
未来+ 学院2017进阶城市设计全年计划 Future+ Academy 2017 Full-year Program

2017-06-12 FuturePlus

课程简介 Intro

未来+ 学院荣耀发布前所未有的、全年的进阶城市设计项目。该课程将会在2017年9月11日开始,为期一年,基于珠三角的城中村进行。该课程旨在为城市建造培养新的领袖思考者,迎接新世纪的挑战。

Future+ Aformal Academy is proud to announce the launch of a one-of-a-kind, full-time Advanced Urban Design Program(AUDP). The program will begin September 11, 2017 and is based in the Urban villages of the Pearl River Delta in China. It is designed to forge the new leading urban thinkers in city making for the coming century’s challenges.


Time: September 11, 2017- August 24, 2018


Location: Nantou Old Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong


What makes it a significant program



It is directly tied to the international urbanism events, exhibitions of the Shenzhen Hong Kong Urbanism Architecture Biennale. It is done in collaboration with the curatorial team of Hou Hanru and Urbanus. It is the only full-time program in the world with direct links to such international cultural event.


国内外业界教育学术机构鼎力支持,荷兰MVRDV旗下The Why Factory, 土人设计旗下土人学社,双年展旗下深双学堂。我们的教授更是融合了来自本土与国际的业界领袖和知名学者。

Our professors are a mix of International and local talents who are leaders in practice and in academic realms, including scholars from MRVDV/Why Factory, Turenscape Academy and Uabb School , with more announced soon. 



It is embedded in the truly unique historic/contemporary urban village reality of Nantou, Shenzhen, Pearl River Delta, China. Further, the program will work in direct interaction with the local citizens and authorities to take action upon the community and its spaces – real projects, real citizens, real clients.



We provide an intimate learning experience that resides between practice realities and academic attitudes. We offer hands on design, research, and making experience with an emphasis on experimentation and freedom for the participant to take the lead in their own learning experience.

合作方简介 Collaborators


MVRDV建筑设计事务所创建于1991年,世界知名建筑事务所,也是当今荷兰最有影响力的建筑师事务所之一。它由三位年轻的荷兰建筑师韦尼·马斯(WinyMaas,生于1959年)、雅各布·凡·里斯(Jacob van Rijs,生于1964年)和娜莎莉·德·弗里斯(Nathalie de Vries,生于1965年)组成。他们的作品在国际建筑界受到广泛关注。(具体合作细节待定)

MVRDV was founded in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The practice engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. A highly collaborative, research-based design method involves clients, stakeholders and experts from a wide range of fields from early on in the creative process. The results are exemplary, outspoken projects, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future.(Details of collaboration to be finalized soon)

The Why Factory

The Why Factory (T?F) is a global think-tank and research institute, run by MVRDV and Delft University of Technology and led by professor Winy Maas. It explores possibilities for the development of our cities by focusing on the production of models and visualisations for cities of the future.

土人学社Turenscape Academy


Turenscape Academy (TA) was established in 2015 with the exploration of environmental, social and cultural sustainability at the core of its beliefs and activities. Initiated and championed by Dr. Kongjian Yu, Member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the founder and Dean of College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture of Peking University, and the founder of Turenscape – a leading multidisciplinary design practice, the Academy pursues the concept of continuous lifelong learning. 

2017 深港城市\建筑双城双年展

2017 深港城市\建筑双城双年展主题为“城市共生(Cities, Grow in Difference)”,由策展人、评论家侯瀚如URBANUS都市实践创建合伙人建筑师刘晓都、孟岩(按姓氏拼音排序)共同策展,计划于2017年12月15日在主展场深圳南头古城开幕,同时还将有罗湖、盐田、光明等城中村实现分展场与主展场形成多区联动与互补。

Themed on “Cities, Grow in Difference”, the Seventh Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen) (shorted as UABB) will be jointly curated by Hou Hanrou, the curator and critic, Liu Xiaodu and Meng Yan, both the founding partner of URBANUS and architect. UABB 2017 will open on Dec 15, 2017 at its main venue Nantou Old Town with the support and complement of the sub-venues set up in the urban villages in Luohu, Yantian and Guangming. 



Hou Hanrou, the curator and critic



课程体系 The Structure


The full year program is divided into four, three month, quarters – pre-biennale, biennale, post biennale, final project action. Each quarter an offering from our five themes is offered: Design, Making, Tools, Research, and Discourse. Further, there will be electives offered each quarter, with the participant always free to choose and focus whatever offerings they prefer. 

