
11.18 | SILK 呈现 Bok Bok[UK] & Bungalovv[AR] @Dada Beijing (内含福利)

丝SILK丝 SILK丝 2023-12-29


Designed by Sanji Yang & R Ξ Π


It's the lonely season again, in this cold and windy early winter (Saturday, November 18), with a burning heart, we bring you two gods to meet with you at Dada Bar. Their music breaks down the cold barrier and drags you to the hot core, making you forget all your worries and sweat it out on the dance floor.

提到「Night Slugs」这个来自伦敦并享誉全球的厂牌,那就不得不想到其幕后大佬之一的Bok Bok。他凭借独特的运营和品味另自己与旗下的音乐发行火遍全球,甚至他们依旧影响着现在的音乐发展。如今,「Night Slugs」迎来了它15岁的生日,而Bok Bok也被我们请到了北京,这也是他阔别8年之后再次登上Dada的舞台。作为他中国巡演的第一站他会为我们带来什么样的惊喜呢?让我们拭目以待!

Referring to the "Night Slugs" from London and the world's most famous label, it has to think of one of the big men behind the Bok Bok. With his unique operation and taste, he has made himself and his music distribution popular around the world, and even they still influence the development of music today. Now, "Night Slugs" has ushered in its 15th birthday, and Bok Bok has been invited to Beijing, which is also his return to the Dada stage after an absence 

of 8 years. What surprises will he bring us as the first stop of his China tour? Let's wait and see!

享有“先锋舞曲领袖”之称的Bungalovv同样被我们请到了北京。这位来自阿根廷的艺术家凭借着令人惊喜且回味无穷的音乐作品迅速得到了全世界的关注,他的Live set摄人心魄、引人入胜,细碎的打击乐宛如带你穿梭在拉丁美洲的大草原上,但又不失锐舞音乐的狂野感。本次将作为Bungalovv亚洲巡演的收官之战,希望大家不要再次错过!

Bungalovv, known as the "pioneer dance leader", was also invited to Beijing. The Argentinean artist quickly gained worldwide attention with his surprising and evocative music. His Live set is breathtaking and engaging, with tiny percussion pieces that take you through the prairies of Latin America without losing the wild feel of rave music. This will be the end of the Bungalovv Asia Tour, hope you don't miss it again!


This party will be dedicated to everyone as a gift in early winter, after all, the live performance of the top stream is not easy to see, and we can't wait to find the idol signature. After reading the introduction of the 

artist, there are heavy benefits waiting for you, this welfare I can only say is extremely rare, and draw and cherish! Don't forget, Saturday, November 18th!



或许你还不知道,身兼制作人和DJ双重身份的Bok Bok,其实还拥有着两家唱片公司。一家是久负盛名,在英国家喻户晓距今已有15年历史的著名大厂「Night Slugs」;另一家则是刚刚兴起的前卫音乐厂牌「AP Life」。他的音乐风格变幻莫测,你可以听到他的制作涵盖了Grime、R&B、Dubstep、House甚至是Techno。相信我,他的DJ技术也非常值得称赞!

In case you didn't know, Bok Bok, who is also a producer and DJ, actually owns two record companies. One is the Night Slugs, a well-known factory with a history of 15 years in the UK; The other is the newly emerging avant-garde music label AP Life. His musical style is unpredictable and you can hear his productions covering Grime, R&B, Dubstep, House and even Techno. Trust me, his DJing skills are also very commendable!

1992年,Bok Bok从乌克兰迁居至伦敦南部,在那里他接触到了Jungle和Garage音乐,而正是在这样的环境中,Bok Bok发掘了这些音乐的独特魅力。在那个年代,流行、金属和说唱等音乐风格逐渐渗透进了他的生活,就像「MTV」和「The Box」(当时流行的音乐推荐类节目)上播放的那样丰富多彩。

Relocating from Ukraine to South London in 1992 Bok discovered music via the jungle & garage that saturated their new environment, as much as the pop, metal, rap & dance videos on MTV & The Box.

在他毕业后的同一时期,伦敦的海盗电台也开始广泛播放Grime音乐,Bok Bok开始被这种音乐深深吸引。随之用黑胶练习DJ也成为了他生活的一部分,他对Grime音乐的热爱也愈发浓烈。不久之后,他在先锋互联网电台「UTZ」以及伦敦南部的锐舞派对上大显身手,开始担任DJ,他的音乐才华得以在更大的舞台上展现。

It wasn’t until they left school that London’s pirate radiostations started to pump out Grime music, and Bok was hooked. White label vinyls & DJ practice became a way of life, and soon Bok began DJing on pioneering internet radiostation UTZ and at impromptu parties on the South London illegal rave scene.

