
古典月 | 第二届“陈寅恪学术讲座”暨中山大学国际名师前沿论坛顺利举行

2017-11-13 博雅学院 中山大学博雅学院

中山大学 第二届“陈寅恪学术讲座”




2017年11月8日,第二届“陈寅恪学术讲座”暨中山大学国际名师前沿论论坛在中山大学南校园怀士堂顺利开幕。本次讲座邀请到的学者是Philip Russell Hardie教授。Hardie教授现任英国剑桥大学古典学系高级研究员、三一学院拉丁语荣誉教授,先后获选为英国科学院院士(2000)、欧洲科学院院士(2012)、澳大利亚人文科学院院士(2014)、美国加州大学伯克利分校第102任萨瑟讲座教授(2016),其主要研究领域包括拉丁语文学、拉丁语文学接受学及新拉丁语文学。本届“陈寅恪学术讲座”共有“维吉尔的情节与古代晚期拉丁语诗歌”、“ 奥维德的身体”和“共和国晚期和奥古斯都时代拉丁文学中的哲学与科学”三场,分别于11月8日-10日举行。



Philip Hardie教授



International Masters Frontier Forum and the 2nd Chen Yinque Academic Lecture Series started at SYSU

On November 8, 2017, International Masters Frontier Forum and the 2nd Chen Yinque Academic Lecture Series, organized by Boya (Liberal Arts) College, started in Swasey Hall on Guangzhou South Campus. Professor Philip Russell Hardie, Senior Research Fellow and Honorary Professor of Latin at Trinity College from University of Cambridge, U.K., is invited to give three lectures entitled ‘Virgilian plots in late antique Latin poetry: public ideologies and private journeys’, ‘Ovidian Bodies’ and ‘Philosophy and Science in Late Republican and Augustan Latin Literature’ from November 8-9, 2017 for the 2nd Chen Yinque Academic Lecture Series.

During the first lecture ‘Virgilian plots in late antique Latin poetry: public ideologies and private journeys’, Professor Hardie showed in details the various ways that Virgil’ s poems especially Aeneid could be read and used by different poets in late antiquity, including poets who write in the non-Christian Virgilian tradition, such as Claudian and Rutilius Namatianus, and Christian writers, such as Prudentius and Paulinus of Nola. Professor Hardie focused on the ideology of renewal that exploits Virgilian plots of return, repetition, and restoration. He also showed us a variety of aspects of Virgilian dichotomy, for instance, the contrasts between discord and concord, between bright Olympian gods and dark spirits of the Hell, between reason and fury, between objects of praise and that of blame, etc. In the Q&A session, Professor Hardie won a burst of applause by answering students’ and teachers’ questions with patience and care. About 150 faculty and students from Boya (Liberal Arts) College and other colleges attended the lecture.

Philip Russell Hardie was educated at St Paul's School, London and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was Corpus Christi Professor of the Latin Language and Literature at the University of Oxford (2002-6), and since 2006 he has been Senior Research Fellow and Honorary Professor of Latin at Trinity College, Cambridge. In 2000 he was elected a fellow of the British Academy. In 2014 he was elected as an honorary fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, and in spring 2016 was the 102nd Sather lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a member of the Academia Europaea.



“陈寅恪学术讲座”以一代史学宗师陈寅恪的名字命名,计划每学年邀请2到3位人文学科的国际顶尖学者担任讲座嘉宾,每位教授主讲3到4场。首届“陈寅恪学术讲座”于2011年举办,由王赓武教授主讲,主题为“文化、民族、国家:历史的长河”,分为“晚唐”、“明清之际”和“辛亥以后”三场。王赓武教授是享有崇高国际学术声誉的著名学者和教育家,历任澳大利亚人文科学院院长、香港大学校长、新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长。人文高等研究院/博雅学院一直在物色“陈寅恪学术讲座”主讲嘉宾人选,力争把“陈寅恪学术讲座”打造成为中山大学人文社会学科最高端的讲座品牌。11月8日-10日,人文高等研究院/博雅学院邀请了英国人文和社会科学院院士、欧洲人文和自然科学院院士、剑桥大学古典学系Philip Hardie教授来访中山大学,并担任第二届“陈寅恪学术讲座”主讲嘉宾。