五大主题 5 Themes

最后一学期将会参与者完成毕业课题。课题可以选择分组或是独自进行,可以是研究或是完整项目,可以是虚构或是实际操作。每个以自己独立视角进行项目的参与者都由未来+ 提供全程的指导和项目协助。

The final quarter would allow each participant to pursue their own final work. This could be done in groups or individual, as research or as real project, as visionary or as practical. Each individual leads their own vision and is provided guidance and assistance by the Future+ team.

课程收获 What we offer




Our professors are some of the innovators in the profession, who will illustrate to the participants the ways of thinking, creating, and making cutting edge urban design.




The academic research will expose participants in deep rigorous investigations that will culminate in published articles, books and exhibitions.




The built projects we implement will allow our participants to have experience with design building, working with contractors/manufactures and will culminate in having built projects in one’s portfolio.




We offer experiences that lead to ties with leading practices, clients, and entrepreneurship.



全年项目结束时,优秀学员将会获得由未来+ 学院颁发的官方结业证书以及来自业内资深导师的推荐信。

Upon completion of the year program, the successful participants will receive an official certificate in AUDP and a letter of recommendation from our world renowned professors.

部分教授介绍 Professors' Intro

课程列表 Courses list

面向人群  For Whom





We are looking for participants that have a strong interest in the making of our built world.

A background in architecture, urban planning, landscape design or art is not must, but design experience is valued. We aim at having a diverse array of participants with differing backgrounds, nationalities and experiences – from economists to artists.

Courses are semi-bilingual, so English is not a necessity, but is greatly appreciated.

We intend to have an intimate experience for our participants; therefore we intend to only accept around 25 participants. Please make a strong application to join our program.

课程官方海报 Application Poster


There is a double deadline for application. Early registration due July 10. Final application August 11. The fee for the full year is 100,000 rmb.(Including accomodation) We offer full scholarships and a series of scholarships for 50,000 and 20,000 reduction in fees. Early registrants are given preference for these rewards.

报名流程 Application 

1 点击下方“阅读原文”填写报名表

1 Click "Read more" in the bottom to fill in the application form.

2 申请者需要发送个人简历/陈述作品集(有则提交)和一份简述为什么申请该课程/为什么对此感兴趣(最多300字)发送至邮箱info@futureplus.cn.com

Applicants will be required to submit a cv, portfolio, and a written expression of interest [300 words maximum] to info@futureplus.cn.com

3 入围的申请者在最终录取前将需要进行一对一面试(可以在skype上进行)

For the shortlisted candidates there will be a required interview [this can be done via skype] before acceptance.

4 发放最终Offer

Offer will be delivered to accepted applicants

合作伙伴 Collaborators

联系方式 Contact Info

官网 Website: www.futureplus.net.cn

邮箱 Email: info@futureplus.net.cn

咨询电话 Phone: +86 18503050376


Please feel free to contact us with any and all questions


About Future+

未来+ 学院是中国第一所面向城市问题、通过设计思维和学科整合来进行城市研究、教学与实践的创新型非正规学院。我们的教学理念源自于深圳开放的创新生态系统,以及珠三角城市快速建造、测试和进化的方法论。传统城市设计偏重秩序,而我们拥抱城市中的不可预测和失序。这使我们能营造一个对城市问题能快速反应的学习环境,并且不断探索城市中适合实践的机会。我们不灌输教条,而是培育个人的学习能力及创新领导力。未来+ 是集研究机构、智库、教育提升及城市实验室的混合体。

We are the first independent academy for urbanism, landscape, & public art in China. Our pedagogy emerges from the open innovation ecosystems of Shenzhen. The methodology of the PRD means designs and the city is made fast, tested and evolved. Traditional urbanism was about order; we embrace the unpredictable and the messy. This allows us to form a place for rapid response urban learning. We mine the gaps of the city to identify integral points for action. Our focus is not to instill a dogma but to facilitate individual’s learning ambitions. FUTURE+ is a hybrid research institute, think tank, and experimental laboratory. We have been formed by many of the same folks that set up and run the Shenzhen/Hong Kong Urbanism/Architecture Biennale and the Shenzhen Center for Design.


