
38 of the funniest menu translation fails ever

Viktorija Gabula PandaGuides 2019-10-17

Asian cuisine is so different from what we are used to - starting with such unusual ingredients as sea cucumbers and ant eggs and ending with unpronounceable names; it often leaves us, westerners, quite baffled. Now, not many of us speak Chinese, so when visiting, we seek the comfort of English menus to explain to us what we are about to eat. If luck is in, and you've found one in your mother tongue, your struggles to order are probably not over, as translating the food names is whole another art, with which we'd like to acquaint you.

Often, restaurant owners try to Google Translate the ingredients and names of their funny foods in the menus and if their mission fails they shamelessly declare, that they couldn't find the appropriate name. Other times, proofreading was skipped entirely, or maybe the owner just didn't care enough or couldn't understand the translation himself. Either way, the results are absolutely hilarious, and who in their right mind would skip trying the 'Mr. Oyster' or 'Mermaid in Deep Sea,' whatever that might mean.

So, if funny food names are what you live for or have a tendency to try and eat anything and everything weird, this totally lost in translation list is like hitting the jackpot. Now, scroll down to check these food puns, and funny fails for yourself!

#1 An Interesting Chinese Menu

#2 There's Something Wrong In This Menu

#3 A Restaurant Menu I Found In China

#4 One Order Of Whatever Please

#5 Stir-Fried Wikipedia

#6 Simmer Chicken Cloud Ear

#7 Roasted Husband

#8 Chicken Vs. Real Chicken

#9 You And Your Family

#10 Menu In Beijing

#11 My Friend Is Visiting China And Went To A Restaurant. This Is From The Menu

#12 Grab Me Now

#13 My Friend Saw This On A Menu In China. He Didn't Know What To Order

#14 Not Hungry Anymore

#15 Chinglish Menu: Cat Ear And Rotten Child

#16 Suck That Leisure Rod

#17 From A Menu In Shanghai

#18 Pig's Organ Soup

#19 It's The Cheapest Thing On The Menu

#20 My Brother Went To China, This Is What Was On The Menu

#21 Acid Beans

#22 Husband And Wife Lung Slice

#23 It Gives It That Extra Punch Of Flavor...

#24 English Menus In China Are An Endless Source Of Amusement

#25 I Don't Want To Check Their Kitchen.

#26 Don't Order The Greenstuffs

#27 Explodes Fries Pig

#28 Boiled Farmers Anyone?

#29 Many Bandits

#30 Another Stupid Chinese Menu In Shenzhen, China

#31 Recently Moved To Shanghai And Found This At A Local Restaurant

#32 Menu At A Restaurant In Shanghai

#33 Birds Beast

#34 Characteristics Of Mouth-watering

#35 Menu Fail

#36 My Local Chinese Restaurant Needs Help With Their Menu

#37 I'm Not Sure If I Should Order That First One

#38 This Menu Is A Little Exciting

Source: https://www.boredpanda.com

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