Bok Bok对原始俱乐部音乐的渴望,源于他对音乐的创新和挑战。这种渴望让他从Grime音乐中跳脱出来,迅速被House、Techno和US Club等高度兼容的流派所吸引。他深知,只有不断拓展音乐领域,才能让自己的音乐之路更加宽广。具有伦敦风格的声音系统,为Bok Bok提供了一个创造融合国际风格的平台。他在这个平台上不断尝试、探索,逐渐形成了一种独特的音乐风格。这种风格不仅融合了各种流派的优点,还充满了伦敦这座城市的独特韵味。

A hunger for raw club music soon drew Bok Bok beyond Grime to other, highly compatible genres - House, Techno & US Club. They soon honed a blend of international styles, with a London centric soundsystem mentality at its core.

Bok Bok - Melba's Call ft. Kelela

在随后的一段时间里,Bok Bok与他的志同道合的朋友,如:Girl Unit、Jam City和Ikonika共同进行创作。他们各展所长,将各种音乐元素巧妙地结合在一起,最终催生了一种新声音。这种声音充满了生命力,让人耳目一新,为整个音乐界带来了新的活力。Bok Bok及其朋友们的新声音,不仅丰富了音乐市场的种类,还为乐迷们带来了全新的听觉体验。这种声音让人们感受到了音乐的魅力,也让人们更加期待他们未来的作品。在音乐的道路上,Bok Bok及其朋友们一直在探索,不断创新,为乐迷们带来更多精彩的音乐。

Soon a new sound began to emergevia remixes and original beats by Bok Bok as well as other like minded friends like Girl Unit, Jam City & Ikonika.

Bok Bok | HÖR

Bok BokL-vis 1990 aka Dance System在2008年共同创立了「Night Slugs」,并将其打造成了先锋俱乐部音乐的中心。当时,Bok Bok已经转到伦敦主要的海盗电台Rinse FM工作,并为这个城市带来独特的音乐氛围。

Bok Bok and L-vis 1990 (aka Dance System) started Night Slugs in 2008 as a hub for this new wave of club music. By then Bok had moved to London’s leading pirate station Rinse FM.

Bok Bok b2b L-vis 1990

2010年,「Night Slugs」正式成为了一家唱片公司,Bok Bok担任制作人兼艺术总监、混音工程师、会计、公关等职务,充分发挥他的多面才华。

In 2010 Night Slugs became a record label, with Bok as de facto execproducer (+ art-director, mixing engineer, accountant, publicist etc). 

尽管该品牌秉承着DIY精神,但「Night Slugs」的发行依旧可以震惊人们的想象力。Bok Bok还会带领成员进行全球巡演,将他们的音乐传播到世界各地。在这个过程中,Bok Bok以其独特的艺术风格和音乐理念,吸引了众多音乐爱好者的关注,使「Night Slugs」成为一个备受瞩目的音乐品牌。

Despite thelabel's DIY ethos, Night Slugs captured imaginations, taking the crew on tour around the world.


自2018年以来,Bok Bok一直担任音乐工程师一职,并在各种音乐风格中加入了标志性的“Night Slugs式”的处理。他的专业技能和音乐才华在这一过程中得到了充分展现,使他在业内崭露头角。

Since 2018 Bok has been an engineer for hire, bringing the signature 'realistic' Night Slugs treatment to a wide variety of music styles.


Bok Bok | Keep Hush

2021年,Bok Bok与克罗伊登的音乐家Nammy Wams和巴塞罗那的艺术总监Jose Hernández共同创立了一个名为「AP Life」的新唱片公司。这家新公司旨在挖掘和培养优秀的音乐人才,为音乐产业注入新的活力。Bok Bok与Nammy Wams的合作堪称完美,他们的音乐理念不谋而合,共同创造出许多独具特色的音乐作品。同时,巴塞罗那的艺术总监Jose Hernández的加入也为公司带来了国际化的视野和丰富的创意资源。

In 2021 Bok launched a new record label - AP Life.

「Night Slugs」以其独特的风格赢得了广泛赞誉,如果说「Night Slugs」主张逃避现实到俱乐部狂欢,通过音乐作为情感宣泄的出口,那「AP Life」则更加关注伦敦及其他地区的新兴人才,致力于用音乐记录这个时代的变迁和人们的喜怒哀乐。

Alongside Croydon artist Nammy Wams and Barcelona-based art-director Jose Hernández. Where Night Slugs is about escapism and club euphoria, AP Life is focussed much more on the reality & conditions of London and beyond.

Bok | FLOD

总之,Bok Bok凭借其卓越的音乐才华和不懈的努力,不仅成功地转型为唱片公司老板和音乐工程师,还在音乐产业中取得了骄人的成绩。他携手Nammy Wams和Jose Hernández共同创立的「AP Life」唱片公司,预示着一个新的音乐时代的来临,值得我们期待。

In short, with his outstanding musical talent and unremitting efforts, Bok has not only successfully transformed into a record company owner and music engineer, but also achieved remarkable results in the music industry. AP Life, the record label he co-founded with Nammy Wams and Jose Hernandez, heralds a new era of music that is well worth looking forward to.



