

Virogin 复诺健生物 2020-09-03





Robert L. Martuza  - 马萨诸塞州综合医院

Robert L. Martuza,博士,是哈佛医学院的神经科学杰出教授,也是马萨诸塞州综合医院神经外科服务的首席荣誉获得者。他在溶瘤病毒领域的开创性工作促发了研究其他用于癌症治疗的溶瘤病毒,并主导了三种已获得FDA批准溶瘤病毒在世界各地的临床研究。Martuza博士发表了200多篇关于溶瘤病毒疗法,癌症治疗和免疫疗法以及脑肿瘤的同行评论文章。

KatyRezvani - 德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心

Katy Rezvani,医学博士,教授,MD安德森GMP和细胞治疗实验室医学主任,以及干细胞移植和细胞治疗科主任。Rezvani博士目前领导MD安德森的NK免疫治疗项目,并将多种创新的免疫治疗从实验室研究项目转化为临床使用。她也是是MD安德森月球注射项目(Moonshots Program)过继细胞治疗法平台的联合负责人。

George R. Blumenschein -德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心

George R. Blumenschein 博士是德克萨斯州德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心胸部头颈癌肿瘤内科的医学教授。他撰写或合作撰写了许多关于肺癌和头颈癌治疗的论文和书籍章节。他领导的过继性T细胞计划的目标是开发治疗肺癌和头颈癌的治疗药物,并是多项临床试验的主要研究者(Principle Investigator)。

Mark J. Federspiel  - Mayo诊所

Mark J. Federspiel博士是明尼苏达州罗切斯特Mayo Clinic的分子医学教授。 Federspiel博士是一名分子病毒学家,在生物化学,分子生物学和病毒学方面拥有广泛的经验,开发并指导了Mayo诊所病毒载体生产实验室(VVPL)。VVPL拥有大规模病毒生产能力的GMP车间,能够提供临床研究所需的病毒。在过去的15年中,VVPL使Mayo Clinic研究项目转化为12个不同的I期和3个期临II床试验。

Brad Nelson  -  BC癌症机构

Brad Nelson 博士,自2003年起担任Deeley研究中心创始主任,BC癌症免疫治疗项目联合主任,维多利亚大学生物化学/微生物学教授,以及英属不列颠哥伦比亚大学的医学遗传学教授。纳尔逊博士的实验室使用基因组学和分子学方法研究对癌症的免疫反应,重点为卵巢癌。他目前领导一项I期临床试验项目,该项目重点针对妇科癌症,白血病,淋巴瘤和其他恶性肿瘤的过继性T细胞疗法。

George E. Peoples  - 癌症洞察研究机构

COL(ret)George E. Peoples,MD,FACS曾服役于军队30年,担任外科医生和研究科学家。他是癌症疫苗开发项目(CVDP)的创始人和主任,在癌症疫苗的发现,开发和临床测试方面拥有超过15年的经验。其项目中四个产品已获得商业开发许可。 Peoples博士担任癌症洞察研究机构的首席执行官,USUHS的外科教授和MD安德森癌症中心(MDACC)的外科肿瘤学教授(兼职)。他是圣安东尼奥军事医疗中心癌症项目的前任主席和美国军事癌症研究所的前任军事主任。他撰写了大量关于癌症免疫反应的文章,包括350多篇同行评审的手稿,摘要和书籍章节。

Virogin Biotech Appoints New Advisors to Complementits Scientific Advisory Board

Vancouver, Canada – Virogin Biotech(Virogin) today announced the appointment of scientific and clinical advisorsto complement its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) as Virogin prepares to enterthe clinic with its lead program VG161 and expands efforts for the pipeline.The expertise and background of the advisors spans all fields of oncolyticvirus development from immunotherapy development for both solid and liquidtumors, manufacturing and process optimization, tumor immunology and oncolyticvirus biology. The advisors will work closely with Virogin’s leadership team asthe company continues to develop the next generation of oncolytic viruses.

