4.7 | SILK 呈现 Pholo [UK] @DADA BEIJING (内含福利)
Designed by Sanji Yang & R Ξ Π
2017年,一首名叫《Sorry》的 UK Wave 发行吸引了众多人的目光。灵动的音色,丝滑的编曲,让这位制作人瞬间圈粉无数,他就是——Pholo。
In 2017, the release of a UK Wave called "Sorry" attracted a lot of attention. His clever timbre and silky arrangements have made this
producer instantly popular. He is Pholo.
那两年正是 UK Wave 和 Neo Grime 这两种新兴风格势头猛涨的时期。他相继在英国著名的 UK Wave 厂牌 Liquid Ritual 和 Synes 发行了多首单曲,其中还包括和我们的老朋友 Kareful 合作的单曲《Atlantis》。
Those two years were the time when the new style of UK Wave and Neo Grime gained momentum. He released more singles successively on the famous UK Wave label
Liquid Ritual and Synes. It also includes "Atlantis" with our old friend Kareful.
他的创作之路并没有短暂停滞,而是趁热打铁,继续输出更多的优质音乐。这里不乏有与知名 UK Wave 和 Neo Grime 音乐制作人 JATO 以及来自伦敦的 Hyperpop 女歌手 AVA AKIRA 的合作。这使得他的知名度在英国乃至世界上迅速提升。
His creative path did not stop short, but while the iron was hot, he continued to produce many quality music. There are collaborations with well-known UK Wave and Neo Grime music producer JATO and Hyperpop singer AVA -
AKIRA from London. This led to a rapid rise in his popularity in Britain and around the world.
一首结合了 UK Wave 和 Neo Grime 的三方合作《Second Sword VIP》在2020年被炸出圈,让所有人再次听到了 UK Wave 和 Neo Grime 的力量,并且再一次推动了这种风格在英国继续前行,Pholo 在其中起到了重要的作用。同时,英国新兴的女歌手 BABii 也开始注意到了这个小帅哥,一次激动人心的合作计划就此埋下了种子。
"Second Sword VIP", a three-way collaboration combining UK Wave and Neo Grime, was blown out of the sky in 2020, letting everyone hear the power of UK Wave and Neo Grime again, and pushing this style forward in the UK once again. Pholo plays an important role in this. Meanwhile, emerging British songpressure
BABii took notice of the handsome boy, and the seeds of an exciting collaboration were planted.
这个充满干劲的小帅哥,同期还在英国新晋厂牌 ESC_ 发行了一张vinyl only的EP 《LUVIN ME》,一经上架瞬间售罄。可见他的影响力之大。(P.S. Puzzy Stack就与这张黑胶失之交臂,当他再次在dipdip黑胶店看到它的时候,JIAJUN告诉他:“抱歉,卖光了。”)
The dashing young man also released a vinyl only EP, LUVIN ME, on the new UK label ESC_, which sold out instantly. It shows the extent of his influence. P.S. Puzzy Stack missed it. When he saw it again at dipdip, JIAJUN told him, "Sorry, it's sold out." )
去年,BABii 在她的 SoundCloud 主页上传了一首名为《EMBER》的单曲,这首歌让人耳目一新,Neo Grime 的音色搭配 UK Garage 的律动,再加上BABii沁人心脾的嗓音,简直浑然天成,整首歌将“新”和“美”展现的淋漓尽致。这也预示着,之前埋下的合作种子即将结出果实。
Last year, BABii uploaded a single called "EMBER" to his SoundCloud page. It's a refreshing mashup of Neo Grime sounds with the beats of UK Garage and BABii's glam voice. The whole song will be "new" and "beautiful" show incisively and vividly. It is also a sign that
the seeds of co-operation planted before are about to bear fruit.
不久,这位 BABii 便发行了她的新专《SCREAMER》,整张11首歌,Pholo 直接献出3首绝活。虽然都是以 UK Garage 为蓝本进行创作,但每首都各具特点,堪称2022年的 TOP 10。此外,这张专辑也是汇集各路明星制作人,如:Iglooghost, umru, Sv1等。
Soon after, the BABii released her new album SCREAMER, an 11-song album with Pholo directly providing three stunts. While all are based on the UK Garage, each has its own characteristics, making it a TOP 10 for 2022.
In addition, the album is also a collection of star producers, such as Iglooghost, umru, Sv1, etc.
他与BABii合作的歌曲《NECTA》在BBC Radio作为该电台的大热单曲,每周轮流播放,在Rinse FM和其他节目上也同样有露出。BABii和 Pholo在Rinse FM的mix被形容为“午夜沿着高速公路行驶,看见白色的前灯像天使一样从你身边掠过,而红色的尾灯像小恶魔一样在你身边流动。”
His collaboration with BABii, "NECTA", was a big hit on BBC Radio 1, with a weekly rotation on Rinse FM and other shows. BABii and Pholo's mix at Rinse FM is described as "driving down the highway in the middle of the night
and seeing white headlights pass you by like angels while red taillights flow by you like little demons."His collaboration with BABii, "NECTA", was a big hit on BBC Radio 1, with a weekly rotation on Rinse FM and other shows.
