
12.30 | SILK 年终巨献 object blue [UK] @Zhao Dai (内含福利)

丝SILK丝 SILK丝 2023-12-29


Designed by Sanji Yang & R Ξ Π

在2023年的尾声SILK为大家准备了年终大礼。我们将现居英国的老友「object blue」再次请到了北京。上一次她在Dada的演出让很多人耳目一新,而今年我们将她带到Zhao Dai,相信这一次她会带来非比寻常的视听盛宴。

At the end of 2023, SILK has prepared a year-end gift for everyone. We have invited our old friend "object blue" who lives in the UK to Beijing again. The last time she played in Dada, she was refreshing to a lot of people, and this 

time we bring her to Zhao Dai, we don't know what kind of feeling she will bring this time.

转眼间,我们与这位中日混血的魅力女神已经相识5年,她也参与了我们首张合辑《S!LK Compilation Vol. 1 – Breaking Fresh》的发行并获得一致好评。这5年内她在音乐上突飞猛进,凭借她在音乐上独特的表现力,迅速在世界上占有了自己的一席之地。

In a flash, we have known this Sino-Japanese glamour goddess for 5 years, and she also participated in the release of our first Compilation album, S!LK Compilation Vol. 1 - Breaking Fresh, to great acclaim. In the past five years, she has made rapid progress in 

music, and with her unique expression in music, she has quickly occupied her own place in the world.

更可喜的是,暂别我们的SPEED LEVEL.8也留学归来,他将为我们展现失传已久的“东瀛秘术”。今年最后一场SILK派对就在12月30日的Zhao Dai,SILK全体携老友object blue为大家迈向2024年奉献预热大餐,我们不见不散!(看完艺人介绍领福利)

More gratifying is that our SPEED LEVEL.8 also returned from studying abroad, he will show us the long-lost "Japanese secret art". The last SILK party of this year is on December 30, Zhao Dai, all SILK and old friend object blue for 

everyone towards 2024 dedication preheating dinner, we will see you! (Receive benefits after watching the artist's introduction)



@Zhao Dai

object blue

在东京出生北京长大的她是当下实验俱乐部音乐中最令人兴奋的新声音之一。她灵活的现场表演不仅融合了Techno音乐还在其中加入了多维的声音设计,给人一种既理智又疯狂的感受。2018年object blue凭借在[TT]发行的首张EP《Do you plan to end a siege?》一炮而红,紧接着在[Let's Go Swimming]中又趁热打铁发行了《REX》, 这让她迅速在业内获得了不可动摇的地位。

Born in Tokyo, raised in Beijing and now resident in London, object blue is one of the most exciting new voices in experimental club music, her limber live sets blending techno and sound design in a way that’s both cerebral and body-moving. Since storming onto the scene in 2018 with her TT released debut EP Do you plan to end a siege? and follow up REX on Let’s Go Swimming, in 2019 object blue has been in all the right places.

2019年,她的身影也开始出现在很多令人意想不到但又非常正确的地方,比如The Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood SS20作曲并在巴黎时装周现场表演。

In 2019, she also started appearing in many unexpected but very correct places, such as composing music for The Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood SS20 and performing live at Paris Fashion Week.

The Andreas Kronthaler for

Vivienne Westwood SS20

不仅如此,她还参加了如:Dimensions, Dekmantel, Sonar Hong Kong, Retextured Festival, Primavera Sound, Simple Things, RedBull music Festival London等多个世界知名音乐节。还受邀参加London Unlocked,在伦敦最大的鲜肉市场Smithfield Market进行表演。

Not only that, she has also participated in such events as: Dimensions, Dekmantel, Sonar Hong Kong, Retextured Festival, Primavera Sound, Simple Things,  RedBull music Festival London and other world-famous music festivals. He is also invited to participate in London Unlocked, which performs at Smithfield Market, London's largest fresh meat market. 

London Unlocked

object blue at Smithfield Market

即便这样她也没有停歇,一直在为不同的艺术家制作Remix,像我们熟知的椎名林檎、Murlo、Yaeji、Seb Wildblood和Jasper James等,她都将个人元素注入原曲当中,为音乐的多样性上交了多份令人满意的答卷。

Even so, she has been working on remixes for various artists such as Ringo Shiina, Murlo, Yaeji, Seb Wildblood and Jasper James. She has injected personal elements into the original songs, and has submitted many satisfying answers to the diversity of music.

object blue

Boiler Room x AVA Festival 2021

object blue被选为SoundCloud 2020年全球十大值得关注的艺术家之一,以及SHAPE 2020年的年度艺术家。object blue的也通过RA、DAZED、i-D、TANK、Groove、Pitchfork和做客Benji B在BBC广播1台的节目中圈粉无数。

object blue was selected as one of SoundCloud's Top 10 Global Artists to Watch for 2020, as well as SHAPE 2020's Artist of the Year. object blue has also gained followers on BBC Radio 1 through RA, DAZED, i-D, TANK, Groove, Pitchfork and guest Benji B.