Bungalovv sound is the anchoring of Latin American rhythms, wild percussions, trancy synths and complex club beats. All these elements are articulated around an experimental ecosystem where nocturnal, robotic and mechanical faunas coexist.

他是我们熟知的国际知名厂牌「Infinite Machine」的核心成员,并在「Infinite Machine」发行了很多优秀的作品。很快他就被世界所熟知。

He is a core member of the internationally renowned label "Infinite Machine", where he has released many excellent works.


Bungalovv is one of the founders of the collective Trrueno (AR). And now based in Berlin, Germany since 2019. Bungalovv's sonic 

odyssey is an enchanting blend of cultures and genres.


Bungalovv | HÖR

今年4月,他在我们的友厂「Genome 6.66 Mbp」上发行了他的首张黑胶唱片《Visited by Strangers》,获得了各大音乐媒体的众多认可。

April of this year, he released his debut vinyl album 'Visited by Strangers' on our friend label' Genome 6.66 Mbp ', which received a lot of recognition from the major music media.

他的Live set非常独特,擅长将曲目的不同元素混合在一起。同时,作为一名俱乐部DJ,他也非常活跃,擅长播放Tribal、Afro Beats、Fast Dembow、Baile Funk以及Trancey,通过运用合成器音色搭配实验音乐打造强烈的戏剧氛围和铁锤般的律动。

His Live set is very unique and he is good at mixing different elements of the repertoire together. He is also very active as a club DJ, playing Tribal, Afro Beats, Fast Dembow, Baile Funk, and Trancey, creating strong drama and hammer-like rhythms through the use of synthesizer timbre and experimental music.

Infinite Machine x COMMON | Bungalovv


Bungalovv has also collaborated many times with the famous Argentine artist Catnapp, 

and each piece has left a deep impression on people.

Catnapp - Mantis (prod. by Bungalovv)

这将是Bungalovv亚洲巡演的最后一站,如果你上次错过了他的演出那就快来补上吧!毕竟Live set不是随处可见的,下次再想看他的演出也不知何年何月了。

This will be the last stop of Bungalovv's Asian tour, so if you missed his last show, come and catch up! After all, Live set is not common, and I do not know when to see him next time.



(本次的抽奖门票不仅可以享受本场活动,同时还适用于11月18日下午,我们为DADA BAR和THE BOX 朝外举办的展览开幕活动,详情我们将于明日公布!)



R Ξ Π, 来自北京的Industrial Techno DJ&制作人,SILK成员之一。他热衷于用Techno再现北京工业时代的氛围,展现社会主义建设初期的"工业景观";这不仅是对北京早期工业时代的追溯,更是一种挖掘Techno与社会主义美学、粗野主义和东亚精神融合的实验性表达。通过这种方式,R Ξ Π 试图在音乐中建立起一种全新的联系,引起人们对北京这座城市逝去的工业美感产生共鸣,以及其表象背后对工业社会的思考。


PUZZY STACK,自幼学习京剧的他凭借着对音乐极强的理解力于2013年在北京开始他的DJ之旅,并与好友Bloodzboi创办每周一次的低音派对以及为新人提供平台的“生肉”派对。仅一年间,他就已经在 Dada Bar,Lantern Club 等多家主流,地下俱乐部演出并受到多名知名DJ的肯定,在Bass音乐方面他的造诣颇丰,多次受邀参加Adidas的派对演出以及为

The North Face制作mixtape。而现在一直致力于新的先锋品牌SILK丝,曾将Sinjin Hawke / Zora Jones/ P Money / Air Max'97 / Shygirl / coucou chole / GAIKA等先锋艺术家带到北京。他受邀参加Boiler Room的演出展现了他独有的风采,他的mix在英国Radar Radio的黄金时段播出;与英国知名MC Killa P一起参加 

NTS Radio的录制;被Yeti Out 邀请到Rinse FM London 和 Rinse FM France 进行直播;在韩国老牌俱乐部Cakeshop旗下的厂牌Carousel Records 的合辑里发行了颇具中国传统京剧色彩的单曲《將相和》。2023年,他又与Yesen联合创办了每月一次在Zhao Dai俱乐部的专属派队“wonderfulfool”,为推广碎拍音乐添加了重要的助燃剂。


Yesen,来自北京的SILK厂牌,并在今年联合Puzzy Stack共同在Zhaodai创办了定期碎拍派对“wonderfulfool”。“舞池至上”是对他的刻板印象,这位平易近人的小伙曾在某些夜晚拿起了麦克风,并以高能量的低音蹂躏舞池,尚未查明他的具体目的为何,也许你可以问问那些跟他志同道合的朋友们。曾与众多国际艺人同台演出,如:P Money / Killa P / LTJ Bukem / Kamixlo / Bonaventure / Bulma / Pholo等。

据目击者爆料,如果见到他一本正经的走上 DJ 台,请保持警惕,他可能随时会把麦克风扔向你。




