

2016-08-30 从余启 我与我们的世界












梁木难成一身㞞 ;



Turkey and the West



Don’t lose the plot



How to manage relations with NATO’s most awkward member


IT IS hard to dissuade people from believing conspiracy theories, especially when there really has been a conspiracy. The attempted coup in Turkey on July 15th involved thousands of members of the armed forces. Encouraged by their government, many Turks seem to believe that the West—in particular America—had a hand in it. Relations have soured and Turkey has taken to demanding that Western countries demonstrate they are on its side. Turkey is a NATO ally and, notwithstanding a spate of recent terrorist attacks, a bastion of relative stability in a region racked by war. Western countries want to keep it that way. This week America’s vice-president, Joe Biden, visited Ankara as a gesture of goodwill. Beyond his offer of soothing words, what more should the West do?  


1.plot [plɒt] n. 情节;图;阴谋;vt. 密谋;绘图;划分;标绘;vi. 密谋;策划;绘制。

2.lose the plot:lose one's ability to understand or cope with what is happening,失去明辨情形的能力,失去处理状况的能力。

3.awkward ['ɔkwɚd]  adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的。

4.conspiracy [kən'spɪrəsi]   n. 阴谋;共谋;阴谋集团。

5.spate [speit]   n. 洪水;一阵;大雨;突然迸发。

6.bastion ['bæstɪən]  n. 堡垒;棱堡。

7.rack [ræk]   n. [机] 齿条;架子;拷问台;vi. 变形;随风飘;小步跑;vt. 折磨;榨取。

8.soothing ['sʊðɪŋ]   adj. 抚慰的;使人宽心的;v. 安慰;减轻痛苦(soothe的现在分词)。

Tone it down


Turkey’s attempted coup shocked an already tense society. At least 240 people were killed, and the country narrowly averted a disastrous military takeover. The plot was led in part by followers of the Gulen movement, a secretive Muslim sect that runs a global network of schools, charities and businesses and has infiltrated the Turkish state. It is only natural that Turks should be determined to identify and punish the conspirators.


1.avert [ə'vɝt]   vt. 避免,防止;转移。

2.Gulen movement:葛兰运动

3.secretive ['sɪkrətɪv]   adj. 秘密的;偷偷摸摸的;促进分泌的。

4.sect [sɛkt]  n. 宗派。

5.infiltrate [ɪn'fɪltret]  vt. 使潜入;使渗入,使浸润;vi. 渗入;n. 渗透物。

6.conspirator [kən'spɪrətɚ]   n. 阴谋者;反叛者;同谋者。

Yet rather than focus on those directly involved, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a vast crackdown on anyone with Gulenist ties, as well as on other opponents of his governing Justice and Development (AK) party. Over 80,000 people, including judges, businesspeople, journalists and academics, have been purged. Mr Erdogan speaks darkly of a “higher mind” directing both the coup and the other threats Turkey faces, including an insurgency by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and bombings carried out by Islamic State (IS). The purges have enormous support, even among secular Turks who oppose Mr Erdogan’s Islamist policies.


1.purge [pɝdʒ]   vi. 净化;通便;vt. 净化;清洗;通便;n. 净化;泻药。

2.darkly ['dɑrkli]   adv. 黑暗地;模糊地;阴郁地;秘密地。

3.insurgency [ɪn'sɝdʒənsi]   n. 叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态。

4.secular ['sɛkjəlɚ]   adj. 世俗的;长期的;现世的;不朽的;n. 修道院外的教士,(对宗教家而言的) 俗人。

Mindful of Mr Erdogan’s authoritarian bent, Western leaders tempered condemnation of the mutiny with warnings against the ensuing crackdown even as Turks were celebrating the survival of civilian rule and voicing fear of the Gulenists. Stung by the criticism, Turkey’s pro-government media have claimed, preposterously, that America must have been behind the coup. Polls suggest that most Turks believe them.


1.mindful ['maɪndfl]   adj. 留心的;记住的;警觉的。

2.authoritarian [ə,θɔrə'tɛrɪən]   adj. 独裁主义的;权力主义的;n. 权力主义者;独裁主义者。

3.bent [bɛnt]   n. 爱好,嗜好;adj. 弯曲的;决心的。

4.temper ['tɛmpɚ]  n. 脾气;(钢等)回火;性情;倾向;vt./vi. 回火;锻炼;调和;缓和。

5.condemnation [,kɑndɛm'neʃən]  n. 谴责;定罪;非难的理由;征用.

