

2017-05-31 爱读书的Oscar 江博读书会名著精读


第一场. 【6.3 晚】江博读书会沙龙

主讲人/主持人:吴凯风  【耶鲁大学】



第二场. 【6.14 晚】江博读书会沙龙

主讲人/主持人:宋瑞明  【哈佛大学】



1. TED类型,就是HOST和Oscar确认通过的讲师们每人5-10分钟,讲述自己五本MUST READ推荐理由,还有读书对于他/她的意义,可以有PPT。
2. HOST组织大家讨论江博大书单的更新,解释自己的建议增加内容。
3. HOST协助排出全年的读书计划。
4. 审批读书会会员申请

5. 审批读书会主讲候选人的选题报告。








1. 如果你已经是讲师团讲师,请填写复制以上信息,发到江博读书会讲师团群内报名

2. 如果你符合讲师团要求,但是尚未加入讲师团,请按照分隔线下面内容,按照范例填写表格并提交给小助手【如能找到讲师推荐,效果更佳】

3. 如果你还不是会员,赶紧参阅我上一条推送,先加入江博读书会【如能找到讲师推荐,效果更佳】







1. 已经在大学就读的热爱读书分享和传播的学长学姐。

2. 江博教育热爱读书分享的老师

3. 成功在江博读书会主讲过多部书目的优秀中学生

4. 对于某些作品有深刻独到见解的学生



【复制改写下面申请表范例,并联系读书会小助手微信wangyaqin0325 ,电话13717523704即可】


1. 争取在读书会一年线上或者线下主讲一本书

2. 帮助审阅江博读书会会员选题报告和PPT,并协助Oscar排出全年的读书会计划。

3.  协助修改读书会会员撰写的学生读书报告

4.  帮助国内自己所在中学主办主持读书会分会场






目前为止第一批获得批准的江博读书会Oscar Book Club的





姓名: 董天雨    高中:北京四中    即将就读:北京大学


分享自己最精选书单【五本书】FIVE BOOKS YOU MUST READ BEFORE YOU QUIT [either reading or life]

A.    The Holy Bible

B.   TheOrigin of Species (Charles Robert Darwin)

C.   The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)

D.   Zen and the Art of MotorcycleMaintenance (Robert M. Pirsig)

E.   When Breath Becomes Air (PaulKalanithi)


2. 写一篇what reading means to me并分享

On Reading

and the Fact that We are Lonely


It is obvious, and yet shameful, truth for that we are all lonely. The underlying assumption is that no decent person could ever feel isolated, and yet, a high degree of loneliness is an inexorable part of being a sensitive, intelligent human. It is unlikely that we will ever find someone on the same page of the soul as us. When we long for total congruity, but there will be constant distance because we appeared on the earth at different times, are the product of different families and experiences and are just not having the same amount of hormones(chemicals) in our brains. So they won’t be thinking just the same as us on coming out of the cinema. And looking out at the night sky, just when we want them to say something highbrow and beautiful, they will perhaps be remembering a painfully banal and untimely detail from an area of domestic life (or vice versa). It’s a built-in feature of a complex existence. Many of the ideas in the recesses of our minds are too odd, contrary, subtle or alarming to be safely revealed to anyone else.Loneliness truly is the tax we have to pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind.


At an exasperated moment, near the end of his life, exploded bitterly the German writer Goethe, who appeared to have had a exploded bitterly: ‘No one has ever properly understood me, I have never fully understood anyone, and no one understands anyone else.’


It isn’t our fault: a degree of distance and mutual incomprehension isn’t a sign that life has gone wrong. It’s what we should expect from the very beginning. And when we do, benefits may flow. Once we accept loneliness, we can get creative. We can start to send out messages in a bottle.We can sing, write poetry, produce books and blogs, share ideas in We-ChatMoments or QQ Zone from the realization that people around us won’t ever fully get us but that others might just. Ergo, that’s the reason why we have books in the human society, why throughout centuries of civilization, there are ideas,emotions, arguments and theories summoned on papers, then spread across time and space to us. Loneliness makes us more capable of true intimacy if ever better opportunities do come along. It heightens the conversations we have with ourselves; it gives us a character. We don’t repeat what everyone else thinks.We develop a point of view.

We might be isolated for now, but we’ll be capable of far closer, more interesting bonds with anyone we do eventually locate.


Reading is a process of reincarnation, a journey of knowing yourself again in time, deeper in depth. Maybe one day, you'll find a soulmate that has the same pace of the soul or similar aspect of the world as you did whom you'll never meet in your life because he/she died many years ago.What you'll find is the wholeness essence of your spirit, and pieces of puzzle that you've been searching since the beginning of your life.




3. 修订文学大书单,推荐江博读书会自然科学大书单,社会科学大书单。



Waiting for Godot (Samuel Beckett)

Stray Birds (RabindranathTagore)

Walden (Alain de Botton)

5 Centimeters per Second (Makoto Shinkai)

The Garden of Words (Makoto Shinkai)

One Hundred Years of Solitude(Gabriel García Márquez)

The Fault in Our Stars (John Green)



The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Thomas S. Kuhn)

The Greatest Show on Earth (Richard Dawkins)

Predictable Irrationality (Dan Ariely)

Thinking Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)

We are Our Brains (Dick Swaab)
阅读生物学札记 (郑也夫)



A History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell)

The Art of Travel ()

Guns, Germs, and Steel (Jared Diamond)

无奈与逍遥 (王博)

心外传奇 (李清晨)




姓名: 吴凯风    高中:北京8中    就读:耶鲁大学


1. 分享自己最精选书单【五本书】 FIVE BOOKS YOU MUST READ BEFORE YOU QUIT [either reading or life]

《红楼梦》前八十回 曹雪芹

War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
真是一本沉重的大书(这么沉重绝对是Oscar的锅,都要“before you quit life”了)(托尔斯泰一开始是想写短篇的)不过作为一个名副其实的“大部头”,百川纳海,世态炎凉,尽收书中,实际上是挺容易看进去的,也是可以看得很酣畅淋漓的

One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Towards a New Architecture Le Corbusier (or) Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture 

River Town by Peter Hessler 

2. 写一篇what reading means to me并分享

I confess that, as a designer, photographer, and architecture student, I’m a disciple of visual storytelling, of its intimacy and richness. However, I must admit: written language is perhaps humanity’s most important invention. It remains, even in this digital age, the most commonly used and readily available medium for information, both for creation and consumption. Throughout the human history, generations with chisels, quills, brushes, pencils, pens and keyboards have added to this medium and crafted it to its absolute perfection. Nothing can be so clear yet so ambiguous, so electrifying yet so tender, so grand yet so profound – nothing except language, which encompasses all human indecency and all human triumph; all human knowledge and all human emotions. What languages lack in vividness, we make up with imagination in abundance. Literature. Poetry. The written language is the founding stone upon which our civilizations are carved. Reading is a conversation with humanity - all we have ever done, knew, and felt.

3. 修订江博文学大书单/自然科学大书单/社会科学大书单。

《人间词话》 王国维

Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier Neil de Grasse Tyson

1. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II John W. Dower
2. The Death and Life of Great American Cities

3. City of Thorns by Ben Rawlence

4. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo

5. 美的历程 李泽厚

6. 中国建筑师 梁思成

7. Why Does the World Exist by Jim Holt

【凯风还推荐的这本书,分类上Oscar犯难了...这本书据说横跨 philosophy and scientific cosmology. , , , ,, and other subjects 】