BABii and Pholo's mix at Rinse FM is described as "driving down the highway in the middle of the night and seeing white headlights pass you by like angels while red taillights flow by you like little demons."
除此之外,Pholo 还曾与很多我们熟知的艺术家、Rapper有过合作,如:Lil Peep,Bladee,ECCO2K,Indo等。
In addition, Pholo has worked with many artists and rappers we already know: Lil Peep, Bladee, ECCO2K, Indo, etc.
介绍了这么多想必你对 Pholo 已经有了更多更新的认识。那接下来我们就要说一个重磅消息!
After introducing so much, you must have a more updated understanding of Pholo. Then we have a big story!
时隔3年,我们将继续为大家输送更多的国际艺人,将3年的遗憾一次性补齐!4月7日,我们将 Pholo 带到DADA ,这将是他首次在中国巡演的第一站。
来自“天下广顺”的 秃子2z 和 金剑 也将为大家呈现他们与 Puzzy Stack 合作的融合UK Drill + Jersey Club的新单曲。
希望你准备好迎接这场激动人心的派对,来自英国的先锋之声,将再次席卷京城。喜欢 UK 音乐的你不要错过这场派对,Pholo 将为大家诠释不一样的 UK 低音。
After 3 years, we will continue to send you more international artists, the three years of regret to make up for one time! On April 7, we will bring Pholo to DADA, which will be the first stop of his first tour in China.
秃子2z and 金剑 from the “天下广顺” will also present their new fusion UK Drill + Jersey Club single from Puzzy Stack.
I hope you're ready for an exciting party, as pioneering voices from the UK take the city by storm once again. If you like UK music, don't miss this party. Pholo will interpret different UK bass for you.
Bonus: Forward your comments and we will select the 3 comments with the most likes and get a complimentary ticket for the night.
秃子2z (LIVE)
金剑 (LIVE)
Puzzy Stack
PUZZY STACK,自幼学习京剧的他凭借着对音乐极强的理解力于2013年在北京开始他的DJ之旅,并与好友Bloodzboi创办每周一次的低音派对以及为新人提供平台的“生肉”派对。仅一年间,他就已经在 Dada Bar,Lantern Club 等多家主流,地下俱乐部演出并受到多名知名DJ的肯定,在Bass音乐
方面他的造诣颇丰,多次受邀参加Adidas的派对演出以及为The North Face制作mixtape。而现在一直致力于新的先锋品牌SILK丝,曾将Sinjin Hawke / Zora Jones/ P Money / Air Max'97 / Shygirl / coucou chole / GAIKA等先锋艺术家带到北京。他受邀参加Boiler Room
的演出展现了他独有的风采,他的mix在英国Radar Radio的黄金时段播出;与英国知名MC Killa P一起参加NTS Radio的录制;被Yeti Out 邀请到Rinse FM London 和 Rinse FM France 进行直播;在韩国老牌俱乐部Cakeshop旗下的厂牌Carousel Records 的合辑里发行了颇具中国传统京剧
R Ξ Π,来自北京的DJ/制作人, SILK成员之一,习惯用Techno的工业氛围制造北京社会主义建设初期的“工业景观”闪回,试图建立Techno与社会主义现实主义及粗野主义美学的联系。
Yesen 平日里扮演着一位身手老练的 DJ,出没于鼓楼东大街区域,以行云流水的混音串联 Club Trax、Grime、Techno、Drum & Bass 等不同风格流派的音乐,给人留下 “舞池至上” 的刻板印象。然而据目击者爆料,这位平易近人的小伙曾在某些夜晚拿起了麦克风,并以高能量低音蹂躏舞池。
尚未查明他的具体目的为何,如果见到他一本正经的走上 DJ 台,请保持警惕。
从GS League和Base Line的Promoter转型为DJ STYX,经历多年的电子和Hip Hop Party的浸染,随着与JAY PRINCE、Ozzie、Game Face有过合作和历练,2017年加入SILK丝厂牌进入更深入的学习和发展,现在已经生根发芽。
把世界音乐作为根源的他,不局限于一种音乐风格,Trap、UK Bass、Footwork、House均有涉猎,把你带入低音迷宮寻找音乐的根源力量。他的声场,绝非你所想象的那样,就像给你一张听觉的邮票,带你巡游世界尽头。
SILK Pres. Pholo [UK]
2023/04/07 FRI.
这是小编近期的最爱,也是 Pholo 今年释出的第一首新单,作为文尾曲送给你,我们4月7日在 DADA 不见不散!