
活动回顾:不浪费!环保袋艺术展开幕式 Waste-Less Stories opening day review

2017-06-20 ScribbleStudio


Waste-Less opening day 2017/6/18 @ FitSpace


Back in April, we challenged participants to collect and carry trash in a canvas bag for 7 days Then to create a piece of art on the canvas bag which reflected their thoughts, experiences and stories.

在刚刚过去的上个周日(6月18日), 我们终于迎来了 Waste-Less 帆布包展览的开幕,展出了超过80名挑战者的作品。下面一起来回顾下活动当天的精彩内容吧!

Last Sunday, 18th of June; marked the opening of Waste-Less Stories, exhibiting the collected stories of over 80 participants who took on the challenge.


Waste-Less event

进入活动现场,除了 Scribble Studio 成员热情的引导以外,最显眼的就是一只巨大的 Waste-Less 布袋模型,无疑也是当天最佳合照场地之一。在正式参观展览前,观众可以来到吧台区域获得来自 WeekWine 和 Brander Urstoff 赞助的酒水赠饮,在此也感谢两位赞助商的慷慨支持。

Visitors were greeted by the friendly volunteer staff from Scribble and share a photo inside our giant Waste-Less bag, then to the bar to grab a refreshing drink provided by our generous sponsors at WeekWine and Brander Urstoff before guided the gallery.


Exhibition area

展区中首先映入眼帘就是 Waste-Less Stories 的标志。它是利用场地提供者 FitSpace 的装潢废弃物所创作而成的。

Using waste from the newly constructed FitSpace venue that was generously provided to us, we created our Wasteless Stories sign!


Guests wandered through the space, curious at the objects found inside the bags, and what each story held inside. Different art, different people, different ages. Different stories.



活动演讲部分于两点开始,Scribble 的两位成员 Alex 和 Bobo 向观众介绍了此次活动主要内容和关于垃圾的严峻现状。

Presentations commenced at 2 PM with Alex and Bobo, introducing the project and the notion of waste.

紧接着则是由来自居住在北京的零垃圾博主 Elsa 分享了她的零垃圾生活方式和心得。

Followed by Elsa, who flew in from Beijing to give us an insight into Zero-Waste life.

来自 Movin 的 Nicole 借此机会也向人们介绍了 MovinSale 这个二手平台,这款鼓励人们利用现有的闲置物品进行分享及购买的线上平台,从而减少人们购买新的物品及可能产生的垃圾。在现场Nicole也进行了一次实物交换的形式,让在场的人们感受到赋予闲置物品二次生命的乐趣。

Nicole from Movin introduced people to Movin, a second-hand buy and share platform, reducing the need to buy new and save money and encouraged visitors to go partake in second-hand swap, where people were able to bring in their unused and swap it for something new.

最后由来自 UseDem 的 Xenia 带领现场观众利用废旧牛仔裤制作“牛仔飞机”的互动,将关注点转移到时尚领域中改造利用废弃衣物的视角上。

Finishing with Xenia from UseDem, on the importance of upcycle and the fashion industry, and had a little fun with guests, as they created “denim spaceships” carry important messages of reducing waste.




Our creative team, held fun workshops, where people could participate and create their own beautiful bags that they can take away.


Special thanks

每次的 Scribble 活动都归功于 Scribble 团队和合作伙伴的大力支持,此次当然也不例外。我们正在试图变得更有影响力的同时,也希望每次活动也能带来更多乐趣和不同创意的表现。

A mammoth effort from the Scribble Team and partners, for pulling together Waste-Less Stories and making it possible. We’re making small steps to create awareness, through fun and creative ways to reach the community.

感谢我们活动现场的摄影师:唐军,曹萍以及 Tintin!Thanks for our event photographer Tangjun, Caopin and Tintin!


If you missed out on the opening, come on Sunday 25th of June, when we continue the fun as we take down all the art, and get you to take part in the recycling process!

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