
2017-11-15 从余启 我与我们的世界 我与我们的世界




本期导读:“哈巴罗夫斯克”(Khabarovsk),即中文所称的伯力,位于黑龙江及乌苏里江交界处东侧,中俄边界处,北距海参崴800千米,为俄罗斯联邦远东联邦管区行政中心、哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区首府。其俄文名源于俄国人叶罗费·帕夫洛维奇·哈巴罗夫。1989年苏联人口普查时该城的人口数量为600,623 人,2002年人口普查的人口数量为583,072 人。





In the shadow of Red October


A century ago, the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia and created the world’s first Marxist state. 


The dramatic events of 1917 still reverberate. 


But what legacy of the revolution can be seen in four cities in Vladimir Putin's Russia?


October's son


The Russian Revolution hadn’t even happened when Lev Lipovich was born.


By the time the Bolsheviks had seized the Winter Palace, Lev was already seven months old.


A hundred years of Russian history are etched into his face.


I fought in four wars, and I survived three famines,” Lev tells me with a hint of pride.


We are sitting in his tiny apartment in the city of Khabarovsk, the capital of the Russian Far East. Out of the window you can see the point where the two great rivers of eastern Russia meet - the Amur and the Ussuri.


On the roads here there are few Russian-built cars - it is cheaper for people to buy right-hand drives from Japan. The border with China is just 25km from here.


Red Square feels a world away. And we are more than 6,000km (3,700 miles) from the cradle of the October Revolution, St Petersburg.


I am a son of October,” he explains. “To me, Revolution Day - 7 November - is my second birthday because I see that as the day the USSR was born.”


Lev was born in the Crimea in April 1917. When he was 11, his parents sent him to a factory boarding school.


“For my first 20 years my motherland fed me, clothed me, put shoes on my feet. It gave me an education. When I joined the army, I started to repay my debt to my country.”


At the age of 15, Lev learnt to fly. He became a fighter pilot. His first experience of battle was the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland; he fought in World War Two, what Russians refer to as the Great Patriotic War; in 1945 he flew missions against Japan and in North Korea.


He concedes he is lucky to be alive. While battling Nazi Germany, he was shot down over the Baltic Sea.


“The shell hit my right engine,” he recalls. “No sooner had I catapulted out, the plane burst into flames. For four hours I struggled in the water. Then a Soviet submarine spotted me and pulled me out.”


In peacetime Lev switched to civil aviation. In his 47 years as a pilot, he recorded an astonishing 36,000 flight hours - the equivalent of four years in the air.


Lev opens a folder and takes out a faded certificate - it is an official letter of thanks to him from Joseph Stalin. He speaks fondly of the Soviet dictator.


“On the side of my warplane were these words: 'For the motherland! For Stalin!'


“But what about the repressions?” I ask. “What about Stalin’s terror?”


“You don’t understand,” he says dismissively. “Stalin was a patriot. He was an intelligent, modest, iron man.”


He tells me how he thinks Russians have survived a century of drama and bloodshed.


“Because our people are strong; we are patriotic; we love our land and we are ready to die for it.”


Lev talks at length about the USSR’s military encounters with foreign powers. Yet when he was a child, Russians were fighting Russians. The civil war that followed the revolution divided families across the country - it was bloody and brutal. Forces loyal to the Bolsheviks, the Reds, were battling the opponents of communism, the Whites. Not until 1922 did the Bolsheviks finally establish control over the Far East.


The decisive battle of the civil war took place near Khabarovsk, on a hill by the village of Volochaevka. When the Reds won, the victors did all they could to make sure that history would record them as the heroes.


Soviet artists produced a 43m-long panoramic painting of the battle to proclaim the victory of communism. It was celebrated in song, too. A military march about Volochaevka became one of the most popular numbers in the Red Army Choir’s repertoire.


On the battle site, a museum was built to honour the heroism and sacrifice of the pro-Soviet soldiers. A memorial plaque referred to 118 Reds in a communal grave. There was no mention of the Whites who died here.


Yet as post-communist Russia begins to look more critically at the revolution, the official interpretation of the civil war, too, is changing.


On Volochaevka hill today the museum is closed; the building is crumbling. The Orthodox Church has erected a small chapel here - a sign that this area is no longer a communist shrine.


At the local high school, children are taught that the civil war was a tragedy for all Russians, with no “good guys” or “bad guys”. The school museum recounts the battle of Volochaevka in neutral tones. On display here are rusting bayonets, bullet casings and guns from the battle, found by students in the forest.


It would be wrong to show a bias for the Reds or the Whites,” teacher Alexei Zaitsev tells me. “We try to find a middle way and recount this historical event through facts.”


The school museum is open to the public. But not all the visitors appreciate the revised history.


“It wasn’t that long ago that the Soviet Union disappeared,” Alexei reminds me. “Some of our visitors still support the USSR and don’t like what we say now about the Whites.”


Like shifting sands, the past in Russia seems to change right under your feet. One moment Russians are being told to praise “Great October”; the next they are being told the revolution was not so great after all. One day religion is the “opium of the people”; the next it is the life and soul of Russia. So often here the past is rewritten, reinterpreted, reshaped, depending on who is in power.


Back in Khabarovsk, I meet three generations of one family strolling in the park: 13-year-old Sofia, her mother, Anna, and grandmother, Nina.


It’s difficult when history changes,” Anna tells me. “It’s hard for youngsters to understand what is good and what is bad. TV says one thing, parents say another and teachers say something else.”


“Yes,” says Sofia. “It’s hard to know which opinion is the right one.”


“Then again, it’s always been like this in Russia,” reflects Anna. “Every 50 years everything changes here. We cope.”


On the banks of the Amur river, I chat to pensioner Alexander Vasilievich. He is clearly struggling to make sense of Russia’s past.


Alexander accuses the man who led the October Revolution of hoodwinking the people.


“Lenin promised land to the peasants and factories to the workers. But he didn’t deliver.”


He remembers how empty the shops were in Khabarovsk in Soviet times.


I used to fly to Moscow to buy shoes,” he admits. And yet Alexander is nostalgic about the communist past.


I want it all back as it was. Back then I always had a job and a decent salary. Workers had more social protection, too, than now.”


“Not under Stalin, surely?” I reply. “What about the terror?”


Who on earth knows who was right back then and who was wrong?” he answers.


“Who on earth knows…?” is not the kind of question you will hear from 100-year-old Lev Lipovich. I suspect he will always see himself as a “son of October” and retain an iron belief in the revolution and its ideals.


But on my journey across Russia I have met many people who feel confused and disoriented by the current reinterpretation of history. For life is not easy in a country where not only the future is unpredictable, but also the past.

















