friendship based on goodness. Perfect friendship is based on goodness. Only the friendship of those who are good,and similar in their goodness, is perfect. And it is those who desire the good of their friends for thefriends’ sake that are the truest friends, because each loves the other forwhat he is, and not for any incidental quality. The conduct of goodmen is the same or similar. It is between good men that both love andfriendship are chiefly found and in the highest form. Such friendships are rarebecause men of this kind are few and they need time and intimacy; for as the saying goes, true friends must go through trials and tribulations together. And no two persons can accept each other and become friends untileach has proved to the other that he is worthy of love, and so won his trust.The wish for friendship may develop rapidly, but true friendship does not.
6 Another classical view of friendship can befound in the writings of Cicero, an ancient Roman statesman and orator. Hiswritings on ethics, the philosophy of religion and natural law have been influential. According to Cicero, true friendship is only possiblebetween good men. He further defines “the good” as “those whose actions andlives leave no question as to their honor,purity, equity, and liberality; who are free from greed, lust, and violence;and who have the courage of their convictions.”The friendship between good men, based on virtue,does offer material benefits, but it does not seek them. Moreover, just asin friendships and relationships, those who possess any superiority must regard themselves asequals of those who are less fortunate, so these latter must not be annoyed atbeing surpassed in genius, fortune, or rank.
7 Thus, we may see that the traditional ideaof friendship is made up of three components: Friends must enjoy each other’scompany; they must be useful to one another; and they must share a commitment to the good. According to the classicalviews, virtuous friends are bound together,as they recognize each other’s moral excellence. To perceive a friend, therefore,is in a manner to perceive oneself; and to know a friend is in a manner to knowoneself. Each can be said to provide a mirror in which the other may seehimself. The moral excellence of friendship, thus, involves a high level ofdevelopment and expression of the altruistic emotions of sympathy, concern andcare. Friendship of this kind necessarily involves conversations aboutwell-being and of what might be involved in living the good life.
米歇尔·E·多伊尔 马克·K·史密斯
1 我们探讨友谊这个概念时,遇到的第一个问题是,没有一致赞同并获社会公认的认定(某人为)朋友的标准。在某一情境下,我们会把某个人称为朋友;然而,情境一旦变迁,朋友这个称呼就显得没那么贴切。因此,人们对友谊的真谛的理解往往是非常肤浅的。为了帮助我们理解友谊的真正含义,我们需要回顾有关友谊的几种传统的看法。
2 一种传统的友谊观在古希腊著名的哲学家亚里士多德的著作里得以阐述。他将自己心目中真正的友谊同另外两种友谊截然分开。这两种友谊分别是:基于互利的友谊;基于愉悦的友谊。因此,根据亚里士多德的观点,我们可以将友谊分为三类。
3 建立在功利之上的友谊。功利并非永恒,它依照环境而变化。友谊的根基一旦消失,友谊也随之破灭,因为是功利使其存活。这类友谊似乎在老人之间最为常见,因为上了年纪的人需要的不是愉悦而是实用。基于功利的友谊也同样存在于追逐个人利益的中年人和青年人中。这些人不会在一起消闲时光,因为他们有时甚至不喜欢对方,因而觉得除非可以互相利用,否则没有交往的必要。只有当他们认为彼此有希望相互利用的时候,才会乐于呆在一起。