6.mutiny ['mjutəni]  n. 兵变;叛乱;暴动;vi. 反叛;暴动;参加叛乱。

7.ensue [ɪn'su]   vi. 跟着发生,接着发生;继起;vt. 追求。

8.preposterously [pri'pɔstərəsli]   adv. 荒谬地;不合理地。

Such paranoia is dangerous, and not only because it could accelerate Turkey’s drift into autocracy. Mr Erdogan has made overtures to Vladimir Putin and hinted at a realignment towards Russia and Iran. He is demanding that America extradite Fethullah Gulen, the inspiration behind the movement, who has been in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999 and whom he accuses of masterminding the plot against him. Turkey’s justice minister, Bekir Bozdag, says extradition is a political test: is America for Turkey or against it?


1.paranoia [,pærə'nɔɪə]   n. [心理] 偏执狂,[内科] 妄想狂。

2.drift [drɪft]   n. 漂流,漂移;趋势;漂流物;vi. 漂流,漂移;漂泊;vt. 使…漂流;使…受风吹积。

3.overture ['ovətʃʊr]   n. 前奏曲;提案;序幕;vt. 提议;为……奏前奏曲。

4.hint [hɪnt]   n. 暗示;线索;vt. 暗示;示意;vi. 示意。

5.realignment [,riə'laɪnmənt]   n. 重新排列;重新组合;改组。

6.extradite ['ekstrədaɪt]   vt. 引渡;获取…的引渡。

7.mastermind ['mæstəmaɪnd]  vt. 策划;n. 优秀策划者;才子。

Turkey likewise wants European governments to help track down Gulenists among their Turkish populations. Turkey also wants progress on granting its citizens visa-free travel to the European Union’s Schengen zone, part of the deal the two sides struck in March to control the flow of Syrian refugees. But that requires Turkey to reform its laws on terrorism, tricky amid a security crackdown. Meanwhile, clashes have broken out in Europe between backers of Mr Gulen and of Mr Erdogan. Anti-Muslim populists have exploited the tensions. Austria’s chancellor has demanded that Turkey’s accession talks to the EU be halted; Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Vienna.


1.tricky ['trɪkɪ]   adj. 狡猾的;机警的。

2.exploit [ɪk'splɔɪt]   vt. 开发,开拓;剥削;开采;n. 勋绩;功绩。

3.halt [hɔlt]   vi. 停止;立定;踌躇,犹豫;n. 停止;立定;休息;vt. 使停止;使立定。

It is a mess, but two thoughts should guide the West. One is that, just as it wants Turkey to observe the law, so it must follow due process itself. Extradition is a matter for the judiciary, not for politicians or intelligence agencies. If Turkey can provide solid evidence against Mr Gulen that was not collected under duress, he should be extradited; if not, then he should remain in Pennsylvania. Similarly, Europe should honour its promises. If Turkey brings its terrorism laws into line with EU standards and meets the other conditions in the migrant deal, its people should be granted visa-free travel. Until it does, however, the EU should wait.


1.observe [əb'zɝv]  vt. 庆祝;vt. 观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论;vi. 观察;说;注意到;评论。

2.due [djuː]   adj. 到期的;预期的;应付的;应得的;n. 应付款;应得之物;adv. 正(置于方位词前)。

3.solid ['sɒlɪd]   adj. 固体的;可靠的;立体的;结实的;一致的;n. 固体;立方体。

4.duress [du'rɛs]  n. 强迫;监禁。

Second, the West should cleave to its principles, urging Mr Erdogan to seek pluralism and strong institutions rather than an all-powerful presidency. Instead of attempting to bolster his position with ethnic Turks by stirring up antipathy towards the Kurds, Mr Erdogan should return to the search for peace.


1.cleave [kliːv]   vi. 裂开;披荆斩棘地前进;粘住;坚持;vt. 砍开;使分开;打通。

2.pluralism ['plʊər(ə)lɪz(ə)m]   n. 多元主义;多元论;兼任。

3.stir [stɝ]   n. 搅拌;轰动;vt. 搅拌;激起;惹起;vi. 搅动;传播;走动。

4.antipathy [æn'tɪpəθi]   n. 反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容。

Turkey allied to Iran and Russia, rather than NATO, would be weaker. Even as Mr Biden was visiting Ankara, Turkish forces were entering Syria under NATO air cover to attack the jihadists of IS. Russia could not provide the same support. The truth is, Turkey needs the West and the West needs Turkey, no matter how infuriating its leader.


1.infuriating [ɪn'fjʊərɪeɪtɪŋ]  adj. 令人大怒的;v. 使发怒(infuriate的ing形式)。





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