凭借她的才华,object blue开始在不同的领域探索。她与Hard Drum大佬TSVI合作了一张EP《Hyperaesthesia》,在这张EP中你可以听到两人的灵感碰撞,以及她在实验音乐中更深层次的探险。

With her talent, object blue began to explore different fields. She collaborated with Hard Drum guru TSVI on an EP called Hyperaesthesia, in which you can hear the duo's inspiration collide, as well as her deeper explorations into experimental music.

2021年,object blue在她既2018年的首张EP发布后重返[TT]发布了又一力作《Grotto》。它是高度戏剧化的,就像一部电子歌剧。《Grotto》避开了它所引起的骚动,似乎羞于表达自己的情感。它是在一段封闭的自我反思时期形成的,是对一种熟悉的混乱与自我和解的一瞥,是一种鼓励,告诉你在荒野中你并不孤单。

In 2021, object blue returned [TT] following the release of her debut EP in 2018 to release another major hit, Grotto. It's highly dramatic, like an electronic opera. "The Grotto" steered clear of the uproar it caused, seeming shy about expressing its emotions. Formed during a period of closed self-reflection, it is a glimpse 

into a familiar chaos and self-reconciliation, an encouragement that you are not alone in the wilderness.

就在今年,一位比利时裔的韩国实验性女歌手MEYY出现在大众的视野,她与object blue共同创作了一首千变万化的新舞曲。她们在今年夏天一起参加了一个为期三天的夏令营,两人相见恨晚很快就创作了一首《Shut Up》。object blue在采访中说道:“和拥有不同技能的人一起工作真的很好。MEYY即兴创作旋律,它们都很美,都很适合我们的作品。”

Just this year, a Belgian-Korean experimental female singer, MEYY, came to the public's attention with a kaledic new dance song co-written with object blue. They went to a three-day summer camp together this summer, and soon after they met, they wrote a song called Shut Up. "It's really nice to work with people with different skills," object blue said in an interview. MEYY improvises melodies, they are all beautiful, and they all fit well with our work."

MEYY & object blue

‘Shut Up’ MV

object blue对音乐的热爱好像从未消减,她始终在声音探索的道路上勇往直前。她每一次的发声都能给人带来新的体验,对于这位天才,我只能说未来可期,她的潜力是无限的。就让我们共同在12月30的Zhao Dai一起感受她的音乐魅力吧!

object blue's love for music never seems to diminish, and she is always moving forward on the road of sound exploration. Every time she speaks, she can bring new experiences to people. For this genius, I can only say that the future is very promising and her potential is unlimited. Let's feel the charm of Zhao Dai's music together on December 30!





@Zhao Dai


SILK成员之一,驻扎于东京,绝妙音乐跨越大洋,从UK BASS到东京夜色,将英国地下音乐的独特的张力带到了不同的音乐场景。在夜幕下,他燃烧舞池,将地下音乐的独特创意完美融合,用重质量的BASS和GRIME的韵律勾勒出夜晚的绚丽画卷。


从GS League和Base Line的Promoter转型为DJ STYX,经历多年的电子和Hip Hop Party的浸染,随着与JAY PRINCE、Ozzie、Game Face有过合作和历练,2017年加入SILK丝厂牌进入更深入的学习和发展,现在已经生根发芽。把世界音乐作为根源的他,不局限于一种音乐风格,Trap、UK Bass、Footwork、House均有涉猎,把你带入低音迷宮寻找音乐的根源力量。他的声场,绝非你所想象的那样,就



没有PUZZY STACK放不了的音乐。


R Ξ Π, 来自北京的Industrial Techno DJ&制作人,SILK成员之一。他热衷于用Techno再现北京工业时代的氛围,展现社会主义建设初期的"工业景观";这不仅是对北京早期工业时代的追溯,更是一种挖掘Techno与社会主义美学、粗野主义和东亚精神融合的实验性表达。通过这种方式,R Ξ Π 试图在音乐中建立起一种全新的联系,引起人们对北京这座城市逝去的工业美感产生共鸣,以及其表象背后对工业社会的思考。


Yesen,来自北京的SILK厂牌,并在今年联合Puzzy Stack共同在Zhaodai创办了定期碎拍派对“wonderfulfool”。“舞池至上”是对他的刻板印象,这位平易近人的小伙曾在某些夜晚拿起了麦克风,并以高能量的低音蹂躏舞池,尚未查明他的具体目的为何,也许你可以问问那些跟他志同道合的朋友们。曾与众多国际艺人同台演出,如:P Money / Killa P / LTJ Bukem / Kamixlo / Bonaventure / Bulma / Pholo等。

据目击者爆料,如果见到他一本正经的走上 DJ 台,请保持警惕,他可能随时会把麦克风扔向你。



@Zhao Dai



@Zhao Dai