4 建立在愉悦之上的友谊。年轻人之间的友谊常被看作是建立在愉悦基础之上的,因为年轻人的生活受感情支配,他们感兴趣的主要是自己的快乐和眼前的重要机会。然而,他们的情趣随着自己日渐成长也会变化,他们交友容易,分手也干脆。年轻人的态度变化无常,甚至一日数变,难怪他们的友谊总是迅速地开始,又匆匆地结束。然而年轻人确实喜欢终日作伴,一起生活,他们认为友谊的意义就是如此。
5 建立在美德之上的友谊。完美无瑕的友谊立足于美德。只有那些品德高尚而且拥有相似美德的人之间建立的友谊才是最完美的。只有那些为朋友着想、渴望朋友具有美德的人才是真正的朋友。这样的朋友彼此喜欢不是因为某种附带的品质,而是对方真实的为人。品行高尚的人,其行为是相同的,或者是类似的。爱和友谊多半在品行高尚的人之间发生,而且以最高雅的形式出现。这种友谊是罕见的,因为品行高尚的人并不多见,而且他们需要时间,需要交往。常言道,真正的朋友必须同甘共苦,历经风雨。只有当两个人互相证明自己值得爱并获得对方的信任之后,彼此方能接受对方为朋友。交友的意愿可能倏忽而至,但真正的友谊却要慢慢培养。
6 另一种传统的友谊观可以在古罗马政治家、演说家西塞罗的著作里找到。西塞罗论述伦理、宗教哲学和自然规律的作品影响广泛。西塞罗认为,真正的友谊只能在好人之间发生。他进而将“好人”定义为“那些行为和生活无损于自己的荣誉、纯洁、公平和开明的人;那些摆脱了贪婪、欲念和暴力的人;那些敢于依照自己的信念说话和做事的人。”好人之间建立的这种友谊立足于美德,它确实可以带来物质利益,但决不以追求物质利益为目标。而且在处理朋友关系和其它人际关系时,优越于他人的人必须平等地对待那些没那么幸运的人;同样,后者也不能因为对方的天赋、财富、地位在自己之上而恼怒。
7 我们由此可以看出,传统的友谊观由三个要素构成:朋友以相伴为乐;朋友必须彼此受益;彼此都有志于崇高的事业。这些传统的友谊观告诉我们,两个品德高尚的朋友是永不分离的,因为彼此认同对方的高尚品德。因此,认识朋友在某种意义上就是认识自我,了解朋友在某种意义上就是了解自我。可以说朋友就好比是一面镜子,每个人都可以从朋友身上看清自己。因此,在具有高尚品德的友谊中,同情心、关心、爱心这些忘我的情感会得以高层次的培养和充分的表达。这类朋友势必会涉及幸福安康这一话题,讨论如何过高尚的生活。
Good Usage (Para. 1)
approach thenotion of
firmly agreedand socially acknowledged criteria for
in onesetting, …. in another
a very thinunderstanding of
someclassical views of
Good Usage (Para. 2)
Good Usage (Para. 3)
based onutility
changeaccording to circumstances
break up
keep it alive
are pursuingone’s own advantage
feel no needof
take pleasurein each other’s company
in so far as…
have hopes of advantage from
Good Usage (Para.4)
be groundedon pleasure
theopportunity of the moment
quick to makeand to break friendships
fall in andout of friendship
within thesame day
realize theobject of...
Good Usage (Para.5)
based on goodness
each lovesthe other for what he is
in thehighest form
as the sayinggoes
go throughtrials and tribulations together
is worthy of love
won his trust
Good Usage (Para.6)
leave noquestion as to…
are free from
have thecourage of their convictions
possess anysuperiority
be annoyed at
beingsurpassed in genius, fortune, or rank
Good Usage (Para.7)
enjoy eachother’s company
share acommitment to
are boundtogether
develop ashared idea of
Useful Expressions from Text A | Chinese Equivalences |
socially acknowledged criteria for… | 社会公认的……标准 |
describe…as | 把……叫做 |
mutual usefulness | 互利 |
based on utility | 基于功利 |
change according to circumstances | 依照环境而变化 |
pursue one’s own advantage | 追逐个人利益 |
take pleasure in each other’s company | 乐于呆在一起 |
be grounded on pleasure | 建立在愉悦之上 |
as the saying goes | 常言道 |
go through trials and tribulations together | 同甘共苦 |
win one’s trust | 赢得某人的信任 |
be free from… | 摆脱…… |
regard…as equals | 视……为平等的人 |
share a commitment to… | 都有志于…… |
Useful Expressions from Text B | Chinese Equivalences |
be of a powerful build | 身材魁梧 |
hear from one’s friend | 与朋友通信 |
the opposite side of the street | 街对面 |
listen with interest | 饶有兴致地听着 |
brilliant with electric lights | 灯光明亮 |
at the appointed place | 在约定的地点 |
a plain clothes man | 便衣警察 |
KeyWords and Expressions for Text A
state sb. / sth. to be sb. / sth.; call 把……叫做;称作
e. g.1. He describes himself as a doctor; but infact, he knows little about medicine.
