
南洋出版社 2018-05-26

Partially sponsored by national B&R Book Program丝路书香工程专项图书

该书是英文著作,通过400多幅图片梳理总结了自鸦片战争以来中国人民艰苦卓绝的奋斗历程和辉煌成就, 阐释了中国道路是适合中国复兴繁荣的正确道路,为人类的发展提供了中国思路。

该书受到新加坡两家主要英文报纸Strait Time 和Business Time的报道。新加坡各大书店陆续上架,面向全球公共和大学图书馆系统的发行工作已经展开。


"China Road" uses more than 400 precious historical pictures, coupled with authoritative and accurate textual explanations, to visually display major historical events that have taken place in every historical periods in China since the Opium War. These fully reflect the Chinese people's effort of all kinds of explorations and struggles to achieve national rejuvenation and make the country prosperous and strong. With these historical facts, it is clarified that the current road of China is the most suitable one for the development of China. China's success provides humans with new ideas for development.

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