“We have assembled a team of internationallyrecognized experts to support our vision - to deliver the best oncolytic virotherapiesto improve the outcomes for patients,” commented Chris Huang, Virogin’s CEO& Co-founder.  “The worldwide leadingexperience of our advisors will bring invaluable contributions to our companyas Virogin aims to be a global, best-in-class oncolytic virus company thatcreates impactful drugs for patients. We are more than honored to be workingwith such distinguished individuals.”

The newly appointed advisors will be comprisedof the following clinicians and scientists from world leading institutions:

Robert L. Martuza – Massachusetts General Hospital

RobertL. Martuza, M.D., is a Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience at the Harvard MedicalSchool, and Chief Emeritus of Neurosurgery Service at the Massachusetts GeneralHospital. His pioneering work has led to multiple other investigators to study otheroncolytic viruses for cancer therapy and to the approval of three different oncolyticviruses for clinical use world-wide. Dr. Martuza has published over 200 peer reviewedarticles on oncolytic virotherapy, cancer therapy and immunotherapy, and brain neoplasms.

KatyRezvani – The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Katy Rezvani, M.D., Ph.D., is aProfessor of Medicine, Director of Translational Research, Medical Director ofthe MD Anderson GMP and Cell Therapy Laboratory and Chief, Section of CellularTherapy, Department of Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy, MD AndersonCancer Center. Dr. Rezvani leads the NK immunotherapy program at MD Anderson andhas translated multiple innovative immunotherapy strategies from bench tobedside. She is co-leader of the Adoptive Cell Therapy platform for the MDAnderson Moon Shots Program™.

George R.Blumenschein – The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. George R. Blumenschein, Jr. is a Professorof Medicine in the Department of Thoracic/Head & Neck Medical Oncology atThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. He hasauthored or co-authored numerous papers and book chapters regarding themanagement of lung and head and neck cancers. He is leading the Adoptive T-cell Program with the goal of developingthis class of therapeutics for the treatment of Lung and Head and Neck Cancersand serves as the principle investigator on multiple clinical trials.

MarkJ. Federspiel – Mayo Clinic

Mark J. Federspiel, Ph.D., is a Professor ofMolecular Medicine at the Mayo Clinic Rochester MN.  Dr. Federspiel is a molecular virologist withextensive training in biochemistry, molecular biology, and virology with aspecialty in retrovirology and has developed and directed the Mayo Clinic ViralVector Production Laboratory (VVPL) to provide large-scale virus production andthe capability to produce clinical-grade virus-based therapeutics using GMPmainly in the field of oncolytic virotherapy. Over the past 15 years, the VVPL has enabled the translation of MayoClinic research projects to 12 different Phase I and three Phase 2 clinicaltrials.

Brad Nelson – BCCancer Agency

Brad Nelson, Ph.D., is a DistinguishedScientist and founding Director of the Deeley Research Centre since 2003,Co-Director of the Immunotherapy Program at BC Cancer, a Professor ofBiochemistry/Microbiology at the University of Victoria, and a Professor ofMedical Genetics at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Nelson’s lab usesgenomic and molecular approaches to study the immune response to cancer, withan emphasis on ovarian cancer. He is leading a phase I clinical trials programfocused on adoptive T cell therapy for gynecological cancers, leukemia,lymphoma, and other malignancies.

George E. Peoples– Cancer Insight

COL (ret) George E. Peoples, MD, FACS served 30years of active duty as a surgeon and research scientist in the military.  He is the Founder and Director of the CancerVaccine Development Program (CVDP) which has over 15 years of experience indiscovering, developing, and clinical testing of cancer vaccines - four ofwhich have been licensed for commercial development.  Dr Peoples serves as the CEO of CancerInsight, Professor of Surgery at USUHS and Professor (adjunct) of SurgicalOncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). He is the past Chair of the Cancer Program, San Antonio Military MedicalCenter and the past Military Director of the United States Military CancerInstitute.  He has written extensively onthe immune response to cancer with over 350 peer-reviewed manuscripts,abstracts, and book chapters.