2. I hesitate to describe him as really clever.
classical a.
[no comp.] based on or belonging to anold or established system of principles or methods, e.g. in art or science;traditional [无比较级]经典的;传统的
e.g.1. Did shemainly study classical literature or modern literature?
2. Do you prefer classical music like Mozart,or pop?
Word choice
classic / classical
Classical强调“传统”,可以表达2个不同意思:1“遵循传统风格的”,如a classical composer是“一个古典作曲家”。2“古希腊古罗马的”,如a classical scholar是“研究古希腊古罗马的学者”。
Classic可以表达3个不同意思:1描述某物已经被认定在同类中具有相当高质量,如a classic movie是“一部优秀影片”;2表达“典型的”,如a classic mistake是“一个典型错误”。3 表达“优雅但是很简单而且传统的”,如a classic design是“一个经典的设计”。
distinguish between
recognize differences between 辨别,分清
e. g. 1. The two paintings arequite similar. I can’t distinguish between the original and the fake.
2. English law clearly distinguishes betweenmurder and manslaughter.
utility n.
1. fml the degree of usefulness 〖正式〗有用,实用,效用
e. g. 1. It is a research project with limited practical utility.
2. Belief in the utility of higher education isshared by students nationwide.
2. [C esp. pl.] a service such as gas orelectricity provided for people to use公用事业(如水电煤气等)
e. g.Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the areashattered by the hurricane.
ground n.
[C esp.pl.] reason(s) or justification for saying, doing or believing sth. [尤作复数]说话、做事或相信某事的原因或理由
e. g. 1. The company has reasonable grounds to dismiss him; he was late forwork three times last week despite constant warnings.
2. He hadbeen fired from his job on the grounds of incompetence.
break up
come or bring to an end, esp. byseparating 结束;解散
e. g.1. She has done everything possible to prevent their relationship frombreaking up.
2. The party had to break up because of asudden power cut.
take pleasure in (doing) sth.
enjoy (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐;喜欢(做)某事
e. g. 1. He takes great pleasurein taking pictures of birds.
2. She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.
in so far as
to the degree that 到……程度
e. g.1. I will help you inso far as I can.
2. This is the truth in so far as I know it.
ground vt.
[(on)]base [常与on连用]根据;以……为依据
e. g. 1. Sally’s argument is soundly grounded on facts.
2. The professor’stheory is grounded on the results of his experiments.
regulate vt.
control, esp. by rules; bring order ormethod to (尤指以规章)控制,管理
e. g. 1. His mother strictlyregulates what books he reads in his spare time.
2. Thissection of the highway is regulated by policemen 24 hours a day.
regulation n.
asthe saying goes
according to a saying 正如俗话所说,常言道
e. g.1. As thesaying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
2. “There is no smoke without fire”, as thesaying goes.
trials and tribulations
troublesand events that cause suffering 艰难困苦
e. g.1. She has gone through trials and tribulations in bringing up threechildren all by herself.
2. Aftermany trials and tribulations, we finally reached our destination.
influential a.
havinggreat influence or importance有很大影响(力)的
e. g.1. She is oneof the most influential figures in local politics.
2. The study looks at the influential role ofprofessional athletes in public life.
influence n. & v.
as to
(used esp. when speaking of arguments anddecisions) on the subject of; concerning (尤用于争论和作出决定时)有关,关于
e. g.1. She had no idea as to whether he was theright person for the job.
2. As to wherewe’ll get the money, let’s talk about that later.
have the courage of one’s (own) convictions
be brave enough to do or say what onethinks is right 有勇气去做或说出自己认为正确的事
e. g. 1. He had the courage ofhis convictions and was still pursuing his studies at the age of 80.
2. If they had the courage of theirconvictions, they might get more people voting for them.
virtue n.
[U] moral goodness or excellence; [C]a good quality of character or behaviour 美德;德行
e.g. 1. He loved her not because of her beauty or wealth, but because of hervirtue, i.e., her moral excellence.
2. I hope my son willunderstand the traditional virtue of hard work.
possess vt.
[not in progressive forms]fml have as one’s property, as aquality, etc.; own [不用进行式]〖正式〗拥有,占有;具有(某种品质)
e. g. 1. I had to give up my dream of becoming a singer because I don’t possess abeautiful voice.
2. The Western Highlands possess abeauty and a majesty found nowhere else inBritain.
surpass vt.
fml do or be better than; exceed〖正式〗胜过;优于;超过
e. g.1. To surpass your teacher in drawing, you must at first try hard to doas well as he does.
2. The beauty of the scenery surpassed all myexpectations.
commitment n.
[C; U (to)] deeply-felt loyalty to a particular aim, belief, etc.; aresponsibility or promise to follow certain beliefs or a certain course ofaction [常与to连用]忠诚;信奉;奉献;承诺;承担的义务
e. g. 1. Without your commitment to thecompany our success would not have been possible.
2. She is knownchiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.
make a commitment 作出承诺
fulfil / honour / meet acommitment 履行义务
have / take on a commitment 承担义务
bind vt. (bound, bound)
usu. fml or lit tie together;fig unite 〖一般正式或文〗捆,绑;〖比喻〗结合
e. g. 1. The three girls are bound together by the same hobbies and closefriendship.
2. They bound his hands together tightly.
Text B
Key Words:
keen a. | correspond vi. | graspvt. | brilliant a. |
gaze vt. | sensible a. | unfoldvt. | appointvt. |
keen a.
1.(of the mind, the feelings, the senses, etc.) good, strong, quick atunderstanding, etc. (思想、感情、感觉等)良好的;敏锐的;敏捷的
e. g. 1. Even at the age of 90 he still had akeen mind — he was quick to understand everything.
2. Dogs, especially police dogs, have akeen sense of smell.
a keen mind 敏捷的头脑
keen eyesight 敏锐的眼光
a keen ear 灵敏的耳朵
a keen sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉
2. [(on)] (of a person) having a strong, activeinterest in sth.; eager to do sth. [常与on连用](人)热衷的,热心的;渴望(做某事)的
e. g. 1. She likes biology, but she’s nottoo keen on physics.
2. They were very keen to start work as soonas possible.
correspond vi.
1. [(with)]exchange letters regularly [常与with连用]通信
e. g.1. Bill wishes to correspond withstudents from US — he wants to make some pen friends.
2. They’ve been corresponding witheach other about this matter for months.
2.[(with, to)] be in agreement; match [常与with或to连用]符合;相一致
e. g. 1. The witness’s statementscorrespond with the available evidence.
2. His first job was as a Lecturer,which roughly corresponds to Associate Professor here.
vt.1.take or keep a firm hold of, esp. with the hands 抓牢,抓紧
e. g. 1. We both grasped the handle of thebig box and tried to lift it up onto the truck.
2. She isready to grasp any opportunity to expand the business.
2. succeed in understanding 理解,领会
e. g.1. Anyone who does not grasp the importance of budget control will neverbe successful in business.
2. Veronica has not yet graspedthat to pass exams you have to work very hard.
n.1.hold, grip 抓住,把握
e. g. 1. Take a firm grasp of the handleand pull.
2. They hadfled toAmerica,and were beyond the grasp of their enemies.
2. understanding 理解,掌握
e. g. 1. She has a good grasp of the subject.
2. These complex formulae arebeyond the grasp of the average pupil.
a good / firm / thorough grasp of sth. 对……很好的理解
grasp on sth. 了解……
within one’s grasp 在理解范围内
beyond one’s grasp 无法理解
a. 1. very bright, splendid, or showy in appearance 光亮的,光辉夺目的,灿烂的
e. g.1. He closed his eyes against the brilliant light.
2. She was dressed in brilliant white.
2. extremely clever or skilful极聪明的,杰出的
e. g. 1.I think that’s a brilliant idea.
2. It was his brilliant performance in MyLeft Foot that established his reputation.
gaze vi. look steadily, esp. for a long time and often without being conscious ofwhat one is doing (尤指长时间无意识地)凝视;注视
e. g. 1. He gazed at me in disbelief when I told him thenews.
2. Nell was still gazing out of thewindow.
sensible a. having or showing good sense; reasonable 明智的;合理的
e.g. 1.It’s sensible of you to avoid rich foods if youare feeling ill.
2. She is sensible aboutmoney and keeps track of every expense.
Word choice:
sensible sensitive
sensible “明智的”, 是指“能做出好判断的能力”。例如:It wasn’t very sensible to go out on your own so late atnight.
sensitive意思是“敏感的”,可指身体上或情感上的“敏感”。例如:1. This is a soap for sensitive skin. 2. This movie may upset asensitive child.
unfold vt. open from a folded position 展开,打开(折叠之物)
e. g.1. If we unfold the table we can fit eight people around it.
2. Asthe story unfolds, we learn more about Max’s childhood.
appoint vt.
1. fml arrangeor decide (esp. a time or place when sth. will happen) 〖正式〗约定,指定,决定(时间、地点)
e. g. 1. Our visitors arrived at the appointed time; so the party started asplanned.
2. Thecommittee appointed a day in June for celebrations.
2. [(as, to)] choose for a position orjob [常与as或to连用]任命;委任
e. g. 1. A lawyer was appointed to represent thechild.
2. I can’t understand whythey decided to appoint Wilsonas managing director.
cast an / one’s eye(s) over | tear down |
make a / one’s fortune | lose track of |
turn up | try for sth. / try out for sth. |
pass on | check (up) on |
(as) sure as fate | all of a sudden |
be (placed / put) under arrest | drop over |
cast an/one’seye(s) over look through or examine sb. / sth. quickly 快速地看或查某人(某事物)
e. g. 1. I put a cheque of 1000 dollars on her desk butshe turned away without even casting an eye over it.
2. Would you cast your eye over thesecalculations to check that they are correct?
Verb phrases with “eye(s)”
keep an eye on sth. / sb. 照料某人/ 某事
have your eye on sth. 将某事作为自己的目标或目的
can’t take your eyes off sb. / sth.目不转睛地看着某人/ 某物
set / lay / clap eyes on sb. / sth. 看见某人 / 某物
keep an eye open / out (for sth.) 留心或注意某人 / 某事物
close / shut your eyes to sth. 不理会某事物;视而不见;熟视无睹
have a (good) eye for sth. 对某事物有判断力或鉴赏力;有眼力;有眼光
keep your eyes open / peeled / skinned警觉;留心
can do something with your eyes shut / closed做事没费多大力气;轻易地
have eyes in the back of your head 脑袋后边长着眼睛;能看到一切
be up to your eyes in sth. (工作)非常忙
have eyes bigger than your belly 眼大肚小;眼馋肚饱
tear down (esp.of a building) pull down, esp. violently; destroy 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁
e. g. 1. We have to tear down a number of houses soas to build a new school there.
2. A lot of the old tower blocks have been torndown to make way for new housing.
make a / one’sfortune earn a large amount of money 赚一大笔钱;发财
e. g.1. He made a fortune by selling second-hand computers to students.
2. He had made a fortune out of gambling, but soon lostall his money.
lose trackof fail to keep oneself informed about a person,situation, etc.; forget 失去……的线索;不了解……的动态;忘记
e. g. 1. I’ve lost track of her after she got married. I don’t know how she’sgetting along.
2. I lost all track of time while I was listeningto the music.
turn up
1. arrive; make one’s appearance 到达,来到
e. g. 1. I’m sure she will turn up soon. She’s never been late before.
2. We had arranged to meet in town but Sam didn’tturn up.
2. be found (esp. by chance) afterbeing lost(失去后)被发现或找到(尤指偶然地)
e. g. I’m sure your watch will turn up one of these days.
3. (of an opportunity) present itself; happen (指机会)出现,到来
e. g. He’sstill hoping something will turn up.他仍在期待机会出现。
try for sth. / try out for sth. make an attemptto get or win; compete for, e. g. by taking part in a test 试图赢得;谋得,争取
e. g.1. Leather exporters are trying for a larger market share.
2. You won’t make the team if you don’ttry out.
pass on
1.move on 继续下去
e. g.1. After two days’ rest, we decided it was time to pass on.
2.If you don’t have any questions about this topic, let’spass on to the next one.
2.give toanother person 传给(另一人)
e. g.1. She said she’d pass the message onto the other students.
2. She caught my cold and passed it on to her husband.
3. Any increase in our costs will have to be passed on to the consumer.
check (up)on test or examine to see if sth. is correct,true, in good condition, etc. 检查,核实
e. g.1. The police checked up on somedrivers to make sure they are not drunk driving.
2.Myneighbour comes in once a week to check on things and feed the fish.
(as) sure as fate infmlabsolutely sure〖非正式〗的的确确,千真万确
e. g. 1. He’s a great football fan; he willnot miss the match, as sure as fate.
2. If I could get youout of there, I sure as fate would.
all of asudden infml suddenly 〖非正式〗突然地,猛然地
e. g. 1. All of a sudden a man grabbed my bag and ran away.
2. All of a sudden I was seized withfear. I had forgotten to lock the door before I left.
be (placed / put) under arrest be made a prisoner 被逮捕;被拘捕;成为囚犯
e. g. 1. He is under arrest and may only be seen by his lawyer.
2.Hewas put under arrest for smuggling.
drop over / by pay a casual visit (to a person or place) 偶然访问(某人或某地);顺便访问
e. g.1.They dropped over to see me on their way homefrom a movie.
2.Ijust dropped by to see how you were getting on.
wh-+ever 和 no matter wh-
表示“无论什么……”,一般wh-+ever引入状语从句时,都等于no matter wh-。例如:
Whoever (= Nomatter who) you are, do your duty.
It hasthe same result, whichever ( = no matter which) way you do it.
Wherever ( = Nomatter where) he goes, he is happy to help others.
二、wh-+ever ≠ no matter wh-的情况
当whatever, whichever和whoever引入名词从句时,不能用no matter wh-替换。例如:
Shegave whoever asked for a copy ofher latest paper.
Do whatever you like.
Whichever you take will be yours.
Now do the tasks on page 82 in your textbooks.
2. Thestructure “it is…that / who…” is used to achieveemphasis, as shown in the following sentences taken from Text A.
1) And it is those who desire the good oftheir friends for the friends’ sake thatare most truly friends…(Para. 5)
2) It isbetween good men that both love and friendship arechiefly found… (Para. 5)
强调句型Itis…that/ who…
Itis…that / who…句型可用来强调句子中除了谓语动词的其他部分。例如:
1. It was clearly the headmaster himself who / thatopened the door. (强调主语)
2. It was a New Year card that he sent me. (强调宾语)
3. It was light blue that Ted painted his bedroom. (强调补语)
4. It might have been in the store that I lost mywallet. (强调状语)
5. It was not until he got a map that he started onhis way. (强调状语)
注意:这样的句子中,可以去掉It is …who/ that 这个外加成分,句意依然完整。以上例句去掉表示强调的成分后:
1. Clearly the headmaster himself opened the door.
2. He sent me a New Year card.
3. Ted painted his bedroom light blue.
4. I might have lost my wallet in the store that.
5. He didn’t start on his way until he got a map.
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